Are you a real fan? My guess is yes. So you are not an imposter. There has long been this notion that the people out in LA don’t really care about sports, in this case football like they do I’m Philly or NY etc. Its cited as the main reason the team left. Now that doesn’t mean that the diehard fans don’t care as much. I’m certain they do. It’s more a take on the empty seats when the team is really good.
My opinion is that it’s still new for a lot of people and it will take some time and some winning to get to where they are packing the place. If the script were flipped we’d be hearing the same thing from out there.
There will be a lot of Eagles fans there. It will be nothing like the Chargers game in the soccer stadium. If the same amount show up, it will be a fraction of the % that we’re at that game. The Coliseum is a huge place.
Well, a little history lesson is in order.
The Rams had one of the most popular and, honestly, one of the best owners in Carrol Rosenblum. He married a keno girl named Georgia. He was an EXPERT ocean swimmer, but apparently drowned off the coast of Florida on vacation. There have ALWAYS been doubts about his demise.
Georgia kept the team and remarried, becoming Georgia Frontiere.
She wanted to be popular in Los Angeles. That was not going to happen. The only time she was accepted was when giving money. She'd actually want to sing to a room full of people in the entertainment business. Their listening should have come with a tax deduction. She was nearly as bad as Florence Foster Jenkins. Not really kidding.
She wasn't happy with her deal with the Coliseum and moved the team south to the Big A in Anaheim. Gene Autry owned the Angels as well as the Big A at the time. Gene wasn't about to give up anything. The Rams paid rent to play there and got NONE of the game day parking revenues or food revenues.
Rams fans universally reviled her. Hate is a strong word, but for many...yeah, it was hate. And it didn't help that she was the only owner in the league who needed income from the team to survive. So the Rams always had less to spend because OUR 12th man was the owner who sucked resources away from the team (this was prior to free agency) that we couldn't use for paying our best. This is why the Rams sent away TWO Hall of Fame running backs in Eric Dickerson and Jerome Bettis. What's especially egregious about ED was that he only wanted a few hundred thousand more per year. This was a RB who had both an 1800yd season AND set the all-time mark at 2105.
She had sold a stake that increasingly got larger as she needed money to Stan Kroenke who helped engineer the move to St. Louis.
And it made sense. Gene Autry wasn't going to give the Rams anything and even when they were winning, they had the lowest income in the nation which for a large media market was just not good.
They moved to St. Louis in what was a money grab. I can't really fault them for not trying to make a go of it in Los Angeles because the Coliseum Commission at the time for some reason had something like right of first refusal or something and they were the least functional and most petty group, maybe in the history of groups. The reason we have the Houston Texans is because the Coliseum Commission was so crappy that they found a way to lose the franchise they'd been granted. That's right, LA was granted a new franchise and they lost it due to petty in-fighting.
More folks know about the St. Louis time. They made more money and almost backed into what should have been a dynasty, but that's for another post.
Kroenke bought the team outright after Frontiere's death and as we found out, started making plans to move them back almost immediately. As with the former LA situation, the Rams were in a space of restricted revenues.
The Rams did move back to LA and it's been ramping up, but no, they weren't embraced like soldiers coming home from WWII.
Well, firstly, LA is a baseball town. The Dodgers are always...ALWAYS top 5 in attendance, even when they suck. Dodger baseball is a THING in LA. There isn't a more revered place in LA than Chavez Ravine. You ask ANY Angeleno and every single one has a Dodger story.
Magic Johnson single-handedly turned the town into a basketball town and ever since he came to the Lakers in 1980, the Lakers have become a mainstay.
The hockey GOAT, Wayne Gretsky came to LA in 1988 and the town actually became a bit of a Hockey town. The Kings used the Laker colors for years and switched to the Raider colors some time after Gretzky came.
The Rams have a die-hard fanbase that has had to deal with almost as much as Cleveland fans with respect to ownership drama and losing. The fans or disinterest weren't an issue.
The outright antipathy for the owner certainly WAS and was a large part of why LA was so inhospitable toward her (and it had NOTHING to do with her being a woman, let's just clear that up now). Just about any other owner or person of wealth COULD HAVE made LA work. She was uniquely incapable.
Lastly, the Coliseum is an historic venue. AND... it's a pit. Sight lines are mediocre and the visitors side simply BAKES on a sunny day. Having watched the LA Express of the USFL, the Coliseum can be freaking BRUTAL on sunny days. (Steve Young was the QB for the LA Express and none other than HoF QB Jim Kelly played for the AZ Wranglers)
Once the Rams move into their new digs, I think they will draw considerably better. It's in a better neighborhood (the Coliseum is basically in the 'hood, at the northern end of South Central LA). Angelenos are especially interested in "upscale" things and they LOVE going the Staples Center in downtown. So, a totally upscale entertainment experience that is also the West Coast home of the NFL and NFL Network...well, that'll be huge.
The Rams, like the Raiders before, could win the Super Bowl and STILL not sell out the Coliseum.
The dang place is a barn and unlike USC, NFL tickets are far too expensive to sit so far away in the cheap seats that you could get a better image from a satellite in space than sitting in poor seats inside the stadium.
Hope that helps. And I'm sure others could give a more detailed history, but, "I've said too much already! Hail, Gallaxhar!"