Now that I would like to see Fisher treated with just a modicum of respect for his time and effort here, this get your feathers ruffled? How about, instead, you show some of the same patience and understanding you were afforded these past several months.
A long, long time ago... in a galaxy far, far away... a Rams fan respected Steve Spagnuolo.
This fan believed that the man, while failing, gave it his best shot. This fan tried to acknowledge that a HC in the NFL is a VERY, VERY hard job that requires extraordinary amounts of time, energy and sacrifices. These men basically live in the facilities, away from their families for long periods of time.
The work/life balance is thrown completely out the window.
Yeah, they do it willingly... yeah, they are well compensated.
But it still requires an amazing amount of hard work.
Failing doesn't eliminate any of that... the hard work was there and respect is fair - even in failure.
Well, in that galaxy, the majority of fans were so upset that none of the above was to be considered in the least.
Nope, not only did the man need to be fired... he needed to be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail.
I did not like Fisher, still don't. I do not agree that he is an honorable man. He lied to me far too many times.
But I respect the hard work and dedication he put into his job. I respect the sacrifices he had to make to be a HC. Again, no amount of money changes those sacrifices.
That galaxy has all but disappeared now... I suspect mainly because of the hate that swelled up inside it.
I hope this forum never approaches that. I have a feeling it won't.
Thanks for the hard work, Jeff Fisher. That's the best I can say - you earned that much.