Just a few words about why Tavon is getting fewer and fewer snaps...
All due respect, but I think that some are seeing Tavon with their heart, not their eyes. Pure speed is but a part of a WR’s arsenal.
Here are Tavon’s stats. Please focus on his ‘17 season stats.
He’s been a liability as a PR. Too many bad decisions, too much running sideways, too many muffs. Cooper is much better. Not even close.
As a receiver? Just 7 of 12 for 43 yards. For the season, mind you. Is THIS the guy you want to replace Woods with?
As a RB? He has 36 rushes for 171 yards, a 6.1 average. Except that it’s been trending downward lately. I mean, drastically. Opposing D’s have figured him out. He’s reduced himself to one trick pony status.
So here we are. Missing our top WR for 2 or more games. And Tavon appears to be our 6th best WR.
Why in the world would one want to even THINK about replacing Woods with Tavon, even on a limited basis? I would infinitely prefer some combo of Reynolds, Cooper, or Thomas. Whichever one is most effective gets more and more snaps.
And feed the hell outta Watkins. Even when he’s not open, he’s open. I would hope that Gurley gets lots of looks, too. He’s a nightmare to defend as a pass receiver.
Two more things.
For those that point to McVay promising to use Tavon more often in the future, I say take that with a grain of salt. It’s coachspeak to avoid embarrassing Tavon. Don’t focus on McVay’s words, focus instead on his deeds. He’s given Tavon 2 snaps (no touches) in the last 2 games combined.
Lastly, I’ve asked this question on 2 boards and have yet to get a single answer reply on either. If Tavon is so damned important to the effectiveness of our O, how does one explain all of the many, many successful explosive plays by this O when Tavon wasn’t even on the field?
I’ll wait...