AP Sources Say Law Official Sent Rice Video to NFL

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Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I simply don't think it's credible that if the tape was delivered to NFL HQ (and it most certainly appears that was the case) that Goodell didn't at least have an opportunity to see it. If it got there and he didn't know about it, then the institutional ineptitude at NFL HQ alone should be enough to get him fired.

With regard to your other possibility, having actually seen the tape, it would be even more inexcusable. I don't at all buy any altruistic explanation that he cared about Rice's reputation, because what he has done now has crippled not only his own reputation but the NFL's as a whole. He's too much of an egotistical, power-hungry prick to prioritize Rice's reputation over his own. And working for the owners, his job it to prioritize their reputation and the league's as a whole over that of Rice. So there is little motivation for him to lie to protect Rice's reputation.

And furthermore, if it turns out that he did see it, then it's clear he lied to the public when he said he hadn't seen it. Completely inexcusable.

Your last statement contradicts itself, if Goodell lied, he is guilty of a coverup.

But even if he didn't lie, it's already highly likely that he was, at best, incorrect by saying the NFL never received a copy of the video. And knowing that others had it (such as Rice's attorney), it certainly appears that he did not make anywhere near his best effort to see it. For a guy that has had such an exceptionally high degree of control over league discipline, that is simply inexcusable.

When I was in the navy I remember how the captain was always responsible for his ship. Goodell is the captain of this ship, and he is at least guilty of dereliction of duty. In the navy, that gets captains relieved of their command. So too it should be with Goodell.

I'm simply presenting other possibilities, and the two I mentioned are possible.

And how can Goodell cover up something that other people have seen, and has been described. He didn't have the video but other people did, if it was sent to him he was one of a few people who have seen it and had a copy. How could he cover up something that was already out there?

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Something that I haven't seen mentioned yet...

I've heard that the law enforcement person who sent this video to the NFL did not have the authority or permission from law enforcement officials who did have authority to send this video to them. So the video may have been sent, but it was sent in an unauthorized manner.

I believe GODell is going to hide behind the curtain by saying that he and the league would never break protocol and view something they weren't authorized to.

He's a fucking liar. All Ram Fans know that better than anyone else. He gets away with it because he has more $ and attorneys to defend him than everyone else put together. He wins... The NFL's high powered legal team will "lawyer" it's way through this just like they do with everything.

I would however love to see GODell lose his job... not just for this... but for all of his lies.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Something that I haven't seen mentioned yet...

I've heard that the law enforcement person who sent this video to the NFL did not have the authority or permission from law enforcement officials who did have authority to send this video to them. So the video may have been sent, but it was sent in an unauthorized manner.

I believe GODell is going to hide behind the curtain by saying that he and the league would never break protocol and view something they weren't authorized to.

He's a freaking liar. All Ram Fans know that better than anyone else. He gets away with it because he has more $ and attorneys to defend him than everyone else put together. He wins... The NFL's high powered legal team will "lawyer" it's way through this just like they do with everything.

I would however love to see GODell lose his job... not just for this... but for all of his lies.

I'm no fan of his either and since he is an attorney he would probably understand what the rules/protocol/law is regarding this video. But if no charges were being brought then it's no longer evidence and that means anyone can send it, look at it, post it online or whatever, and at least four people had a copy. So he can't hide behind that curtain no matter how much he would like to unless there is something we don't know about.

I do recall when this first broke there were some "experts" on the radio saying that the NFL wouldn't be allowed under law to get a copy even if they wanted it. Of course that was early into the cycle on this and who knows what the legal status is anyway, I don't.

Anyway it would make sense that if thee are no charges filed that video is no longer evidence and so he cannot claim he didn't look at it to preserve protocols.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
I'm no fan of his either and since he is an attorney he would probably understand what the rules/protocol/law is regarding this video. But if no charges were being brought then it's no longer evidence and that means anyone can send it, look at it, post it online or whatever, and at least four people had a copy. So he can't hide behind that curtain no matter how much he would like to unless there is something we don't know about.

I do recall when this first broke there were some "experts" on the radio saying that the NFL wouldn't be allowed under law to get a copy even if they wanted it. Of course that was early into the cycle on this and who knows what the legal status is anyway, I don't.

Anyway it would make sense that if thee are no charges filed that video is no longer evidence and so he cannot claim he didn't look at it to preserve protocols.

I heard that since Rice was still in the middle of his diversion program (or whatever it's called)... that technically the police investigation was still considered ongoing. Just what I heard.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I heard that since Rice was still in the middle of his diversion program (or whatever it's called)... that technically the police investigation was still considered ongoing. Just what I heard.

If they are still investigating then he has an out, albeit a shady as fuck out. Getting off on a technicality would have a new definition if that were the case eh.


