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Jul 22, 2013
don't care what all those bucheads say, McCown? im sure the secondary are shaking in their boots over having to play that clown. Gaines will shut down Evans just like he did in college, Vjax will be double covered most of the game, and McCown will be sacked repeatedly. I look for this to be a game where the Defense takes over the game for us, I think we see a Rams team that is pissed of and has a chip on their shoulders. Rams win big 27-3.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #43
I'm loving this Bucs fan base. :cheers:
Bucs Catch Another Break
September 10th, 2014

Lambs stud DE Chris Long is out for the Bucs game Sunday.

One strength of the St. Louis Lambs is its defense, specifically the defensive front. With ends like Robert Quinn and Chris Long, they can make for long, brutal days for quarterbacks and offensive tackles alike.

Well, the Bucs just got an early Christmas present from the football gods. Speaking this afternoon on SiriusXM NFL Radio, Lambs coach Jeff Fisher said Long will not play against the Bucs.

Jeff Fisher announces Chris Long will have surgery this week and miss at least a few games. #NFL #Rams

Well, Joe knows that Bucs right tackle Demar Dotson is breathing easier right now. It’s about time the Bucs start taking advantage of these gifts from opponents.

Sunday, the Bucs returned their Derek Anderson gift from the Stinking Panthers by playing putrid football for three quarters.
Can’t believe how lucky we’re getting. If we can’t win this game, all hell will break loose
I keep preaching patience… but we do need this game, especially considering the circumstances.
Exactly but we need more production and toughness for 4 quarters at home. Yes I agree with patience but we need to see some fire!
Win, or start Glennon.

No more patience for a 12 year QB shatting the bed for 3 quarters.

The D-Line, other than GMC, needs to get it done too. IF not, keep cutting ppl and signing guys off the streets.

We need to get better, and the patience of the fanbase has eroded.
What kind of team are we if we only have a chance when the other teams star players aren’t in the game? I wish Chris Long WAS going to play. You don’t prove anything against someones backup.
Couple of bus accidents, the Bucs are right back in the race.
I started doing a little research on past games on how many times the Bucs got ate up by either a back up qb or and unproven rookie qb. Its shocking how many scrubs have torched us, and Ive only gotten back to 2010 so far. WTF?
A win is a win and we desperately need a win. The Bucs need a confidence booster. I hope all of the stars align and we run up the score big time.
If the Bucs don’t dominate the Rams and win going away then I’m officially debarking the Lovieboat until further notice.
I’ve moved past last week’s piss poor coaching and players display last week, but damn it the Bucs had best open up a can of whoop ass on the Rams this Sunday! 3rd string QB and a backup DE… if they choke this home game away to a dome team playing in September Florida heat/humidity then I will have to pony up some $$$ for the Schiano please come back signs. Hell we can even hire Raheem for second half adjustments. Lovie can’t be bad enough a coach to drop two in a row at home to backup QB’s…he can’t be!?
Now we only have to hope for Quinn, Brockers and Aaron Donald to somehow be inactive for this game as well.
Are you out of your mind? Or didn’t you see any preseason games?
Glennon sucked massively, even worse than last year, when he disgraced the team with the worst offense in the league, and the lowest average per pass in history!

The Minute McCown(or McCoy)isn’t in the lineup, is the minute this season is over.

Glennon? We saw a of losing football, and league worst offense last year- plus a preseason of him sucking against 2nd and 3rd stringers!
No thanks
Its football, your suppose to dominate your opponent. No matter rain rain, sleet, or snow. Wrong, right or indifferent; get the “W”. No excuses, because no one cares
Lovie needs to figure out that he needs to start telling Warhop his demands for OL production or he will be dismissed during the season just like when warhop was fired by the 49ers once they figured out what a loser he is. For starters he needs to dress out Johnson this time and start him and fire useless Cousins and bring back Jace Daniels who won a lot of one on ones in Practice unlike Cousins.

I think Warhop had Daniels fired so he would not show up his pet, Cousins. If Bostad is available I would hire him back. He was great until he wasted all his time trying to help his pet succeed–who plays now for Atlanta.
Glennon would not have had the Yakkity-sax plays,
but he probably would have been sacked 5-6 times,
and at least once for a fumble. However he may have capitalized on
the blown coverage plays that McCown missed (the couple of times
we had Jackson wide open on the 20 and McCown didn’t see him)
Who cares?!?
Repeat after me
Worst offense in the entire league.
Lowest completion yardage in last 28 years
Preseason QB rating of 38.5

Didn’t you see this guy lose enough games last year?
What has he ever done to inspire anything but disappointment??
When you are the absolute worst QB in the league, guiding a worst place offense, to last place- nobody with a brain cares how many TDS and interceptions you threw. Obviously he was more concerned about having good stats, than he was in winning!! I’d rather him take a few chances- and trying to win a few games!! Then making sure he has one decent stat.
QBs are judged by wins- not on losing, to keep good stats.
The guy sucked this preseason!

