I Have Cancer

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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Juggs I'm sorry to hear this news. Positive vibes to you and keep pushing forward!

Mister Sin

Formally Known as Juggs
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 11, 2013
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I’ve been trying to figure out how to chime in...

It is quite awesome/brave of you to share these struggles, because we all have things we’re wrestling with. This happens to be on the most difficult end of the spectrum and my heart goes out to you, Juggs.

I am sure you already have a heightened appreciation for things... Some people miss out on those observations, thinking they’ll live forever. It’s not a worthwhile trade off, I get that, but in a weird way you have a leg up on that life lesson. There might be something there to be grateful for.

At this moment, there is plenty to be grateful for. So many have it worse. Currently I am experiencing the worse bone pain I’ve ever felt. It has moved from my upper legs to my lower and ankles to my hips, ribs, shoulda arms and wrist...basically my entire skeleton seems to be in pretty bad pain at the moment. This is the shitty part. A lot of people don’t experience this symptom. But they get hit with others that I don’t. On the support board they seem to refer to this as the invisible cancer.

If you looked at me, you would never guess that I had anything wrong. Maybe a solid guess of high cholesterol and BP, but never this. So it’s very hard for people to relate to what is actually happening. Right now, I am at work, in some of the worst pain of my life(and I have a very high pain tolerance) my boss and employee have both notices that I am walking slow, they both know that I have this and they were both made aware of why I am moving so slow. Neither of them understand and they make jokes...would they make fun of someone with lung cancer suffering while trying to breath? My bone marrow is fucking killing me and because I’m not bald or on radiation, they can’t relate that....sorry...I’m a little testy at this very moment.

Thank you all for kind words and support. It does mean the world that the familiar faces from all these years have sent me messages of support and posted here. It’s kind. Just, try to relate better with people in your real lives if you can. You never know what they have going on.


Angry Progressive
Rams On Demand Sponsor
May 26, 2013
@Juggs, ... do you live in a state where medical marijuana can be prescribed for the pain ?


Feb 6, 2013
I won't pretend to know your situation, or to preach what attitude you should or should not have. That is not my place, nor my business.

However, if you choose to rely on hope as your method of coping, as others have said the advances in medicine have been nothing short of phenomenal. I once heard an interview with Betty Fox, the mother of Terry Fox, and in it she was asked if all the money being raised was having any effect. Whether there was any hope out there. This was about 15 years after her son had died. "Goodness yes," she replied. "If Terry had of gotten the cancer that he got as a teenager today, not only would he have lived, he wouldn't have even lost his leg."

I wish you the best, and above all else, peace and acceptance, in whatever form it may come.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
No pity here, Juggs. Keep living life to its fullest. Death is something we'll all have to face. It's not on your doorstep right now, and even if you suspect it's lurking sooner for you than most, you never know. You could be the guy who beats the odds. Stay positive, and let's go win another fucking Super Bowl!


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
No pity here, Juggs. Keep living life to its fullest. Death is something we'll all have to face. It's not on your doorstep right now, and even if you suspect it's lurking sooner for you than most, you never know. You could be the guy who beats the odds. Stay positive, and let's go win another freaking Super Bowl!

This is the truth @jrry32 .

A friend of mine's father came down with a rare type of cancer that usually claims it's victims life in less than 5 years even with aggressive treatment.

He lived many years past that and until the very end when he had no choice he didn't change his life one bit.

His family was grateful for the "extra time" they had. And they really made the most out of it too.


Pro Bowler
Dec 15, 2018
After thinking about your situation based upon what I've observed with people I've known in the past I offer these suggestions.

1. FWIW make the best of the time you have with your family and friends knowing that this is an adjustment for them also and they will take their cue from you.

2. Perhaps finish any personal business, things left unsaid that you wished you had said to someone but the opportunity or time wasn't right.

3. Try your best to have all the contact info for goods and services you've been satisfied with in the past written down and accessible.

4. Make sure to have all legal papers, insurance policies, warranties, financial and tax records, any benefits from current or past employers to which you're still entitled, all well organized and accessible with contact info. Then walk your wife through everything until she knows it well. She will have to know it well.

5. Decide if you want a living will and be sure get it finished long before ill health takes it out of your hands. Get a will. Discuss and finalize any and all funeral arrangements with your wife or whoever else both you and your wife can agree upon.

I wish you the very best.


Jan 12, 2013
It is treatable, it is not curable. The treatments expand the lifeline. I feel lucky because when a lot of people get that talk, the outlook is months. When Rich got sick, he only told a few of us here. We were in a private message together. He lasted months. Not years. He thought he was cured, or had at least made it thru it, but it came and took him. I know I won’t escape. I know the end game here. I guess there is peace in knowing, and I feel lucky because I should have plenty of years to still spend time the way I want. It’s hard to explain.
Cancer sucks! But medicine is making new inroads all the time, be positive


I'm old and can't wait another 20 years for a SB W
Jun 28, 2011
Hang in there Juggs. The world of medicine is advancing with leaps and bounds. I have had COPD for 12 years and last year I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. But I am 70 years old, all you can do is keep pushing forward and enjoy what you can.


May 28, 2011
Shit man, sorry to hear that. It sounds like you have a good attitude about it though, having a positive mindset is a vital part of any recovery. With new technologies and medicines always pushing forward and improving, hopefully one will soon be able to deliver you a clean bill of health. Regardless, time with your loved ones, and doing things that you always wanted to do, living the most of your life. Cancer or no, it's a good way to live, and one that will leave your heart fulfilled. Best of luck to you moving forward, and I hope that you can get a clean bill of health soon.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 15, 2010
Bo Bowen
Sorry to read this Juggs. Like many have said already, stay positive. That has a lot of power. And I know that's easy to say while not going through what you must be at the moment. We love you here man and look forward to celebrating that next Super Bowl win with you!

"You can’t change yesterday, but you can ruin today by worrying about tomorrow." Unknown

Farr Be It

Hall of Fame
Aug 1, 2017
Love you Juggs. Thanks for the courage you are showing on your journey, and for blessing us with sharing your struggles.

I pray God touches you today with His love, peace and hope for a future with no cancer, no pain!


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Positive thoughts and vibes to you my friend. I'll keep posted and thank you for letting us know. I know it couldn't be easy for you to do. Fight the good fight man.


All Horned Up
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 23, 2016
Juggs as a cancer survivor of 30 years now, I want to tell you that you have an excellent chance of surviving this thing. There are supercomputers working on cancer cures. There was a FB post that said they will be able to cure most cancers by using our own DNA to target the bad cells. Stay positive and surround yourself with laughter and light. As you know, life is oh so precious so enjoy every day and keep your chin up! May God bless and heal you. Amen!


Supernovas are where gold forms; the only place.
Apr 26, 2013
Stay strong, Juggs!

I’ll hit you up in a DM if my short term memory allows.

Follow @coconut advice to the letter. I can’t give advice much better than that.


Damn the torpedoes
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
I don't read this board enough. Very sorry to hear that news @Juggs. Hang in there and thoughts and prayers go out to you and family my man.