I knew we were going to lose the moment I saw Rypien on the field. But that said...

It is nutlessness, plain and simple, to settle for Rypien as our backup. There is no universe where he is good enough. People have bitched in the past about Wolford, who is a fucking idiot, but at least he competes and gets through his reads. At least he has the balls to look down the fucking field. Rypien was completely focused on the rush and even anticipating pressure and ignoring open receivers. He has absolutely zero clue, and his performance is about equivalent to one of us lining up today at QB. Fucking garbage. If they don't cut his ass on Monday they have zero expectations to compete, which is actually possible if they're thinking about losing games tactically on their way to a high pick.

It is also nutlessness to see our OL spring leaks to Green Bay's front for 3 fucking hours in all down and distance situations. Noteboom alone I could rant about in a solo thread (the fact McVay thinks he is a starter makes me rage just thinking about it) but you also had some others contributing here like Jackson whiffing on his guy on 4th and 2. This OL just like QB today was absolute and total garbage. And the worst thing is I don't think McVay/Snead as a duo will be able to unfuck it. First off getting them to dedicate high picks to it is about impossible when they want to grab toys up top, but there is just a complete and total disregard for physicality even when they know goddamn well they must be physical to compete in this game because of 9 being out. We need dawgs up front. Guys who want to beat that ass in front of them and pound them into the ground.

Third nutlessness award goes to our secondary, who for a third week has looked like dogshit. All I can say is we are very fortunate that Green Bay is so terrible, and that their QB is a backup, because if they had started Rodgers today they would have hung 50+ on these clowns. You cannot fucking tell me that Tomlinson is not good enough to start for this bunch. I don't care which coach he pissed off, I would make the staff bench Spoon because he is a veteran and knows better, and I'd start Tomlinson in his place vs Seattle.

I feel sorry for AD being out there and busting his ass for the Southeast Los Angeles Technical College defense. Because it's a fucking waste of a top talent. There were some positives, but this is a vent thread so I'll conveniently overlook them and say this run defense effort by the front seven was just as bad as any other of the shit efforts we witnessed today. Which is saying a great deal.
I love Les Snead but have to say if I was the owner his ass would be on fire when he leaves my office on Monday morning. Same goes for McVay. Subjecting the fans to this offense is goddamn embarrassing. And as far as Morris is concerned, I would greatly enjoy hearing his excuses for why he is playing Spoon over Tomlinson or Yeast over Lake while I contemplate axing his ass and maybe McVay as well, so I can position myself to be in the lead for attracting Harbaugh to a situation with a high pick and his choice of GM.
I've been nothing but loyal to this regime. McVay is my favorite Rams coach ever. But I am fucking done being subjected to shitters over and over and over at the same positions, and trotting Rypien out there as the starter and then leaving him in that game is unforgivable to me. You can say well maybe Winn would have been worse. To which I reply let's at least find out how bad he is because Rypien is a pile of shit.
Can't remember the last time I have been this furious. Fucking livid.