McCown is the ONLY NFL QB on our roster.
We still need to draft one
It’s definitely not the pencil thin, Beaker looking, noodle armed, game losing, offense killing, alternate lifestyle men attracting, last place Mike “prevents Winning” Glennon!

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #44

NFL Week 2 - St. Louis Rams @ Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Date: September 14thTime: 4:05 ET
Location: Raymond James Stadium


Josh McCown - Doug Martin - Vincent Jackson - Mike Evans - Austin Seferian-Jenkins


Shaun Hill - Zac Stacy - Tavon Austin - Kenny Britt - Jared Cook

Must win hate to sound like a broken record but 0-2 going @ ATL, @ Pitt, @ NO...that might be it folks
I've got the Rams winning this one, 24-10.
^that's realistic and ****ing sad

They were pounded by minnesota
I'm expecting the defense to play much better but like I've said in the past game played, I'm not expecting much from the offense. That offensive line needs to play like a unit instead of a leaky âss pipe, as we seen in the preseason, when given time, McCown can make some decent throws out there.

We really need to establish the run game if we're gonna open things up offensively. We'll see if we can get things turned around and give our defense something to work with.. Now that coach Tedford's back, hopefully we see an improvement with the offense.
Maybe the big blue elephant on the sky will come down and give us gum drops.

Better chance of that happening than McCown figuring it out.

If he gets outplayed by Shaun Hill I may snap.
If that happens I'll drive down to Tampa with a sign calling for McCown's head
Larry English resigned, Steven Means waived.
I think we pull this win out at the last minute. Back up QB's always destroy us, so I suspect we'll have a hard time with this ancient douche. Basically if we cant game plan for a guy; our guys forget how to play for some reason. Im saying: 17-10
I think the Rams Dline is going to eat us alive. Both offenses will be bad. I think our def will be a step behind. Our CBs sucked (Banks and Jenkins) and Jonthan Castillas is by far our worst defensive player.
^Id rather have a cone out there instead of Castillas.
He's technically not a backup, he opened the season. They shouldnt have put any work in to this before Bradford was injured

If our defense doesn't wreck these fools it will be a horrible sign that we will be picking top 5
amen brother! At least the cone has a chance at tripping a RB. Its frustrating because we dont have as many holes as other teams but the holes we do have are so glaring its almost impossible to miss. Heck we dont even know if our kicker is any good. With Mccown not moving the ball, Oline not opening up holes for our RBs we will be kicking alot. If our kicker sucks we are beyond screwed. Got massive weapons and we cant even use them smfh.
Haha yup. You could even tilt the cone to the side and have a wider span for tripping. All still more effective then Castillas.
Our team is not as bad as the Rams, cmon guys. Refuse to freakin believe it. I think we stomp them, but it wont restore my faith totally, I mean, its the Rams.
Shaun Hills backup might start Sunday.

Austin Davis, never heard of him.
I am gonna need therapy if we lose this game to Austin Davis
The 2014 bucs should shut these bums out
Davis is starting and Chris Long is not going to play which is a big part of their pass rush. If we lose to the Rams, who was destroyed at home by a below average Vikings team the season is over. This is a must win.
when do we admit that in order to win in the NFL, in this ERA of the NFL that we NEED a QUARTERBACK?

We NEED a QUARTERBACK that can make things happen. We NEED a QUARTERBACK that wont look like a 5 year old school girl when he drops the ball on a play action fake then tries to throw the ball on a quick screen after there are 10 ppl in his face. We NEED a QUARTERBACK that will make the right reads. We NEED a QUARTERBACK that will take the pressure off of our defense and move the ball down the field on a consistent basis.

Im through with it. I don't care if our team has historically been built on defense. for too long we have ignored the qb position. Raheem morris is the only reason freeman was drafted and Freeman was the biggest tease of all time.

Its TIME to invest real resources into getting an ELITE talent at the qb position. honestly Idc if we trade our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd to move up to get him. MAKE IT HAPPEN!!
yea and that's a problem. don't give me the "its not easy" excuse.

the colts went from Peyton Manning to Andrew luck. the chargers have phillip rivers. the packers have aaron Rodgers. the broncos have peyton manning. the patriots have brady. the steelers have big ben. I can go on.

its an excuse saying its not easy.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
I think the Rams defense is going to be in the backfield early and often. I don't believe for a second Josh McCown has forgotten this...


Quinn wanted that ball out didn't he......he just missed it!

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #46
Your Turn: Beat the St Louis Rams

There you are, sitting at your computer or smart phone, browsing your favorite Buccaneers message board. You just finished crying into your adult beverage as you rewatch the Panthers game. Little bastards, you think. If only Lovie would have listened to you, this team would be 1-0! What was he thinking!?! You finish a post saying the same and sit back, depressed.

Suddenly the phone rings. An unknown number, Tampa area code. Oh, God.... You answer. "Hello?"

It's that voice. "Hey there, this is Lovie Smith with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. I just wanted to call you up, touch base with you."

