Over My Dead Body

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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Sep 7, 2010
List of team names that could be considered offensive:
Boston Celtics
Ottawa RedBlacks
Edmonton Eskimos
Kansas City Chiefs
Dallas Cowboys
Green Bay Packers
Minnesota Vikings
New Orleans Saints
Chicago Blackhawks
Atlanta Braves
San Diego Padres
New York Yankees
Cleveland Indians
Texas Rangers

You have the right to free speech unless it might possibly offend someone apparently. By this logic, you shouldn't be able to name a sports team anything that can be connected to a specific group of people because they could choose to take offense to it. Congress has work to do.


May 28, 2011
Most of those are a pretty big stretch... I'm not sure how the Packers would be considered offensive.. Same with the Rangers, Celtics, Cowboys, etc... Most of those in fact. Padre is just Spanish for father.. Chicago Blackhawks are named for a specific Sauk leader (Black Hawk) from Illinois who sided with the Brits during the war of 1812, and in true American fashion we whupped his ass, and then named a few military vessles after him (most famously the UH-60 Black Hawk)... Chicago named their team after him, which isn't really offensive, more in his honor really.

Ottawa redblacks have nothing to do with race, it was a name that was thought of from a legendary Canadian logger Joseph Montferrand.. They say red for desire and black for power.... In fact the only controversy was when they announced their mascot they had an altered spelling, with some French Canadians didn't like.

If I recall the Braves and Indians have already had some controversy surrounding them.

I think it's a stretch though to say that the term redskins is just as offensive as a name... Redskins is more of a slur, while a name is a name. Since I'm Irish I'll pick the Celtics as an example... Celtic is a group of people, the Celts, many of which came from Ireland or that region. Now calling the the Celtics is just calling them by their heritage, similar to German or Italian.... Which would be far different than if they were called the Boston Micks. One is a name, one is a slur. There's a distinct difference in the two, trying to blur the line doesn't help the argument any.


Mar 17, 2014
If the majority of Native Americans are offended by it, then it should be changed.

If it's a small group just looking for something to stand up to, than it should stay.


Oct 8, 2011

I hope if Snyder is forced to change the name of the Redskins he goes completely away from any Native American theme. I mean, what is the goal of these PC police? Because it seems to me that it's much more likely that he'll just move on from that motif altogether than to try and come up with some PC correct term for Indians. Actually, I hope he gets pissed off and re-names them the Pussywillows and changes their colors to pink and yellow.


Madman with a box.
Jun 18, 2014
Next there'll be a petition to change the name of the White House to the House of all Color. Of course if that happens they'll have to repaint it because...oh nevermind. :rolleyes:
C'mon. "White" as a description of the color of a place or thing is objective. "Redskin" is traditionally a racial slur. Not N-word caliber, perhaps, but more along the lines of things like 'tar baby.'



Madman with a box.
Jun 18, 2014
I could choose to be offended by Cracker Barrel, let's force them to change their name. There is a difference between being politically correct and forcing a false issue.
What's the non-racial usage of the term 'redskin,' and does the Cracker Barrel feature an image of a white man cracking a whip?

Edit to add: The 'white person' equivalent of 'Redskin' is probably 'Honky,' not 'Cracker,' because 'Honky' holds nothing but racial connotations. It's also not currently used as the name of anything because it would be insulting and stupid.


Aug 15, 2013
Something that nobody is mentioning, is that when the Redskins first came into the league, they were called the Braves. I don't see why they can't change their name back or change it to something related, like Warbraves or something cooler.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
I hope he stands his ground and spits in their eye ties the government up in court for twenty more years like AT&T did,files a few slander suits against his attackers and collects damages for defamation since his intent is clearly benign they would have to prove HE was racist in the use not that the term was'
He could also put the naming rights to the team up for bid starting at $500 million, since the name has value to him let the lil bitches who want the change put THEIR money up like he did. BTW No commercial endorsement .
Her's a quick list of names that are next on the dick heads hit list if they are being honest about potential to offend
Atlanta Braves
Cleveland Indians
New Orleans Saints
New England Patriots, yes the use of that word depicts ultra nationalism and conjures thoughts of the third reich,besides it implies their opponents aren't spun another way
Minnesota Vikings , could imply people of Nordic descent were just pillaging savages

The sensible people of this country need to take it back the idiots are getting their way far too much.

My favorite in your face name change would be ,politiciains logo guy taking a bribe behind his back a mascot printing funny money on the sidelines passing it out,hell if I was Snyder I'd put it out right f-ing now If I'm forced to change the name it will be the Washington nothings cuz I'm taking my team and moving out of this corruption infested murder mill and going to SoCal


Oct 8, 2011
C'mon. "White" as a description of the color of a place or thing is objective. "Redskin" is traditionally a racial slur. Not N-word caliber, perhaps, but more along the lines of things like 'tar baby.'
Traditionally, but what about in this case? Was it always used as a racial slur? As Carlin says, words only have power if you let them. Cracker and honky aren't offensive because white people aren't offended by them.


