I was referring to you brazenly announcing to the universe that you think he's durable. That's insane. You're being for bad things to happen.
As far as thinking he was small and fragile, no I didn't. I'm a big believer in the old 'Willow and Oak Tree' analogy. Plus, I don't think most QB injuries happen due to the physical impact of hits alone. I don't have data to back that up, but I'd venture to guess that they come from the placement of the hit, or their position when hit causing install twisting/bending. I've never seen or heard of a QB getting hit so hard that he was injured. More like helmet smashed a hand, leg twisted funny, awkward landing solely on one body part (like a shoulder), or whatever. None of that is changed by an extra 10-20 pounds. JaMarcus Russell might have had case for resisting something like that because he was too big to really knock over cleanly alone, but still just as susceptible to twisting in weird positions as everyone else.
Besides, isn't the big QB hurt... Again?