Before you can speak, he continues. "As you no doubt know, we got embarassed last game. We've been looking at the film and we seem to be terrible. Our offensive line still can't block a soul, we still can't get any consistent pressure without Gerald McCoy, we have even more new starters, and we aren't sure Logan Mankins is going to be ready."

"You said that last week," you say.

"Well, ain't nothing changed. We lost in a big way and we're playing a good team that got embarassed, the St Louis Rams.

"That defense is better than they played last week, and despite Chris Long being out for surgery, their front seven is very dynamic. While we aren't too worried about their O versus our D, we fear that they can surprise us. All those missed tackles last week worry me, and their playmakers on the outside might just surprise us.

"This could be a slobberknocker, and Robert Quinn could put McCown on IR.

"We have our own ideas for how to deal with these things, but we need your help. Tell me, how do we beat the St Louis Rams?"
I would suggest stop trying to play the power game. Spread them out. Use quick hitting plays to take away the pass rush.

On defense.. blitz more, play more man, make the 3rd stringer beat you with accuracy and quick decisions. Hes a 3rd stringer for a reason, make him put that reason on display.
Start Glennon and actually utilize your 6'4" + targets.
Deep pass every play
I don't think any change in defensive philosophy is necessary unless it does not appear to be working. We know we are going to face a **** load of run and I am sure Lovie and Leslie are making it a priority to stop the run, even at the expense of getting their receivers open. Crowd the LoS, lookout for designed screens to Tavon Austin, reverses etc. I hope to see some run blitzes from Foster or Casillas, guys who are not the best at covering sideline to sideline.

On offense though it may not be a wise idea to go run heavy and play it safe as despite all the problems, Rams still played a darn good between the tackles run defense when they limited the most talented RB in Peterson to only 75 yards on 21 carries. With our O-line we try **** like that, it could be the same story of 15 plays in 1 half again.
Tell our o-line to block all 4 quarters, they block well, we win.
Don't throw the ball to the other team
Tell McCown it's an away game
Put some glue on Gholdson's hands.
In some ways this game could be tougher than the Panthers game. St. Louis honestly didn't play that poorly from what I did see...On defense at least Their bug-a-boo was a league high 13 penalties for 121 yards....Defensively they got off the field on 3rd down, allowing Minnesota to convert just 3 of 12...And as Jonny stated they held AP to only 75 yards...They just had no answer for Cordarrelle Patterson on end-around runs.

We'll have to attack their defense on the perimeter in the run game. Easier said than done, but we won't have success trying to hammer it up the middle all day. PA passing, short passes, 3 step drops. Can't understate how slow McCown is out of his drop and having him do 5-7 step drops against this defense is asking for trouble.

Defensively we will have our chances against their O-line to get to the QB...Have to bring some blitzes, crowd the line with guys....Throw out the idea that this line is good enough to get their with the front 4. It's not. The only sack we got last week came on a busted offensive play. We got a total of 4 hits on the QB....4..on 35 passing plays. McCoy played well but everyone else has to show up this week. Especially Lavonte David. He did not have a good game and we need more from him if we are to win.
Explain to your DE's what we are paying them for.
Activate Demps to duplicate Patternson's end arounds.

Start Glennon.

Start Rainey.

take shots down the field, did mccown throw anything over 30 yards in the air?
I'm focusing my running attack away from Robert Quinn. I'm making sure that one of my big bodied TEs or WRs are chipping their OLB. I'm running from shotgun, running from three WR sets, running behind my fullback off tackle.

I'm focusing my passing game on quick outs, wheels, slants and curls. We suck at the screen game, no point in trying to (finally) make it work against a DL of their caliber.

I'm using playaction on second down when I'm plus territory, but only with designed roll outs or some sort of poor man's read option included. Our line can't protect long enough in a more classical version of it.

I'm looking for rub routes intended to get Jackson or Evans a one on one against their MLB over the middle.

Defensively, it's quite simple. Get pressure from our base package. Trust your matchups. Roll the linebackers into an over or under look with more flat zone supported by our safety's than deep zone that leaves them out to dry. Double Austin. Press man with early blitzing to rattle their QB. Take an early PI/PF if you have to in order to make sure the Rams know you are hitting their wide outs with bad intentions. Force them to beat you with the run.

Make Shaun Austin Hill Davis uncomfortable and actually force some turnovers.

On offense, use the Rams aggressiveness against them - screens, draws, blah blah blah. Make them hesitate a split second. Then attack the deep middle with all these small fowards we have.
My gameplan would be really rather simple.

On offense, we can't be so delusional to think that we can tangle with their front 7 every snap. Even with Chris Long missing substantial time, they can still beat the snot out of us if we try to overpower them interiorly, especially if Mankins is a no-go. In watching tape of the Vikings game, they seem to play good defense if you run at them in the box. I aim to make them play me on the edges. They have a young secondary, and after Janoris Jenkins they don't have much quality (in my opinion). 11 personnel would be my bread and butter (that's 1 RB, 1 TE, and 3 WRs).

