I meant to give an update yesterday but was more focused on puppy news.
As suspected, the blood work came back and my hematocrit is back up as is my RBC count. It is back. But it's still in the low zone. At this point, no real action needs to be taken.
This is a very slow progressing cancer that simply makes my bone marrow create too many red blood cells. Once I get so much, they perform phlabotomy and relieve me of that extra.
My spleen is fine. It is bigger. But it's doing as it should. Nothing surprising or worrisome there.
Overall, not what I wanted to hear but better than expected. Will check back in three months.
I want to remind people that may read and wonder. People can live completely normal lives with this as long as they are being treated. 20-25 years is often reached in older patients. And someone my age may very well live a very long normal life.
My issue comes in that I went a very long time without treatment to start. They assume a year to a year and a half and it took its tole on my body. But, I shouldn't get any worse.
I appreciate the positive thoughts. It's common for this to fluctuate up and down for some people. It may never get terrible for me.