PSLs and ownership? I don't see how they are. I don't see the point in trying to hide what you have to offer you're trying to convince a guy to stay.
who says he's hiding?
I find it more credible he can't get him on the phone to negotiate with lol
So you're saying that there's evidence to support that he's not working in good faith but not that he's not working in good faith? I don't see it, you said that you saw nothing to suggest hes working in good faith or that the league felt he was, which is saying he's not working in good faith. You pointed out that Spanos was the only one who was mentioned to be to this point as evidence that the NFL doesn't think Kroenke is working in good faith. If you're not suggesting that Kroenke isn't working in good faith and the NFL doesn't think he is either, you got a funny way of wording it.
Once again, I have said that they only person they have said is working in good faith is Spanos. K, are we clear on that? Now, no where, does in that one magical sentence did I say "The NFL has said Kroenke isn't working in good Faith." Now, are we clear on that yet?
After that, I gave my opinion how I think his actions will be perceived, particularly in the good faith part.
This is all hilariously forgetting that Peacock and Nixon had to go straight to the NFL to get any kind of inputs on their stadium. think about that.
They had to go directly to the NFL to get someone to work with on their stadium - how in the hell are you going to argue "he's working in good faith" when the taskforce had to go to the NFL because Kroenke wouldn't answer the phone or attempt to make contact? Good luck with that.
Of course they all have an agenda, which is why I would take Kroenke saying that they want one team in LA with a grain of salt as well. There hasn't been anything to suggest what Policy, who has a history of being full of crap, is true. It could be, but I'm waiting for more from some more neutral parties.
Sure doesn't seem that way
As far as I know, that wasn't it, if you have something else please share though.
I recall reading in multiple places that Kroenke isn't going to fight the stadium authority and will respect the other owners decision when it comes to relocating. I'm not go==
Getting all three teams into new stadium means you solve all three issues. And I'm saying that selecting Carson doesn't not do that, because if Stan doesn't want the Riverfront stadium, then the Rams still have a stadium issue. Besides, Inglewood solves all three stadium issues as well, two teams go there, and they funnel money to assist the third team. Its the same thing as Carson two teams go, and the third is left to figure it out. The only difference is Kroenke is willing to help out the other guys if needed while they wouldnt help him (not that he needs it).
I think its solves issues because it addresses their current issues with the stadium - If Kroenke had a issue with the stadium, I'm sure the taskforce would be willing to pick up the phone should he dial - they've indicated that many times.
However the problem is one owner is most likely going to be left astray, while Spanos and Kroenke will be fighting over who gets LA (And all indications are Spanos is winning that fight, and San Diego just made it easier for them today
The study did not come from Kroenkes camp, and why would pro LA people be negative towards Carson if its good, or better? That makes no sense.
who said anything about a study? You getting your posts confused?
I was talking about the Inglewood camp's statement "This is the best plan in Inglewood" - the moment that was mentioned, every writer starting throwing it in there, with lots of different writers dissecting it and laughing at it (Particularly the reasoning of team success, which the chargers win hands down)
They're still playing the game. FYI, Fabiani already says that Inglewood is a possibility, almost every writer, who is more connected and more informed that we are, say that Chargers in Inglewood is a possibility. Yet you say its not. Why? Why do you say its not when the Chargers themselves have said it is. You cant really get much more connected than that.
Carson with two teams barely makes more than Inglewood with one team. Inglewood with two teams amokes Carson. Inglewood is being built for two teams.
At this point I don't believe the Rams have ever said that moving to Inglewood was a possibility. Of course because they're working in the project we all connected those dots. However if they didn't that would mean that the one team who have said they could possibly move to Inglewood would be the Chargers.
Fabiani has also said they have the votes to block Kroenke...
"Yea!! we're gonna get the votes to block your move, but we're also open to moving in with you!!!" - riggghttttt.....
If they do or don't, we'll find out, but you saying there any nothing to suggest they would is false. Given that Fabinani himself already said it was a possibility.
Oh, so now you're believing things that Fabinani says? Lol