I get them out of their base 4-3 and into nickle, where I intend to use my size advantages on the outside in 1-on-1 matchups. I unleash a deep ball or three on the outside, I run outside zones AWAY from Robert Quinn, I do consistent pop-passes to my tight ends over the middle. In the screen game, I keep my linemen in to block, and I throw as many quick screens as possible. Using 11 personnel, I motion my tight end (hopefully ASJ) into a trips look, with VJ on the back side alone and isolated. Depending on the positioning of the safeties in that situation, I either iso Vince or run WR screen games all day to the trips side, where I have size and numbers, or I run Martin into an undermanned box.

Defensively, I don't do anything fancy. The backups for the Rams like Jared Cook, so I jam the piss out of him every time he tries to release upfield. I play vanilla cover 2 on early downs and I rally to the ball and tackle. In pass rushing situations, I send a blitzer or two, particularly David and Barron. I trust my guys in man coverage in third down situations, forcing the backup quarterback of dubious quality to make a throw in tight windows instead of just playing it safe in zone.

Both backups liked to throw the short ball, which I don't blame them for. I roll my saftey down in robber coverage consistently to the tight end side. I take advantage of poor Davin Joseph by sending my blitzers right at him (sorry buddy, it has to be done).

tl;dr On offense, spread the ball around away from their talented front seven, get our size in space instead of running them into defenders. On defense, make Austin sweat by taking away his favorite weapon.
Remember the real reason we have all these 6'5 receivers - to catch quick slants.
It all starts up front.

If our line can open up some holes or stop the rush, this offense might just be able to get into a groove which is desperately needed.

If our starters continue to play like its a preseason game, it's gonna be another long day.
Its being said - committed to the run. But that is the status quo NFL statement. I still think if they dont respect your passing game, your run game will suffer.
Absolutely, if nobody can get open when the opposing team is stacking the defense against the run... you will lose.
I wont go as far as cant get open. We need to execute pass plays, we need to do it consistently and looking good doing it wouldnt hurt either.


Hall of Fame
Jun 25, 2014
Those last group of fans were pretty level headed and realistic about both teams.


Jan 27, 2014
The Bucs haven't had an MRSA locker-room infestation yet? Hmmm.

Anyways, both teams played worse than garbage last week. Please God, don't start Austin Davis. Sure, he can beat some Vanilla Defenses who put in their third stringers. But come on. Case isn't as bad. He is way more talented than Davis. If we start Davis, we lose by at least seventeen points.


Please don't confuse my experience for pessimism!
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 25, 2014
Sometimes I wonder if that is what Shotty's brain surgeon would find.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 18, 2014
I'm loving this Bucs fan base. :cheers:
Bucs Catch Another Break
September 10th, 2014

Lambs stud DE Chris Long is out for the Bucs game Sunday.

One strength of the St. Louis Lambs is its defense, specifically the defensive front. With ends like Robert Quinn and Chris Long, they can make for long, brutal days for quarterbacks and offensive tackles alike.

Well, the Bucs just got an early Christmas present from the football gods. Speaking this afternoon on SiriusXM NFL Radio, Lambs coach Jeff Fisher said Long will not play against the Bucs.

Jeff Fisher announces Chris Long will have surgery this week and miss at least a few games. #NFL #Rams

Well, Joe knows that Bucs right tackle Demar Dotson is breathing easier right now. It’s about time the Bucs start taking advantage of these gifts from opponents.

Sunday, the Bucs returned their Derek Anderson gift from the Stinking Panthers by playing putrid football for three quarters.
Can’t believe how lucky we’re getting. If we can’t win this game, all hell will break loose
I keep preaching patience… but we do need this game, especially considering the circumstances.
Exactly but we need more production and toughness for 4 quarters at home. Yes I agree with patience but we need to see some fire!
Win, or start Glennon.

No more patience for a 12 year QB shatting the bed for 3 quarters.

The D-Line, other than GMC, needs to get it done too. IF not, keep cutting ppl and signing guys off the streets.

We need to get better, and the patience of the fanbase has eroded.
What kind of team are we if we only have a chance when the other teams star players aren’t in the game? I wish Chris Long WAS going to play. You don’t prove anything against someones backup.
Couple of bus accidents, the Bucs are right back in the race.
I started doing a little research on past games on how many times the Bucs got ate up by either a back up qb or and unproven rookie qb. Its shocking how many scrubs have torched us, and Ive only gotten back to 2010 so far. WTF?
A win is a win and we desperately need a win. The Bucs need a confidence booster. I hope all of the stars align and we run up the score big time.
If the Bucs don’t dominate the Rams and win going away then I’m officially debarking the Lovieboat until further notice.
I’ve moved past last week’s pee pee poor coaching and players display last week, but damn it the Bucs had best open up a can of whoop ass on the Rams this Sunday! 3rd string QB and a backup DE… if they choke this home game away to a dome team playing in September Florida heat/humidity then I will have to pony up some $$$ for the Schiano please come back signs. Hell we can even hire Raheem for second half adjustments. Lovie can’t be bad enough a coach to drop two in a row at home to backup QB’s…he can’t be!?
Now we only have to hope for Quinn, Brockers and Aaron Donald to somehow be inactive for this game as well.
Are you out of your mind? Or didn’t you see any preseason games?
Glennon sucked massively, even worse than last year, when he disgraced the team with the worst offense in the league, and the lowest average per pass in history!

