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I haven't gone through all 20 pages of this thread but I can't believe no one has offered up this. It proves beyond all doubt that not only are UFOs real we have known for decades and have profited from them.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=326dxMyo4ec
I'm with ya all the way on this post, @Corbin.So you can track Voyager 1,2 and Pioneer 10, 11 on this website
Voyager - Mission Status
Radio waves travel at the speed of light, press play on this website and understand with past music how far we are from alot of other stars.
Radio broadcasts leave Earth at the speed of light. Scroll away from Earth and hear how far the biggest hits of the past have travelled. The farther away you get, the longer the waves take to travel there—and the older the music you’ll hear.
You eventually get 112 light years from Earth from our first transmissions (i think it starts in 2018 so add 5 years further to it)
All those stars located within 118 LY (light years).
The Milky Way Galaxy is 105,700 LY across. So our transmissions since it was invented haven't even got close to getting to even 1% of that distance at the speed of light. Don't even get me started on other galaxies.
At least a 100 Billion stars in the Milky Way.
The chances of life developing in a Goldie Lox Zone planet just in the Milky Way is high which I have no doubts.
Much of other Stars in the Milky Way are much older than our own Sun. (millions to billions of years older easily)
So we would have to live within the same time period and they would have to pick a needle out of a haystack of needles and find us.
Proxima Centauri is the closest star to our Sun which is 4.2 LY away, with Voyager going 40,000 mph it would take 70,415 years to get to Proxima Centauri. We don't have the technology period.
Of all that life for a possible contact, it would have to be intelligent and able to warp space time.
Now you say that as a matter of fact but it's incredibly complicated like going back in time. But let's say if there is an Intelligent space faring civilization that isn't hostile 50,000 light years away. How would they know that we are here? Where was the human race 50,000 years ago? Would they even deem it worth coming to our planet 50,000 years ago?
Currently, we can't even get out of the Oort cloud ( 300 years before Voyager even starts to get to the inner ring)
We don't live in a Sci Fi movie and can take things matter of factly from a movie. This is reality. Not only that but traveling at the speed of light like Star Trek or Star Wars how would you track all the many objects in the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud to even get to another Star? It's not as easy as many think it is.
For these reasons I have severe doubts that we have been contacted by or going to be contacted by a species that is space fairing within 123 LY because the chances that they live that close to us is extremely minuet.
Not within our or our grandchildren's lifetime to say the least.
That's my take on UFO's, extraterrestrials.
But I find the new information breath takingly interesting and love new ground breaking works that make you fit or change your logic.
I’ll leapfrog off your well thought out post and add that, in my logical opinion….consider the technology it would take for aliens in ships to visit Earth from point A(alien home world or exploration hub) to point B(Earth). The distance that would have to be traveled to get here has been established as mind blowing to say the least.I'm with ya all the way on this post, @Corbin.
Yes, I think it's entirely possible-- quite probable-- that life is common in the universe.
But I think most people underestimate the unimaginably vast distances between stars.
Average distance between stars here in our tiny Milky Way neighborhood is 5 LY. Each LY is about 6 trillion miles. So, about 30 trillion miles between stars, on average.
Even with unimaginably improved technologies, it would take many thousands of years to travel between stars. Well, people say, just snap your fingers and warp space time, or create worm holes, etc. Well, what if the universe just isn't amenable to our convenient sci-fi fantasies?
Our largest galactic neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy, is 2.5 Million light years away. So if ET from Andromeda wanted to pay us a visit, ET would would have to spend 2.5 million years, all while traveling at the speed of light (the the top speed possible) just to say hello.
Yes, there are about 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe. But to even contemplate a visit from any being beyond the Milky Way, even traveling at the speed of light just won't cut it.
Fermi Paradoxer!I’ll leapfrog off your well thought out post and add that, in my logical opinion….consider the technology it would take for aliens in ships to visit Earth from point A(alien home world or exploration hub) to point B(Earth). The distance that would have to be traveled to get here has been established as mind blowing to say the least.
Does anyone really think that any life form with that technology and intelligence would travel THAT FAR across our galaxy or from one galaxy to ours….only to be witnessed unwillingly, or crash or get caught and captured by our government/military? That’s laughable to me. Let’s just say that they would know what they’re doing. Human error is one thing, but alien error wouldn’t qualify as traveling millions of miles and THEN running out of fuel in Earths stratosphere or accidentally getting detected by our scopes.
I absolutely believe in life on other worlds. Life with tech and life without tech. If we have alien tech, we have it because it was either found drifting within our own orbit or offered to us. Neither of which I’m buying, although the former is at least somewhat plausible but remote at best.
If aliens are watching us or have already visited, we don’t know about it as a civilization unless they wanted us to know.