My life changed for the better years ago when X asked me to check this place out. I called a couple of people out too in my day, on that site. I was serious about it, I wanted to go to blows, and meet them in person. It's just not worth it. I don't EVER go there anymore, and that is part of the reason. I know that some people enjoy the art of a spirited debate, and X is one of the best that I've ever seen at doing that. I can't argue with crazy, not worth the energy, when I can spend it on better things, positive things.
If you do want to fight, Internet, or otherwise, that is the place to do it, because there is no shortage of crazy, or whatever you want to call it, over there. I am just too quick to want to punch someone in the face. X can debate crazy for days...he has way more patience than most. He is also more forgiving than most, so I have mad respect for him.