Hearing lots of noise on this about the league and the three owners seeking a back room deal that allows everyone to get what they want....who knows if its true or not, really doesn't matter for wanton speculation anyway!!
Here's a way for that to happen - put the Raiders and Chargers in Inglewood, have Kroenke bank roll it and allow him to apply G4 money to Inglewood to offset the expenses in St. Louis.
Yes, that would mean Kroenke "paying" for 2 stadiums, but if he were to gain access to $500M in G4 money for L.A ($250 M each for the Raiders and Chargers franchises), and another $250M in G4 Money for StL, you would be talking about enough money for him to build in St. Louis without spending any more money than he is already willing to spend in L.A. AND he would be a landlord to 2 teams, host to future Super Bowls, partner with NFL Network, and owner of the St. Louis Rams until he decides to sell (and eventually obtain the Broncos from the Bowlen family after Pat dies). Throw in a semi-permanent exemption from cross-ownership rules to sweeten the deal and I can easily see a crass opportunist like Enos Stanley Kroenke saying yes to that.
Here's a breakdown...
STL projected stadium costs - $950 M
STL projected public funds - $450 M
shortfall for NFL/Owner - $500 M
IF $750 M in G4 funds were to become available - a necessary concession from the league to help smooth out the LA situation and appease all parties; Kroenke's share of the STL stadium essentially drops to ZERO (in fact, in this scenario, he would have an extra $250M to throw at Inglewood that he currently would not be getting. That $250M would defray significant costs on the Inglewood project, and he could also seek to have some contributions ($200 M each?) from Spanos and Davis...
So, If Ingelwood is going to cost $2B to build, Kroenke could:
1) Have $250 M in G4 money from the league for playing ball in all of this
2) $200 M from Spanos
3) $200 M from Davis
4) reduce his expected lay out of $2B down to $1.35 B
5) avoid paying any relocation fees (currently the number sounds like $500M as a likely figure)
He would also never really "pay" for the St. Louis stadium because any money he did end up fronting to the project would be recouped in the eventual sale of the Rams at a value significantly higher than the current $1.3 B market rate (based on the sale of the Bills). You would be talking about allowing Kroenke to not only build in L.A., but to do so at a 35% sale price FROM WHAT HE IS ALREADY WILLING TO SPEND ANYWAY!
We're talking about a guy who to date has not said anything at all about his intentions beyond building a stadium in LA. Well, this scenario - admittedly far-fetched and 100% speculative - would solve an awful lot of problems and make the best outcome for the league a very real solution!
Chargers get LA and keep the Rams out.
Raiders get a new home.
Rams get a new home and long-term future in St. Louis.
St. Louis gets rewarded for their commitment to building.
Kroenke gets an LA Stadium and the perks of owning it.
The league can say (with some plausibility) that cities that work with it will retain their franchises, those that don't...not so much.