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- Bo Bowen
CorrectLol! Then he must be real close friends with all the OTHER people who told him he was wrong before he fired them.
CorrectLol! Then he must be real close friends with all the OTHER people who told him he was wrong before he fired them.
My sales to Chinese buffets alone are down over 98% this year.
Nobody wants to go to a Chinese buffet anymore,
A few things here.
Randomized double blind placebo control studies, the “Gold Standard” in intervention based studies - PMC
Studies follow a hierarchy in terms of the quality of evidence that they can provide. Randomized double blind placebo control (RDBPC) studies are considered the “gold standard” of epidemiologic studies. And the same is discussed at length in this ...www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
"Studies follow a hierarchy in terms of the quality of evidence that they can provide. Randomized double blind placebo control (RDBPC) studies are considered the “gold standard” of epidemiologic studies."
As far as I know, there has not been a single "Randomized double blind placebo control" study which shows HCQ is effective. Literally not a single one. As noted in the links above, the Henry Ford study was not a RDBPC, and was significantly flawed.
Remdesivir? Yes. 68 sites conducted a RDBPC study, and the results were statistically significant.
Why Remdesivir was chosen to treat COVID-19 | Zoomthelife
Positive option to buy time before a vaccine can put an end to this dreaded corona virus disease.zoomthelife.com
"68 sites were involved in this RDBPC. This included 47 in the US & 21 countries in Europe and Asia. RDBPC is where, one section of patients is given a Placebo & the other Remdesivir; the medical staff giving the treatment is also not aware of this differentiation like the patients, hence the term double blind. There is an independent data & safety monitoring which has all the information to monitor the progress. Patients treated with Remdesivir had a faster recovery time of 11 days compared with 15 days for the Placebo controlled group. The mortality rate was also better with 8.0 % for the section treated with Remdesivir compared to 11.6 % for those given Placebo."
Trial data support dexamethasone, but not hydroxychloroquine, for COVID-19
Remdesivir or HCQ? HCQ or Remdesivir?
Shouldn't we make our choice based on the objective data of science, and not because of our political beliefs? I'm not "rooting" for or against either of these drugs. I'm just going by the results of the most rigorous scientific studies. If one is "rooting" for a drug, doesn't that say something about one's lack of objectivity?
Not a single "gold standard" RDBPC study showing HCQ is effective. Not. A. Single. One.
Were there "gold standard" RDBPC studies showing HCQ was NOT effective? Yes. Several of them.
Back in March and April, Faux News ran hundreds of stories on HCQ. But now? Crickets. Even though Faux News has pretty much given up on HCQ, some folks just can't let it go....
Honestly, I don't care if it works or doesn't work. I'm kind of on a parallel track to your views. You're following the money, and I'm following the messaging. We're gonna meet at the end of our tracks when they converge, I'm sure.Come on, why is this HCQ debate still going on?
Great post, man. Reasoned, fair, civil. Wish others were capable of engaging in dialogue like this, rather than just plugging their ears at anything that might contradict their predetermined views, and looking for fake “gotcha!!” BS points.A few things here.
1. You gave 3 links that all point to the same health care policy consultant's letter to an editor, and a doctor in India's opinion. And even they don't dismiss the drug's efficacy. They just don't approve of the method used to reach their conclusion. Hardly the scathing rebuke CNN says it provided. Talk about not injecting politics into a debate over the matter. lol. Hyperbole at its finest on their part.
2. You seem rather passionate about the RDBPC method of study when it comes to this and all medical trials. Rightfully so. But what you and the other "scathing rebukers" failed to mention is that the Henry Ford study was their first step in identifying the efficacy of HCQ treatment. They admitted that their study results should be interpreted with some caution, should not be applied to patients treated outside of hospital settings and required further confirmation in prospective, randomized controlled trials.. It says as much right there in their peer review submission. Also, They're. Doing. Exactly. That. They're conducting that RDBPC right now. [https://www.henryford.com/whip-covid-19]. And yet, before they can complete their second study, people (MSM) are rushing out to completely discredit their findings. Well, that one guy and that other guy are, but the MSM is making it out to be an avalanche of rebukers.
3. Why isn't their website being taken down? They're making the same exact claims those 'frontline doctors' made. That's "dangerous information" according to big tech. Can't have people running around saying HCQ can save lives. Let me tell you why their website remains. Because the Henry Ford doctors aren't gathered in a presser with a Government building backdrop and people aren't spreading their video across multiple social media platforms with the same backdrop. Somebody had to put out that fire, and quick. So they did. It was their (big tech's) determination that it was dangerous information for us to have (their words). Name me one doctor at FB, Twitter or Google who conducted the studies you mentioned before they silenced those people. Just one.
Shouldn't we make our choice based on the objective data of science, and not because of our political beliefs?
You let me know when big tech follows this advice. Because as of right now, they're determining what information we can even have before we follow your preferred method of choice-making. And it sure as fuck was political on their part. Lastly, I can't take you seriously about keeping politics out of it after saying "Faux News" multiple times. How about we all just remain free to determine what we can take in as information and spit out as opinion without big tech making that decision for us.
Thanks, but I'll be deleting your post after you submit it because I deem it to be harmful information.Great post, man. Reasoned, fair, civil. Wish others were capable of engaging in dialogue like this, rather than just plugging their ears at anything that might contradict their predetermined views, and looking for fake “gotcha!!” BS points.
You actually care about objective truth, whereas others here only care about info that confirms their pre-existing narrative.
Will respond to your 3 reasoned points when I have the time.
In my area they're cancelling recess and eating lunch in the classroom because they know that won't work.
This may be the first time in recent history where massive amounts of kids voluntarily stay back a grade. The ‘“I graduated High School when I was 20“ phrase may not be to uncommon soon.
If I may toss my simple minded perspective in here;Great post, man. Reasoned, fair, civil. Wish others were capable of engaging in dialogue like this, rather than just plugging their ears at anything that might contradict their predetermined views, and looking for fake “gotcha!!” BS points.
You actually care about objective truth, whereas others here only care about info that confirms their pre-existing narrative.
Will respond to your 3 reasoned points when I have the time.
However one thing you can count on is, there is one hell of a lot more going on here than meets the eye.
I’m saying I trust what I physically see over what I read from unverified sources.
I agree with most of your points, to that I’ll lift my mug to Cheers my manPersonally, I think there is a lot less going on here than meets the eye.
The U.S. is the greatest Democracy in the history of the world, and that is a great thing ... Except during a Pandemic.
I believe in simply listening to the experts, and following the science and the numbers.
Wear a mask and socially distance. Development of comprehensive Testing and Contact Tracing programs. Thoughtful, phased-in re-openings that only start with measured declines in positivity rates, hospitalizations, incubations and deaths.
That's the game-plan for getting on-top of this virus. Not beating it or ending it but gaining some control over it to realistically and responsibly opening the economy.
The U.S. has not done any of these things on a National-level
It's been successfully done across the world by most countries but not the U.S.
Come on, why is this HCQ debate still going on?
The vaccines are gonna be huge money makers - look at the billions being thrown their way already
Can’t let some $5 pill get in the way
You don’t think those that run those platforms, news agencies, big tech, aren’t invested in the vaccines - come on now
Our medical system is like a dinosaur - just look at any alternative medicine and Google it, you’ll see hundreds of websites slamming them calling them quackery. I use Standard Process and they are amazing company but just type in Standard Process into Google and you’ll see what i mean. Who’s gonna let someone fix the root cause of your issue and cure you when big pharma can treat your symptom forever with their pills?
Money my friends.
It’s all about money.