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
It doesn't do that at all, nothing of the sort whatsoever. That's simply your opinion that you are palming off as some kind of fact. We already knew what happened on the elevator, it was already documented, Rice and his lady talked about it openly. We saw her get dragged out in the first video and she was out cold. The second video gave us NOTHING NEW at all. It doesn't shed ANY additional light, you're totally wrong about that and the first video is proof of that. After seeing it, and hearing Rice admit he punched her out, and her saying that yes he punched her out, what did you think happened? Did you think they were lying and the first video was a fake and she slipped and fell?

I still don't understand why you even watch football since you have proclaimed many times that you think it's all fixed and predetermined like "pro wrestling".

Anyway..........you're over reacting too.

The Baltimore Ravens, which terminated Rice’s contract this week, also came under renewed scrutiny after ABC News cited two sources saying the team knew of the brutality of the assault, and that Rice’s lawyer had a copy of the tape, soon after it happened.



Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012

Notice the title of the link to the article and video......"assault video survivor"........the media should be ashamed and they are totally out of control.

...................................here is Whitlock's article.........................................

Let's end the assault on Janay Rice by taking the elevator video off the 24-hour, TV hamster wheel.

The video no longer holds probative value. Its use now is sensational at best, exploitative at worst -- and is, more than likely, damaging to the victim. It's contributing, in my opinion, to Janay Rice's inability to properly assess who is responsible (Ray Rice) for the chaos and pain in her life.

"There is no dignity in being a victim," a friend who is a survivor of domestic violence told me Tuesday afternoon after reading Janay Rice's heartbreaking Instagram post.

"I woke up this morning feeling like I had a horrible nightmare, feeling like I'm mourning the death of my closest friend," Janay Rice wrote. "But to have to accept the fact that it's reality is a nightmare in itself. No one knows the pain that the media and unwanted [opinions] from the public [have] caused my family. To make us relive a moment in our lives that we regret every day is a horrible thing... What don't y'all get? If your intentions were to hurt us, embarrass us, make us feel alone, take all the happiness away, you've succeeded on so many levels."

ESPN's "SportsCenter" stopped running the elevator video Tuesday morning, and likely won't use it again unless there is a new, specific news reason to do so. ESPN.com also has chosen to no longer feature the video. Other TV networks were still using the video liberally Tuesday evening, and so were plenty of web sites and blogs.

It's time to move beyond the video. It has done its job. It's awakened those of us who naively didn't fully comprehend what domestic violence looks like. It has forced Roger Goodell and the Ravens to take Ray Rice's misdeed seriously. But now we are using it, unwittingly, to bludgeon the victim, to force her deeper into a bunker where she blames herself.

When my friend, the survivor, called, her voice filled with emotion, she explained: "Janay Rice is a victim of domestic abuse. We all watched her get struck repeatedly on that video ... but what comfort does that give her? We can only imagine what it felt like for her to be the recipient of those punches. What must it feel like for her to watch herself in that situation? To know that every single person she has ever known can watch her get beaten by her now-husband, to get dragged out of an elevator, her skirt upturned in a most unflattering way. How must that feel?"

My friend went on to express that Janay's private shame is now a public spectacle, and so, of course, she is angry with the media. We're airing her dirty laundry (Janay's interpretation) and not only must she be humiliated over and over again by not just the act, but the replaying and analysis of it. And now she has no choice but to wear the victim label like a Scarlet Letter. There is no power or control or heroism in victimhood. There is no dignity there.

As a man who adores and respects his mother and his sister, and believes his deceased grandmother personally housed Jesus' spirit, I ask that we stop airing the video. And stop sharing it on social media, where video can live seemingly forever. I don't want to avoid the realities of domestic violence. But this video is just too painful. It's not simply the physical assault. The arrogance and nonchalance Ray Rice exuded in the immediate aftermath of knocking his then-fiancée unconscious are every bit as troubling to witness as the punch that floored her. And then she was dragged out of the elevator like a rolled rug.

The video is disturbing, and it no longer informs. It merely shocks. I don't need to see the ISIS beheadings to abhor murder and terrorism. I don't need to see Eric Garner strangled repeatedly to realize we have a problem with police brutality. I don't need to see Janay Rice treated like Patsey, the character Lupita Nyong'o portrayed in "12 Years a Slave."

Janay Rice looks like the women in my family, the women with whom I eat dinner and socialize in Los Angeles. It makes me ill to see her thrown about like a misbehaving piece of property. If I am repulsed by the video, how must she feel? What damage is being done to her psyche? I suspect it's contributing to a fog that is preventing her from seeing the truth.