The Minute McCown(or McCoy)isn’t in the lineup, is the minute this season is over.

Glennon? We saw a of losing football, and league worst offense last year- plus a preseason of him sucking against 2nd and 3rd stringers!
No thanks
Its football, your suppose to dominate your opponent. No matter rain rain, sleet, or snow. Wrong, right or indifferent; get the “W”. No excuses, because no one cares
Lovie needs to figure out that he needs to start telling Warhop his demands for OL production or he will be dismissed during the season just like when warhop was fired by the 49ers once they figured out what a loser he is. For starters he needs to dress out Johnson this time and start him and fire useless Cousins and bring back Jace Daniels who won a lot of one on ones in Practice unlike Cousins.

I think Warhop had Daniels fired so he would not show up his pet, Cousins. If Bostad is available I would hire him back. He was great until he wasted all his time trying to help his pet succeed–who plays now for Atlanta.
Glennon would not have had the Yakkity-sax plays,
but he probably would have been sacked 5-6 times,
and at least once for a fumble. However he may have capitalized on
the blown coverage plays that McCown missed (the couple of times
we had Jackson wide open on the 20 and McCown didn’t see him)
Who cares?!?
Repeat after me
Worst offense in the entire league.
Lowest completion yardage in last 28 years
Preseason QB rating of 38.5

Didn’t you see this guy lose enough games last year?
What has he ever done to inspire anything but disappointment??
When you are the absolute worst QB in the league, guiding a worst place offense, to last place- nobody with a brain cares how many TDS and interceptions you threw. Obviously he was more concerned about having good stats, than he was in winning!! I’d rather him take a few chances- and trying to win a few games!! Then making sure he has one decent stat.
QBs are judged by wins- not on losing, to keep good stats.
The guy sucked this preseason!

McCown is the ONLY NFL QB on our roster.
We still need to draft one
It’s definitely not the pencil thin, Beaker looking, noodle armed, game losing, offense killing, alternate lifestyle men attracting, last place Mike “prevents Winning” Glennon!


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Your Turn: Beat the St Louis Rams

There you are, sitting at your computer or smart phone, browsing your favorite Buccaneers message board. You just finished crying into your adult beverage as you rewatch the Panthers game. Little bastards, you think. If only Lovie would have listened to you, this team would be 1-0! What was he thinking!?! You finish a post saying the same and sit back, depressed.

Suddenly the phone rings. An unknown number, Tampa area code. Oh, God.... You answer. "Hello?"

It's that voice. "Hey there, this is Lovie Smith with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. I just wanted to call you up, touch base with you."

Before you can speak, he continues. "As you no doubt know, we got embarassed last game. We've been looking at the film and we seem to be terrible. Our offensive line still can't block a soul, we still can't get any consistent pressure without Gerald McCoy, we have even more new starters, and we aren't sure Logan Mankins is going to be ready."

"You said that last week," you say.

"Well, ain't nothing changed. We lost in a big way and we're playing a good team that got embarassed, the St Louis Rams.

"That defense is better than they played last week, and despite Chris Long being out for surgery, their front seven is very dynamic. While we aren't too worried about their O versus our D, we fear that they can surprise us. All those missed tackles last week worry me, and their playmakers on the outside might just surprise us.

"This could be a slobberknocker, and Robert Quinn could put McCown on IR.

"We have our own ideas for how to deal with these things, but we need your help. Tell me, how do we beat the St Louis Rams?"
Deep pass every play

Who knew Mike Martz posted on Bucs message boards lol.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #54
Buccaneers vs. Rams: Three key matchups when the Buccaneers are on defense
By Leo Howell@LeoHowell8 on Sep 12 2014


Andrew Weber-USA TODAY Sports

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers allowed Derek Anderson to drive the ball down the field and lead the Carolina Panthers to a victory in Week 1. How do they avoid a second straight loss to a backup quarterback in Week 2 against the Rams?

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers held the Carolina Panthers to only 20 points on Sunday, and allowed only six of 15 third downs to be converted. But with a non-existent pass rush and some key breakdowns in coverage, the Panthers got the points they needed to beat the Bucs and move to 1-0.

So with yet another backup quarterback on the schedule for Tampa Bay, how can Lovie Smith's team rebound and ensure that they don't fall to 2-0 with two very favorable matchups? It starts on defense with these key matchups.

Adrian Clayborn versus Joe Barksdale
Michael Johnson was injured against Carolina. Gerald McCoy was dominant against Carolina. Adrian Clayborn was missing against Carolina.

