Jared Goff suffered from one of the highest drop rates in the NFL last year.

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Pro Bowler
Apr 10, 2016
The Rams advancement-gain begin and end with Jared Goff and 1626 pounds of beef
Whitworth,6-7 333 - Saffold, 6-5 325 -Sullivan, 6-4 310 - Havenstein, 6-8 328 - Brown, 6-4 330
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Wanted everywhere but welcome nowhere
Jun 18, 2014
Next to McVay and Komer this coach has the biggest challenge.

If he can get our group of WR's performing adqeuately ---- that feat should really boost his career.

In a recent sit down with Rams reporter Dani Klupenger, Yarber talked about what it means to him to join Sean McVay’s staff and to become a part of the franchise he once idolized.

“I’m very excited about working with coach McVay,” Yarber said. “He has a world of knowledge. He’s a very sharp offensive mind and he’s one of the up and coming head coaches.”

“I remember Jackie Slater, Lawrence McCutcheon, and my all-time favorite was Harold Jackson,” Yarber said. “I thought one day, I would play for them. But that didn’t happen. But the next best thing is to coach for them.” (via theRams.com)

He also feels up to the challenge of turning around one of the worst receiving corps in the NFL.

“It’s up to me to take them to the next level. Take them to a place that they can’t go by themselves. I’m up for the challenge and I know [the guys there] are up to the challenge also.”



Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
But how? What's the QB supposed to do? Throw it slower?

It's a terrible feeling as a fan so I am sure it is for the players too.......seeing the ball pop up in the air after bouncing off of the hands or body of a WR.

Especially if it's over the middle where it can be crowded sometimes.

It's like seeing a pass tipped up at the LOS.......I hate that!


Hall of Fame
Aug 4, 2014
By those numbers the Rams only dropped 6 passes when Keenum was QB. Was it an issue of chemistry or was it an effort issue?


Pro Bowler
Jun 25, 2014
By those numbers the Rams only dropped 6 passes when Keenum was QB. Was it an issue of chemistry or was it an effort issue?
There's a third answer, that these numbers aren't statistics -- "drops" is an opinion, not a fact, based on the definition and judgment of the one assigning the number. So for example here's the drop numbers by QB from Sportingcharts (I believe uses STATS, LLC data) that shows a more similar drops result for Keenum & Goff.

Also the sample sizes are really small so the margin of error has a huge effect -- e.g., subtract or add 1 "drop" opinion from Goff's number and it swings his "drop percentage" by 1 percent either way and he probably goes from the top to bottom.

Anyway, don't want to take away from the value of the discussion too much because it's clear to all Rams fans the WRs didn't do Goff any favors.


Hall of Fame
Aug 4, 2014
There's a third answer, that these numbers aren't statistics -- "drops" is an opinion, not a fact, based on the definition and judgment of the one assigning the number. So for example here's the drop numbers by QB from Sportingcharts (I believe uses STATS, LLC data) that shows a more similar drops result for Keenum & Goff.

Also the sample sizes are really small so the margin of error has a huge effect -- e.g., subtract or add 1 "drop" opinion from Goff's number and it swings his "drop percentage" by 1 percent either way and he probably goes from the top to bottom.

Anyway, don't want to take away from the value of the discussion too much because it's clear to all Rams fans the WRs didn't do Goff any favors.
Yeah, I actually go by sporting charts numbers as well, though I usually look at team drops but to see drops by QB is a better view. I just assumed everyone had the same numbers, I guess I was wrong. "Oh it wasn't just the WRs, it was everyone"
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Pro Bowler
Jun 25, 2014
I just assumed everyone had the same numbers
Yeah resist the assumptions with these subjective stats. Often companies don't even use the same definitions... PFF uses "could he get his hands on it and was it catchable", so not only do you have the subjective opinion on the WR's range but the added layer of "catchable ball" opinion. Meanwhile Stats, LLC, Elias and others probably use something more traditional like "if the receiver could have caught it with ordinary effort", whatever that means according to who's watching. Sadly no company uses the old coachspeak definition of "if it hits your hands you should catch it, dummy"...


Dec 19, 2016
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  • #32

It doesn't help that he was the most pressured on 3rd downs. Stupid Rob Boras playcalling.


Pro Bowler
May 9, 2014
I never like to use the ball bouncing off a receiver's hands for an INT as an excuse for anyone. A pick is a pick.

I never understood why those counted against a QB.......if it's a catchable ball that hits the receivers hands, its on the receiver, not the QB.


Dec 19, 2016
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #34

It doesn't help that he was the most pressured on 3rd downs. Stupid Rob Boras playcalling.
and here is the difference with some of the what the great QB's experience instead on 3rd downs (excluding Alex Smith) Smith).


May 30, 2014
Some of the drops stick out because they were at such inopportune times. Guys dropping balls in clutch situations is a killer for a struggling offense. I do not have the stats to compare but I recall quite a few drops were on third down. In an offense so limited like the Rams the drops are magnified even more and have a more damning effect on momentum as well. Most of the drop killers are gone now in Kendricks, Quick and even Britt. Thomas and Cooper also had their problems but they were rookies so I can see why they are were kept around. Tavon was an offender too but he brings a different dynamic.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Goff was a disappointment for me, I was/am a huge fan of the kid and the pick of him. I did expect him to play better however I truly don't know how any qb could have thrived in those conditions. Every game after Miami looked like we were playing the 85 Bears defense. Just a total crap show, and I honestly don't know how any QB could have done well.


Hall of Fame
Mar 27, 2016
I think McVay is a lot more detailed, than what we've been used to, in how to attack and put pressure on a defense--D's won't be licking their chops every down--they'll be under pressure. (They also won't be quite as familiar with how to gameplan us, on O and D for that matter.) We upgraded the OL a bit. We upgraded the receivers a bit. Goff will no longer be a rookie. It's hard to see how our O won't improve over last year; the question is how much, but I think it will definitely improve markedly.


Aug 23, 2014
I never like to use the ball bouncing off a receiver's hands for an INT as an excuse for anyone. A pick is a pick.

Personally, I think picks that are off receivers' hands should have some kind of asterisk on official stats. When you see multiple picks statistically you immediately think the QB must have had a bad game. But if you look at the tape and see that, say, the QB threw the ball perfectly and the receiver let it bounce off his hands, I think that changes your perspective on the QB's performance. It's so easy to say Goff had a poor season, but when you look at the tape he did a lot of good things that, for me anyways, encourages me for our future.


A snazzy title
Jul 21, 2013
Tavon was an offender too but he brings a different dynamic.
He was the worst offender....highest drop %%%....and a bunch of his drops weren't considered drops.

however I truly don't know how any qb could have thrived in those conditions.
D. Carr had the worst drop percentage....His receivers were the worst in the league...I haven't heard one excuse why his season wasn't better...

This is getting comical....

I read somewhere that the drop rate was worse for Keenum than Goff...yet, his numbers overall were better....yeah, all the excuse makers....wrap your heads around that one.o_O


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
D. Carr had the worst drop percentage....His receivers were the worst in the league...I haven't heard one excuse why his season wasn't better...
I don't care about drop %, those things all even out.
Just in general IMO, the oline was trash, Britt checked out after he got his 1,000, the oline got worse after Grob got "benched" the team quit on Fisher etc, etc... I just don't see any QB thriving in that situation. But that said I still would have expected Goff to have done better than he did, and have disappointment there as well