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Jan 27, 2016
A guilty pleasure of mine. I KNOW it's douchey, but I like gadgets and it tastes good.

The best part is I bought my girlfriend a basic set-up for Xmas and she has has been smoke free since New Years. Says she feels great. I saved her fucking life! (well, not really, but it was mighty American of me to help her quit smoking). She was a total baby door for about the first month, but now she is back to just being surly.

So yeah, vaping is pretty gay, but it works better than anything I have seen to help people quit smoking.


The Immaculate Exception
Sep 16, 2012
Vaping is fun. I use to do it more in 2014-15. I bought all the cool mods had a nice setup, but now its collecting dust. It did help awhile from smoking a cancer stick but I ended up back to cancer sticks. My advice would be stop smoking period if you got the will. Vaping can get expensive.


Jan 27, 2016
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  • #3
Vaping is fun. I use to do it more in 2014-15. I bought all the cool mods had a nice setup, but now its collecting dust. It did help awhile from smoking a cancer stick but I ended up back to cancer sticks. My advice would be stop smoking period if you got the will. Vaping can get expensive.

Smoking is expensive - fucking $10+ a pack here in NY (unless you drive out to the res and load up). If you build coils and make your own juice (or find a real cheap juice vendor you like), then you can vape for a fraction of the cost of smoking. It's still wicked gay though. Smoking is way cooler - if it weren't for the foul stench of Satan's anus, the exorbitant costs and fucking cornucopia of organ rotting diseases I would totally smoke.


May 28, 2011

(All in good fun)


Cowboys rudeboy.
Sep 18, 2014
I KNOW it's douchey.
At least you can admit it.

But for real, my buddy quit smoking cigarettes due to vaping. He slowly lowered the nicotine level to nothing, and now he doesn't smoke cigs or vapes.


Jan 27, 2016
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  • #6
At least you can admit it.

But for real, my buddy quit smoking cigarettes due to vaping. He slowly lowered the nicotine level to nothing, and now he doesn't smoke cigs or vapes.

I know, right? It's like admitting you root for the cowboys.


NO MA'AM President
Aug 13, 2016
The only "wicked gay" and "douchey" thing is smoking old analog sticks that shortens your life and is the leading cause of cancer.

I say embrace technology and the times.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
~ it's always good to see you around. And she can end up dropping the vape habit too.

@Rynie I quit over 5 years ago using the patch and vaping and it's helped a lot of people stop. I always encourage people when I see them vaping.


Pro Bowler
Jan 30, 2017
I always thought vaping was just substituting one nicotine habit (smoking) for another. One set of carcinogens for another set of soon to be acknowledged carcinogens.....cause face it they always admit the bad shit after millions of people take up the habit. So I figured it was a dumbass nicotine habit minus the smoke. But if people can actually steadily reduce the amount of nicotine to zero and get over the tactile sensation/habit of holding the vape thing to be cured of the dumbass nicotine habit then that is awesome.


Jan 27, 2016
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  • #10
~ it's always good to see you around. And she can end up dropping the vape habit too.

@Rynie I quit over 5 years ago using the patch and vaping and it's helped a lot of people stop. I always encourage people when I see them vaping.

Hi Sweetie.

Hey, I stopped smoking cigarettes.
Isn't that something? I'm on to vaping now. I'm on to a five-year plan. I eliminated cigarettes, then I go to vaping, then cigars, then I go to pipes, then I go to chewing tobacco, then I'm on to that nicotine gum. (Uncle Buck!)

I tried the patches but I couldn't keep em lit.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Hi Sweetie.

Hey, I stopped smoking cigarettes.
Isn't that something? I'm on to vaping now. I'm on to a five-year plan. I eliminated cigarettes, then I go to vaping, then cigars, then I go to pipes, then I go to chewing tobacco, then I'm on to that nicotine gum. (Uncle Buck!)

I tried the patches but I couldn't keep em lit.

Why are you skipping the crack phase? Isn't that part of any sensible 5 year plan?


Jan 27, 2016
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  • #12
I always thought vaping was just substituting one nicotine habit (smoking) for another. One set of carcinogens for another set of soon to be acknowledged carcinogens.....cause face it they always admit the bad crap after millions of people take up the habit. So I figured it was a dumbass nicotine habit minus the smoke. But if people can actually steadily reduce the amount of nicotine to zero and get over the tactile sensation/habit of holding the vape thing to be cured of the dumbass nicotine habit then that is awesome.

It IS a dumb ass nicotine habit minus the smoke, BUT it ain't the nicotine that hurts you - its the smoke/combustion that releases the carcinogens. Nicotine by itself is not classified as a carcinogen. However, 19 other chemicals in cigarettes are proven cancer causing agents. None of those agents are in vape juice/vapor.

Vaping is not combustion and typically only contains three ingredients - nicotine, PG/VG (food grade) and flavoring (food grade) - though I admit some of my bottles have weed in them and none have nicotine. Upon analysis, the vaporization of these agents do not produce any substances in concentrations high enough to be considered carcinogens (

And yes, the goal for most is to reduce down to 0 nicotine and then put it down.

It has helped hundreds of thousands of people quit smoking, yet our government, in all its wisdom, is in the process of shutting down the vaping industry as we know it. If things stay as they are, then by August 2018 the only vape products available will be the shitty "cigalikes" sold in gas stations and made by big tobacco companies. These weak ass pieces of shit smell like a fart and taste like ass, and I don't know anybody that ever quit combution using them.