The Bucs' veteran defensive end did nothing as a pass rusher against the Panthers, and even failed to contain Derek Anderson on a scramble and run play. He has moved to left defensive end, where he goes up against right tackles (who are usually worse than left tackles), but through one week, it doesn't appear that change has helped him at all.

Barksdale allowed some QB pressures against Minnesota, and is definitely beatable as a pass blocker. Adrian Clayborn must have a better game, and find a way to pressure whoever is under center for St. Louis, or it could ultimately cost him his job.

(EDIT Friday at 10:02 AM: Clayborn was placed on Injured Reserve with a biceps injury. This makes it an even more important matchup now for Will Gholston, Larry English, Da'Quan Bowers and Scott Solomon to get after the QB from the left end position.)

Leonard Johnson versus Tavon Austin
Leonard Johnson isn't going to follow Tavon Austin around the field, but the two will likely find themselves lined up across from one another when Austin is in the slot and Johnson is subbed in for the Bucs nickel defense.

So can the often-burned but still favored starting nickel back keep up with the speedy Austin and tackle him in open space when he catches the ball on short routes?

Tackling is something Lovie Smith has praised Johnson for in the past, and it will be crucial for him to wrap up and stop Tavon Austin every time he gets the ball. Austin hasn't been consistent during his time in St. Louis, but he has proven time and time again that it only takes the slightest breakdown for him to find the end zone from anywhere on the field.

Johnson will need help from his safeties on plays where Austin goes deep and he's in zone coverage, but on the majority of Austin's short routes, it will be the Bucs' nickel back who must be fundamentally sound and prevent big plays.

Clinton McDonald versus Davin Joseph and Rodger Saffold
There were a lot of fans upset about the performance of Michael Johnson in Week 1, but not as many upset with the play of Clinton McDonald, who was pushed around in the run game and did not play well against the pass, either.

The former Seahawk was brought in to provide a second threat to get upfield from the defensive tackle position, but he was unable to do anything of the sort against the mediocre offensive line of the Panthers.

He'll be matched up with former Buc Davin Joseph and the freshly paid Rodger Saffold on Sunday, and he must have a better game than he did against Carolina. Whichever Buccaneer tackle (McDonald or McCoy) matches up with Saffold will have a tougher assignment than the one across from Joseph, but that's no excuse for a well-paid "pass-rush specialist" like McDonald to not make an impact on Sunday against the Rams.

We absolutely need pressure in this game
Yes, the Rams will probably have a 3rd string QB, but that doesn’t mean he’s a slouch. He’s in the NFL for a reason. The DL needs to get pressure and force the Rams to make mistakes. This is a very winnable game and the Bucs need to take advantage of it. If the DL starts getting some pressure and McCown relaxes a little bit, this will be a good team. At least an 8-8 team.
Shaun Hill or Austin Davis doesn't matter: it's all about the running game
By Sander Philipse@Sanderrp on Sep 11 2014


Jeff Curry-USA TODAY Sports

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers face the St. Louis Rams on Sunday, so we talked to Turf Show Times' Joe McAtee to get his perspective on the Rams and the upcoming game.

1. With Shaun Hill in doubt for Sunday's game and Austin Davis possibly starting, what should we expect out of the Rams' offense?
Well if last Sunday was any indication...not much. The bigger issue was the offensive line (see question 3 for a reference here...). The Rams have styled themselves over the past couple of years to be a physical, run-driven offense. That's not to say run first, but more of an offense that uses the run game to force adjustments from the defense. That didn't happen.

That meant Shaun Hill and Austin Davis were confined to a passing game without the comforts of a running game that could pull off the pre-snap attention of the defense toward the wide receivers and zones. It didn't work...at all. So while Hill and Davis are filling the void in Sam Bradford's absence all season, they're not really the issue. Bradford never elevated the offense and the Rams were able to remain competitive-ish. The Rams need the rest of the offense to step up to be competitive-ish. And that's below the pre-season expectations.

2. The Rams' defense has a terrific front, but they really seemed to struggle against the Vikings. What happened?
I wouldn't say the front struggled. It was more what the front forces. The Rams had plenty of pressure and four QB hits even though the Vikings played a quick-fire offense. It's something the Rams are used to seeing even last year as opponents recognized they wouldn't be afforded much sustained protection against seven-step drops and slow-developing offensive play schemes.

As friend of TST and current ESPN Rams blogger Nick Wagoner noted, Vikings QB Matt Cassel finished with the lowest yards per pass in the air of any QB last week. Similarly, he finished with the fourth fastest time per pass delivery. So if anything, it was an indication of how good the front is.

It confines the offense to a specific approach. That's as much of a compliment as you can pay.

The bigger issues were elsewhere. The offense asked FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR too much of the defense, they compiled a handful of mistakes throughout Cordarelle Patterson's amazing 67-yard highlight TD. In small, but vital, moments, they were left lacking. Sometimes you can do 90% of the job well. The 10% can end up mattering more. That sucks when the offense isn't offering you any cover, but that's the reality for the Rams right now.

