Medium-sized Lebowski
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- The Dude

You don’t understand numbers despite your claim to be a numbers guy. 177,000 people died in 2017-2018 due to the influenza, pneumonia, and complications arising FROM pneumonia and influenza. That’s a fact directly from the CDC.And again you moved away from the question. You posted the US has done the most testing, I posted BS.Prove It.
I posted we have the worst numbers while only having 4.2 of the population . Prove me wrong Post It.
I have seen numbers like 177 died because of the FLU BS, of 45 Mill plus cases of the Flu in 2017 18 only 61 thou died and 2018 of 35 plus mill cases 34.2 thou died.Why why why would anyone post Flu numbers when it doesn;t start till December lmmfao.
Again we have the highest numbers in the world Because ?
Lord if 46 mill people got got the the Flu and 61 thou died and 8 or 8.5 mill got Covid with 220 thou plus died it tells you everything.
Know the difference between then and now? Nobody dies from complications anymore. They die from Covid. There’s no such thing as a comorbidity, apparently, because if you die with Covid, you died OF Covid. That’s also from the CDC and how they code deaths. It goes right to the top of the death certificate whether you had heart disease, cancer, diabetes, or fell off a ladder.
And finally, per the CDC (again):
“For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.” Translation: Comorbidity.
So riddle me this, “numbers guy”. If 6% of deaths are only from Covid, and nothing else, then what are people dying of if they also have another serious illness or two at the time of death? Here’s a hint, and it won’t be subtle. A FUCKING COMORBIDITY THAT INFLUENZA OR PNEUMONIA COULD ALSO EXACERBATE AND CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR DEATH.
I said I was done, but you keep thumping around in here with South Korea and U.S. death numbers without any semblance of context or reason. We’ve been debating this stuff for a while now and a great many points have been covered. None of which are erased because you have a hard-on for a Country that has 15% of our population and you know how to parrot CNN’s daily death count news ticker.