Ray Rice's behavior caused all of this. He must own it. His failure to own responsibility may have poisoned Janay to the point that she is blaming the media over Instagram instead of the true culprit. At training camp, when he thought he would rejoin the Ravens, Ray talked boldly about being a leader and leading his family. His wife's words indicate that he has no idea what said leadership would entail. He needs to help his wife understand that his actions -- inside the elevator and his mishandling of the aftermath -- set into motion all the pain they're experiencing today.

We can assist Janay and Ray in reaching a higher level of enlightenment. Let's stop showing the videotape, and end the assault on her peace of mind.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
anyone else wanna give him the benefit of the doubt now. I always knew what kind of guy he was. hopefully this will be decisive for those still unsure

This speaks to my point.........did we actually need to see the punch in the second video after seeing the first video, having him tell us he punched her out and having her tell us also. We knew what he was as soon as we knew that info........we didn't need the second video to confirm that.


Oct 29, 2012
Once again, why do any of you think if Goodell is fired, that it will make any difference in what happens in the NFL going forward?? Goodell is nothing but a talking head who represents the interests of every single NFL owner. He does/says nothing until the owners tell him what to do and say. Why is this concept so difficult for so many to understand??


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
This speaks to my point.........did we actually need to see the punch in the second video after seeing the first video, having him tell us he punched her out and having her tell us also. We knew what he was as soon as we knew that info........we didn't need the second video to confirm that.
I think the 2nd video tells a much more comprehensive story, so for me the answer is yes. The stone cold callousness Rice showed in that video is mind numbing. There was no "Holy sh$#, what did I do???", nope. He appeared to have treated it with the relative ease of picking up his newspaper off of his driveway. Also appeared to have kicked her while down
So yeah, I guess I expected a more accidental blow, maybe a slip and fall, and of course immediate remorse.


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
Roger, the first rule of holes is when you are in one, stop digging:


When NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell met with former Ravens running back Ray Rice before initially suspending him for two games, Rice’s wife Janay was also in attendance.

During that meeting, she told Goodell that she believed she was partially to blame for being punched in the face and knocked unconscious inside an elevator at the Revel Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City. According to a report from Kevin Clark of the Wall Street Journal, Goodell then went on to give Rice the nearly universally reviled penalty out of respect for his wife.


I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
Oh, and this one could be really bad for you, Roger:


Ray Rice told NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on June 16 that he punched his then-fiancee in a casino elevator, four sources have told "Outside the Lines," an assertion that contradicts Goodell's statement this week that "when we met with Ray Rice and his representatives, it was ambiguous about what actually happened."

Goodell made the statement Tuesday during an interview with CBS News, saying the latest video released by TMZ Sports about the incident was "inconsistent" with what the former Baltimore Ravens running back had told him. But four sources close to Rice say that during the disciplinary meeting in the commissioner's office on June 16, Rice told Goodell he had hit Janay Rice, then his fiancee, in the face inside a Revel Casino Hotel elevator in Atlantic City, New Jersey, and had knocked her unconscious.

"Ray didn't lie to the commissioner," a source with knowledge of the meeting told "Outside the Lines." "He told the full truth to Goodell -- he made it clear he had hit her, and he told Goodell he was sorry and that it wouldn't happen again."

"He told the truth," a second source said. "This is a public lynching of Ray."


How big is infinity?
Aug 15, 2010
Oh, and this one could be really bad for you, Roger:


Ray Rice told NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on June 16 that he punched his then-fiancee in a casino elevator, four sources have told "Outside the Lines," an assertion that contradicts Goodell's statement this week that "when we met with Ray Rice and his representatives, it was ambiguous about what actually happened."

Goodell made the statement Tuesday during an interview with CBS News, saying the latest video released by TMZ Sports about the incident was "inconsistent" with what the former Baltimore Ravens running back had told him. But four sources close to Rice say that during the disciplinary meeting in the commissioner's office on June 16, Rice told Goodell he had hit Janay Rice, then his fiancee, in the face inside a Revel Casino Hotel elevator in Atlantic City, New Jersey, and had knocked her unconscious.

"Ray didn't lie to the commissioner," a source with knowledge of the meeting told "Outside the Lines." "He told the full truth to Goodell -- he made it clear he had hit her, and he told Goodell he was sorry and that it wouldn't happen again."

"He told the truth," a second source said. "This is a public lynching of Ray."
I wonder who the next commissioner will be, and will he/she be able to repair all of the damage and distrust of the NFL?

"It defies logic"
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I like pizza.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 15, 2013
America has turned in to a lynch mob.
How is it a lynch mob to suggest a leader should be held accountable?

How is it a lynch mob to suggest someone making $44 million a year to represent the NFL in a good light should be fired for failure to do so in a pretty big way?