Okay, The Sporting News was everything to me back then, even had a small paragraph about every NFL team during the off season, which was Biblical to me. Also I would bike or take public transportation to the Public Library in order to read the LA Times, which to me was unreal that I could open to the sports section to read about my beloved Los Angeles Rams, Dodgers, Lakers & Kings.
I used to get the Rampages, Sporting News and Pro Football Weekly. It was tough back in the day. Two games a week on TV, no Monday night Football and no football shows to watch. I used to have to look for the ticker across the screen to get the score, because living in Colorado I was stuck watching the Broncos every week. I used to go to the library and read newspapers from other cities.I seems to recall a national weekly paper type publication known as Rampages.I'm talking late 60's early 70"s. Along with the Herald and the Times. A writer named Bob Oates comes to mind as well as Melvin Durslag. Jim Murray delivered the funny side of the story occasionally too.
Yep, me too. But I used to ride my bike to "The Corner Newsstand" (an actual store) to buy it.Pro Football Weekly. The weekly magazine that came every Thursday in the mail back when the internet was on paper.
Freaking youngbloods,
Back in the day. I was ecstatic that there was such a thing!Back in my day we had dial up. It took forever to get my news.