All the cool gear and great juices will be illegal (you know, the stuff that actually works). Thousands will lose their jobs, thousands more won't quit analogs and will suffer declining health and hideous deaths, and a plague of locusts will likely infest all of our assholes. All because big tobacco has deep pockets and really would prefer you keep paying them for the privilege of dying miserably by continuing to consume their core product.

Uncle Sam has got you hoodwinked via his insidious anti-vaping campaign that is based on misinformation, questionable science and outright lies. But the sheeple of America drink it up and fail to understand these Big Tobacco special interest motherfuckers have already bought and sold your ass while you were busy diddling yourself to photo-shopped kardashian porn. This has already happened. Vaping will be dead by 8/18 if the laws ALREADY ON THE BOOKS do not change.

The Marlboro Man was a lot less cool when he was sucking pudding from a straw through the hole in his neck.

I'll stop there, but maybe all you fuckers should take an interest in whats going on in your community once in awhile and tell the man to stay the fuck out of your personal affairs - join, vote libertarian and for fuck sakes buy a gun.



Jan 27, 2016
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  • #13
Why are you skipping the crack phase? Isn't that part of any sensible 5 year plan?

Dammit Les, you just don't fucking listen, do you? The crack phase is part of my 50 year plan to quit hard drugs. I won't bore you with the particulars, because you are obviously distracted - Brokeback Mountain must be on, huh?


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
Dammit Les, you just don't freaking listen, do you? The crack phase is part of my 50 year plan to quit hard drugs. I won't bore you with the particulars, because you are obviously distracted - Brokeback Mountain must be on, huh?

Text me. In the morning. About 8:15. I'll be waiting........... hahahahha

Smell ya later.


Pro Bowler
Jan 30, 2017
It IS a dumb ass nicotine habit minus the smoke, BUT it ain't the nicotine that hurts you - its the smoke/combustion that releases the carcinogens. Nicotine by itself is not classified as a carcinogen. However, 19 other chemicals in cigarettes are proven cancer causing agents. None of those agents are in vape juice/vapor.

Vaping is not combustion and typically only contains three ingredients - nicotine, PG/VG (food grade) and flavoring (food grade) - though I admit some of my bottles have weed in them and none have nicotine. Upon analysis, the vaporization of these agents do not produce any substances in concentrations high enough to be considered carcinogens (

And yes, the goal for most is to reduce down to 0 nicotine and then put it down.

It has helped hundreds of thousands of people quit smoking, yet our government, in all its wisdom, is in the process of shutting down the vaping industry as we know it. If things stay as they are, then by August 2018 the only vape products available will be the crappy "cigalikes" sold in gas stations and made by big tobacco companies. These weak ass pieces of crap smell like a fart and taste like ass, and I don't know anybody that ever quit combution using them.

All the cool gear and great juices will be illegal (you know, the stuff that actually works). Thousands will lose their jobs, thousands more won't quit analogs and will suffer declining health and hideous deaths, and a plague of locusts will likely infest all of our assholes. All because big tobacco has deep pockets and really would prefer you keep paying them for the privilege of dying miserably by continuing to consume their core product.

Uncle Sam has got you hoodwinked via his insidious anti-vaping campaign that is based on misinformation, questionable science and outright lies. But the sheeple of America drink it up and fail to understand these Big Tobacco special interest motherfuckers have already bought and sold your ass while you were busy diddling yourself to photo-shopped kardashian porn. This has already happened. Vaping will be dead by 8/18 if the laws ALREADY ON THE BOOKS do not change.

The Marlboro Man was a lot less cool when he was sucking pudding from a straw through the hole in his neck.

I'll stop there, but maybe all you fuckers should take an interest in whats going on in your community once in awhile and tell the man to stay the freak out of your personal affairs - join, vote libertarian and for freak sakes buy a gun.


I'm two years old. So tell me about diddling to kardashian porn.


Here we f’n go, baby!
Sep 7, 2014
Smoked real stoges for 30 years

Pack a day

Had the heart attack

Put a stent in, 3 days in the hospital

Went home, took 3 hits on a cig

Said this tastes like shit and that was my last one

7 years ago in July

Don't miss that bullshit AT ALL

It was SO much easier to quit than I thought

2 weeks and I ever missed 'em

Fuck cigarettes and vaping


Jan 27, 2016
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  • #17
I'm two years old. So tell me about diddling to kardashian porn.

Umm, well - sorry kid, I was on the sauce again last night. At one point I think I remember intramuscular injections of what I'm pretty sure was a mix of elephant tranquilizer and that blue fluid from my barber's comb jar.

If you think my virtual world is messy, you should see who I woke up next to - I can't tell the gender at all, but I am 75% sure it is human. I think I fucking paid it too. God Dammit. I see penicillin in my future - lots of penicillin.

God Dammit.

Sorry again.


Pro Bowler
Jan 30, 2017
Umm, well - sorry kid, I was on the sauce again last night. At one point I think I remember intramuscular injections of what I'm pretty sure was a mix of elephant tranquilizer and that blue fluid from my barber's comb jar.

If you think my virtual world is messy, you should see who I woke up next to - I can't tell the gender at all, but I am 75% sure it is human. I think I freaking paid it too. God Dammit. I see penicillin in my future - lots of penicillin.

God Dammit.

Sorry again.



Fights for the User
Jun 1, 2013
This thread has taken a very strange turn. On that note, remember kids, never smoke crack.