3. There were some rumblings that the Bucs might draft Aaron Donald. Obviously they didn't, but how has he looked so far?
Oh he's good. He's real good. Honestly at this point though, it's about opportunity costs.

The Rams are now dealing with the good kind of problem, the problem of cycling through three DTs who can all play good football in Michael Brockers, Kendall Langford and Donald. The reticence there is that in Bradford's absence and with #2 overall pick Greg Robinson among the second string last week. Sure, the Rams added an offensive lineman with a strong case to be a stud-of-the-future.

And yes, Donald has impressed with his natural skills to disrupt backfields despite a lacking power game in defense. But the Rams are coming off of the worst stretch of football in the NFL in years past. They've gotten to two 7-win season the last two years. Is a long-term OL option and a rotational stud DT the best they could do with two first round picks?

Part of this is reactionary to week one and the Bradford injury (see next question). The Rams are in a bad, bad spot right now. And the cornucopia of draft picks the RGIII trade gifted us...it just doesn't feel like we're where we should be after all of that.

4. What do you think will happen with Sam Bradford after this season?
31 of 32 teams would move on. You've got a QB who is far too expensive with far too extensive of an injury history to justify resting the hopes of the franchise upon..................................................and yet...................................................(wait, I got more ellipses)..................................................(still more)................................

This is the Rams. This is the Rams who rode Marc Bulger into oblivion, a practice squad-originated field-reader who faced so much pass pressure he lost the sole tool in his toolbox. This is the Rams whose plan for a post-Bulger era was...uh...Kyle Boller and Keith Null? Go ahead and look that last one up. Then they drafted Bradford. The easy and wise, albeit insanely costly, move.

And yet you get into 2013 with a backup quarterback of Kellen Clemens who you force into action for half of the season and he ends up looking like Kellen Clemens and that somehow ends up being impressive. Fine. You've got the offseason to address QB going into 2014. But when your plan is to replace Kellen Clemens with Shaun Hill and draft Texas reject Garrett Gilbert late on day 3 as the only future option, you're risking leaving fans apocalyptic if Bradford faces a long-term absence again.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand he's gone for all of 2014.

And yet, there's part of me that recognizes that the only reason this franchise has stocked up soooooo much talent elsewhere on the roster is because they put so much of their plans into Sam Bradford. So what really is stopping them from doing it again? He'll be cheaper in 2014. They can spend a second-day pick or even first-round selection if they're late in the round to back him up. Free agency is a thing the Rams do oddly.

Truth is, I don't know this early in the football calendar what the hell they're going to do. If they end up with a top pick, the easy prediction is to assume they grab a Jameis Winston or Marcus Mariota. But it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay early. And more importantly?

This is the Rams.

5. Care to predict the game's outcome?
Not really...but fine. I know predicting a Rams win would seem ludicrous to Rams fans right now. Wait, redact that. Restart. Predicting a Rams win would seem ludicrous to anyone with a functioning neocortex, so allow me to inject the internetz with a bit more insanity.

I'll say the Rams win.

Now for that to happen, it's probably going to have to be weird. Turnovers, Fluke plays. Special teams. A ridiculously long FG from Greg Zuerlein. Busted coverage that allows whomever is at QB for the Rams at the time to heave a simple TD reception to whomever benefits from said busted coverage. I know it's odd relying on those things. But the Rams are due for any of those to go our way. Plus, I'll throw in the assumed motivation the offensive line comes into this one with knowing they HAVE to get back to their 2013 level of play.

Does it make any sense? Nah. And if the Rams match their penalty pace, which can slow the slowest of games, it's even more unpossible (yes, unpossible).

But I'm a homer. You should expect nothing less.

Rams 20, Bucs 16


Mar 17, 2014
Sean McVay
I love how they're celebrating the Long injury. As much as I love Long, he's really not that much better of a player than William Hayes, and that's no slight on Long, Hayes is just a stud. So I don't think the Long injury will make too much difference in the starters, it's just when Hayes comes off the field that the depth is more of a concern if Westbrooks backs up the LDE. So the Bucs need to take advantage of that, normally we have little drop off when our starting DEs leave the field, now there might be a little.


Please don't confuse my experience for pessimism!
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jun 25, 2014
Come on man, you can surely criticise Schottenheimer without resorting to that rubbish.

It's a joke, son, a joke! I guess that I should have used the blue font.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #60

For the first time in my 30 years as a fan, I'm rooting for the Bucs to lose

As mentioned, I have followed this team my entire life with blind optimism and hope. At this point I just can't take it anymore and I think the best long term strategy for this team is to tank the season and finally draft one of the two outstanding QB prospects (hopefully) coming out in the draft this year.

Step outside of your fandom and be honest with yourself, is this really a playoff team? Do you really believe in McCown? Do you really believe in this offensive or defensive line? Do you really believe Lovie/Dungy ball is viable in the 2014 with the new rules all focused on offense? Taking off the pewter colored glasses it's clear to see that there are too many pieces missing and any game they win takes them further away from the top pick.

