I was an OJ fan in the late 60's and throughout the 70's....(how could a person not be with his talent?).....until he became a niner. On the murder, I believed he was guilty and was amazed at the ancillary information that came out. As Rhodan said, "he wasn't soul brother #1", and others intimated he didn't want to be considered a black man. As the 'truths' came out, it seems he was an asshole AND a murderer. I think at that time (the murder trial), I was already disappointed by Mantle so I completely came to terms with celebrity and how what you see, for the most part, is what they (and their handlers) want you to see. And in some ways it scarred me. After that if I thought highly of a celebrity or athlete, in the back of my mind I would think, "don't disappoint me and end up being an asshole". Of course there's a vast difference between Mantle and Simpson; I don't mean to suggest they're remotely the same, other than the disappointment.