The problem is the trade was sold by a lot of people around here and even McVay himself as the solution to our problem and the move that was going to put us over the top. Then we come out see 1st half struggles and a 3 game stretch where at times he was worse than his predecessor and cost us in large part three games. The build up by people around here led to a lot of the feelings like TR was saying and others have said before.
I am guilty of that buildup. I had the highest expectations with Stafford but that's sort of my thing, as I did the same with Bradford and Goff.
What I think you are doing here, however, is lumping things together unnecessarily. Goff had issues reading rush threats, getting through reads, etc. His problems were things that McVay didn't want to deal with. The root of my arguments with many here re: Goff was the excuse making for his shortcomings. Goff was not good enough for a perennial competitor type organization.
Stafford is just starting out in this offense. As a veteran he has mostly read those rush threats and gotten through his reads etc. He is already a better QB for us than Goff the question is whether that trade cost will end up being worth it. But that determination has a long way to go. It's going to come down to the rest of this schedule, the playoffs, and even next season and the playoffs.
The difference is I am not going to make excuses for Stafford. Have not and am not and will not. Thing is for some around here who were on that Goff side of the fence they want to be right and are ready to condemn the trade (as they already have condemned it on day one) and they are also ready to shit on Stafford for his mistakes when the truth is all QBs make them and he's been consistently top 5 in passer rating all season long even with those struggles.
So I'm going to continue enjoying the bright side of that coin. For those like Texas who want to see the dim side knock yourselves out. If you want to be right that badly knock yourself out. If Stafford fails this year and next I'll understand moving on to a new QB. Not gonna victimize him and then carry that baggage through the successive seasons as that new QB tries to settle in and lead us to wins.
What will really be nice is Stafford putting an exclamation on that trade this year. Still plenty of room for that to happen too. We'll see how this goes and who knows maybe there's a victory lap in your future.