We just recently went an entire calendar year without a win, an entire year! We haven't been to the playoffs in 7 years and haven't won a playoff game in 12. Even though losing is very familiar to Bucs fans, I have just had enough. There are only so many consecutive seasons of getting kicked in the nuts every Sunday a man can take.

While some might call me a "bad fan" for not rooting for my team to win, I would respectfully disagree and say that they are being short sighted. While some fans would argue that no draft pick is a sure thing (cough Andrew Luck), I would say that drafting a guy like Jameis or Mariota would bring a renewed hope and energy to the fan base, more than Lovie and his dry pressers will ever be able to do.

In the NFL in 2014, if you don't have a good QB you had better be stacked at every other position to win. The Bucs not only don't have a good QB but have too many holes on both sides of the ball.
Nobody else will agree with you, but I will. We are a garbage team and we aren't making the playoffs or winning a Super Bowl. I hope we go 0-16 and get Mariota in the draft.
I was with you on everything you said, until you mentioned crablegs.

That guy is just going to be another buc qb with a problem (or two) imo.
Yeah. Mariota or bust for me. Crablegs is a buffoon and I wouldn't want anything to do with him.
I don't disagree with either of you on Jameis, while I think we would all admit he has every thing you are looking for in a QB ON the field. He's 20 years old and maybe he will grow up. Cam was also a complete turd in college but has stayed out of trouble so far in his NFL career. I think you might also both agree talent wise he's most likely better than any QB on the Bucs roster as of today.

But I'm with you both on the Marcus wagon. Imagine the excitement just drafting a guy like that would bring back to the city.
I respect your opinion and, believe me, I understand where you're coming from. In the end we all want to see this team win. I just think in the long term the only way to do it these days is to have a franchise QB or a team so stacked at every other position the QB can just play game manager. We don't have either option to hold our hat on right now though sadly.
The thing about QBs that just need to grow up.....they never do.
Rams will probably be picking #1 and they will get Mariota.

5 Free Tickets for the Rams Game

I have 5 free tickets for the Rams game on Sunday, 4 in section 241 and 1 in 203. If you're interested, shoot me a PM. First come, first serve. RJS needs to be packed for Brooks' induction into the ROH.
Free is not good enough ...will you pay me to take them off your hands ? lol

Lambs Quarterback Doesn’t Matter
September 12th, 2014

Lambs starter Shaun Hill was limited in practice today and Lambs coach Jeff Fisher declared him a gameday decision.

When preparing for the Lambs game Sunday, the Bucs know any of three quarterbacks could be playing.

As Jim Thomas of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Twittered today, starter Shaun Hill, who inherited the job from injured Sam Bradford, was “limited” in practice today and Lambs coach Jeff Fisher declared Hill would be a gametime decision.

In his place the Lambs could play the immortal Austin Davis, who played the second half of last week’s loss to the Vikings, or college football wizard and Texans castoff Case Keenum, who the Lambs signed earlier this week, technically the fourth-string quarterback.

Joe was talking with Jonathan Casillas yesterday and wondered just how a defense can prepare against an offense when said offense could easily start any of three different guys. Initially, Casillas used the old cliche about how the Bucs only need to worry about themselves. But later, when Joe asked how much different each quarterback is, Casillas had an interesting thing to say about just how the Bucs will prepare for either of the three Lambs signal-callers.

“We watch film from preseason. We watch film from last year and the first game, of course,” Casillas said. “Basically, we are getting their scheme down and their main plays. Pretty sure whichever [of the Lambs] quarterbacks plays, they are going to run their basic scheme.

“It is not like week with [the Stinking Panthers who have] Cam Newton and Derek Anderson, two totally different quarterbacks and different players with the aspects of their game. These guys are more pocket quarterbacks, they fit in their system.

“We also study their offensive coordinator [Brian Schottenheimer] to get his tendencies.”

Joe also chatted with Lavonte David. The Bucs’ stud outside linebacker said the Bucs are also studying the routes the Lambs’ receivers use and how the wide receivers run them. The Lambs receivers haven’t changed; that much the Bucs certainly know.

Joe thought it was neat what Casillas said about studying Schottenheimer. If you know the offensive coordinator, then you in effect get a good grasp of the quarterback, despite only limited snaps of film available.
Doesn’t matter, we need to get to the QB regardless of who’s playing. I don’t care how we do it, be it a safety blitz or some other exotic blitzs, just get to the damn QB. We fluster their QB and the game is over.
This is becoming a joke
Go to hell Architek! Be a fan or take a hike. We barley lost week one, barley. Why is everyone crying about our season being over. We had no offensive coordinator, it was the first game and everyone has to have time to gel together. It doesn’t happen over night. We have a chance to get a big week two home win and move up in the division and start preparing for our week 3 Thursday night game against Atlanta that I think will decide our year.
You can restore faith with a dominating defensive performance this weekend. It was said we’d lean on the defense so they must play better no matter who is quarterback because the qb’s they’re about to face will definitely try to roast us after this game