Unless we have a better record we will need to beat them by +17 points to win a tie break.
As I said
@FarNorth .. I wouldn't be surprised if the Cardinals knock the snot out of the Browns.
They did and they earned it.
Tie breaker scenarios and beating them by 17 points in their rematch at Arizona has some merit to your post.
After 6 games, the Cardinals, Bucs, Cowboys, Packers and Rams have proven to be the class of the NFC.
After 12 games, we can revisit these teams and see where they stack up.
Far North, Deep south, Middle East or Best of the West.
6 games into the season, it feels like it could be a photo finish between these top 5
Thoroughbreds in the NFC.
With 11 more games left to be played, there are too many possibilities to project how the NFC seedings will end up.