You could have taken the hour-and-a-half you spent writing that diatribe and watched the excellent video, detailing the evidence that the planets could not have possibly come into being via some random, pointless explosion that resulted in perfect order, and very specific and special composition of each planet.
These are things I’d like Tyson to address. The real science that disproves his tortured theories.
Thanks mods for moving this thread! it was getting pretty farr out....
Now that it's moved.... Ladies & Gentlemen, Farr Be It is not alone -- there are MANY scientists, NASA-level guys & gals, who are disputing both micro & macro evolution (evolution of life on earth & evolution of planets & galaxies), and paying the price for it. One recently said that "dark energy" was invented to explain how "dark matter" even exists, and both of them are necessary for the universe to even look like it does -- for galaxies to exist, dark matter has to exist, and dark energy has to exist to keep the dark matter from dissipating due to the laws of physics.... they summed it up by saying "we invented one tooth fairy to justify the existence of the other".
NdGT apparently (I didn't know who he was until this thread) attacks such scientists, and he is just the public face of the great bulk of the scientific community (universities, grant orgs, NGO's, GO's, etc. etc.) that intently persecutes anyone who tries to publicly explore "intelligent design" answers to the universe & the inexplicable existence of life. They unfairly lump them together with flat-earthers, label them "science deniers", etc. when it's the scientific establishment that routinely scuttles & buries any reports or data that challenge the scientific zietgeist.
One of the worst is the NOAA, which routinely provides falsified & extrapolated climate data to climate scientists, who in turn use said erroneous data to support alarmist proclamations of impending disaster to support political solutions that support globalist policies. Said theories are always presented as facts, when at the moment they are still theories based on shaky science and shakier data, and any who proffer any facts to challenge these climate theories are publicly attacked and ridiculed by the alarmed.
I have a PDF of one such scientist who challenges the extent of the impact of human energy production on the earth's climate - by his estimate, over the next decade or so our impact is .01 degrees C. Sure, there is an impact, but it is so negligible as to question why we are supporting political solutions such as "cap and trade", which gives virtual control of America's (and her allies) energy sector over to policy wonks, who will waste all its profit potential on "sequestration" of CO2 (which the enormous ocean already does quite nicely) and take the rest & hand it over to 3rd world socialist dictators who will say they'll use it to clean up their environment but pocket 90% of it. This is not science, this is POLITICS, and the fervent alarmist activity of politicians who support climate policies is alone enough to question its merit. You & I will pay more for taxes to punish our energy sins, and on top of that we'll pay a LOT more for energy as the extra climate policy compliance costs will be handed down to us, all so we can help a 3rd world dictator's son to buy that extra special edition lambo he feels he has to have, or that Learjet so he can give sasquatch-sized carbon footprint leaving rides to his politician friends to swanky environmental conferences.
Folks, despite all the "advances" in climate science we still have NO IDEA why the earth does what it does. NO IDEA why ice ages happened in the past. For all we know, we could pass every aspect of the "green new deal" and still see a mini (or even maxi) ice-age in the coming decade -- a recent report I saw said that as the ice melts, the ocean's ability to sequester CO2 increases, far exceeding our human CO2 generation. The climate's CO2 will drop, the "green house" lessens, and ice builds up to ice age levels. I saw this on a news website, sorry no link yet, but the ice build up in Antartica is exploding.
Marrying climate warming data with human CO2 generation is dangerous, as the temp increases were more likely due to the increased sun spot activity between the 60's and late 90's than anything (need supporting data? The polar ice caps were also melting on MARS). I say "were" because it's a scientific fact that the temps have been dropping since the 2000's, which led the scientific establishment to change their mantra from "global warming" to "climate change". Yet another clue that the policies they want to pass are highly suspect, and they have even stated that they want to pass all these laws with urgency before the mini-ice age comes.
I'm sorry for the rant, but I have many strong feelings about this issue. The blatant persecution of those who have sincere questions and just want the truth is disturbing. Truth is all we have, and is the foundation of any credible scientific activity. We MUST consider any valid data that contradicts our scientific models, theories, laws, etc. If I pick up a pen, and try to drop it, and it doesn't fall, then the law of gravity is no longer a law. Likewise if I see a report that questions the validity of current climate science, and observe intense political activity from politicians (right
or left) to defend & support said questionable science, then I have the right to question it. Or if I hear a distinguished scientist question how galaxies form, and how our current models can't explain it, then I have the right to consider super-natural explanations.
I will agree with NdGT on one thing though.... there will be a
bird poop apocalypse at SoFi.
Thanks to the poster who linked the article about bird problems at other stadiums, that was very helpful.