Oct 8, 2011
I hope he stands his ground and spits in their eye ties the government up in court for twenty more years like AT&T did,files a few slander suits against his attackers and collects damages for defamation since his intent is clearly benign they would have to prove HE was racist in the use not that the term was'
He could also put the naming rights to the team up for bid starting at $500 million, since the name has value to him let the lil bitches who want the change put THEIR money up like he did. BTW No commercial endorsement .
Her's a quick list of names that are next on the dick heads hit list if they are being honest about potential to offend
Atlanta Braves
Cleveland Indians
New Orleans Saints
New England Patriots, yes the use of that word depicts ultra nationalism and conjures thoughts of the third reich,besides it implies their opponents aren't spun another way
Minnesota Vikings , could imply people of Nordic descent were just pillaging savages

The sensible people of this country need to take it back the idiots are getting their way far too much.

My favorite in your face name change would be ,politiciains logo guy taking a bribe behind his back a mascot printing funny money on the sidelines passing it out,hell if I was Snyder I'd put it out right f-ing now If I'm forced to change the name it will be the Washington nothings cuz I'm taking my team and moving out of this corruption infested murder mill and going to SoCal
What about the city of Anaheim, county of Orange, region of Los Angeles Angels? Isn't that a Christian specific term? Aren't they being offensive to everyone out there that isn't Christian or religious?


Madman with a box.
Jun 18, 2014
Traditionally, but what about in this case? Was it always used as a racial slur? As Carlin says, words only have power if you let them. Cracker and honky aren't offensive because white people aren't offended by them.
The fact that you shouldn't give words power doesn't imply that we should be pushing racial slurs as common, everyday names for popular brands. And your second statement is patently untrue - there are tons of white people who are offended by the term "honky," and also by the term "cracker" if used in a racial way (thus things like "Cracker Barrel" are not offensive, because you'd have to be really stretching for some sort of cultural equivalent to the Redskins to take it as a racial slur).

If the Cracker Barrel's logo were a white dude with a whip standing on a barrel, yes, white people (myself included) would be up in arms.

I do not understand the mindset of people who think that we should have a racial slur as a brand in modern America, and who argue that those who are offended - specifically people belonging to the racial group the slur describes/targets - should just get over it.


Hall of Fame
Jul 19, 2013
This is just another way for the knuckleheads in congress to not address the real issues! Throw them all out of office and get people in there who care about this country! Putting away my soap box now! :mad:


May 25, 2013
I wonder how much it would change the value of the franchise if they changed the name.

I don't feel as though the government should be the arbiter of morality and force any kind of change. But the name is based in an archaic racial slur, and I've always thought that it was pretty small minded and kind of ignorant to keep it just for the sake of tradition. Traditions should be based on points of pride, IMO, not something we pass on just because that's the way we've always done it.

That said, I'm sure Snyder has done some sort of cost analysis of what they might stand to lose if they did change the name. I think it should be up to him as the owner, but if it were me I would change it.


Madman with a box.
Jun 18, 2014
I wonder how much it would change the value of the franchise if they changed the name.

I don't feel as though the government should be the arbiter of morality and force any kind of change. But the name is based in an archaic racial slur, and I've always thought that it was pretty small minded and kind of ignorant to keep it just for the sake of tradition. Traditions should be based on points of pride, IMO, not something we pass on just because that's the way we've always done it.

That said, I'm sure Snyder has done some sort of cost analysis of what they might stand to lose if they did change the name. I think it should be up to him as the owner, but if it were me I would change it.
You'd think he'd make a shit-ton of money, considering his entire fanbase would have to buy new gear to reflect the new name (Braves sounds good, also traditional to the team). Hell, he could make a HUGE event out of it, call the first year "Retro Washington" or something, and just milk the holy hell out of the whole process.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
I would LOVE to know how many people were opposed to the name around 5 years ago as compared to how many care now.
Because it certainly wasn't any less "offensive" 5 years ago. This is mob mentality in full effect, IMO.


Jan 15, 2013
The thing with PCism is, of course, it never ends. Someone will always be offended by something. You cannot legislate feelings or common sense.
The other interesting thing is PCism almost always becomes what it is supposed to "protect" us from.


May 25, 2013
You'd think he'd make a crap-ton of money, considering his entire fanbase would have to buy new gear to reflect the new name (Braves sounds good, also traditional to the team). Hell, he could make a HUGE event out of it, call the first year "Retro Washington" or something, and just milk the holy hell out of the whole process.

I'm not sure what the impact would be. Maybe you lose some of that brand loyalty. I dunno.


Jan 21, 2013
Acting like words don't wield power is ignorance. It might be too "PC" for some people, but it's a politically correct world nowadays, get over it. I know some people miss the days where they could ridicule and belittle another person because of something out of their control without anybody saying anything, but I sure as hell don't.