UFO Conspiracy Thread

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Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Well... not for nothing... but I have found that most women make sure that they are not seen as highly "productive" farters.


Their farts are at least 25% more potent than men's. So,,, we may STILL be in trouble.
Not in our household. My wife will ALWAYS rely on me for “energy”. Just sayin. She’s such a fuckin amateur. And an inferior power plant. :LOL:

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #85

New report reveals even more freaky details about the UFO that shocked the US Navy
Mike Wehner

UFO sightings are a dime a dozen these days, and they have been for a while, but back in December the New York Times released the results of an investigation into the US military’s monitoring of UFO claims and came up with something totally wild.

It was a video released by the Pentagon that shows US Navy pilots tracking the movements of a totally unexplainable aircraft. Now, a local news team from Las Vegas has obtained a military report that offers even more details on the sighting, and the story is somehow becoming even more bizarre than it already was.

The report (PDF here) explains in great details how a US Navy aircraft carrier played a strange game of hide and seek with multiple Anomalous Aerial Vehicles (AAVs) that demonstrated flight characteristics that should be downright impossible to pull off.

The sightings began on November 10, 2004, and lasted for several days. The objects would appear on the carrier’s radar systems for short periods, seeming to hover still, and then fly off at high speeds.

Confused by exactly what was going on, the crew decided to investigate. When the object appeared again a few days later a pair of F/A-18Fs was directed to check out the strange signals. The result is the now famous video showing the “Tic-Tac” shaped UFO cruising along at incredibly high speeds and making rapid changes in altitude.


In the new report, the object is described as “solid white, smooth, with no edges,” and being “uniformly colored with no nacelles, pylons, or wings.” The report says the object was estimated to be about 46 feet long. By comparison, the F/A-18 fighters that were trailing it measure around 56 feet in length, meaning that whatever it was that the Navy spotted could feasibly hold one or more human-sized individuals.

The pilot said they never felt as though the object was a threat, but the report notes that the AAV seemed to react to the presence of the jets, “demonstrating an advanced acceleration, aerodynamic, and propulsion capability.”

Throughout the several days of seeing the object come and go, the Navy says it may have demonstrated the ability to “cloak” and disappear to the human eye. Its rapid descent from 60,000 feet to just 50 feet before disappearing also made officials consider the possibility that it was capable of operating underwater, effortlessly moving from the air to the sea at will.

It’s all pretty freaky.

Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #86
Videos at the link.

US aircraft carrier was stalked for days by a UFO travelling at 'ballistic missile speed' which could hover above the sea for six days, leaked Pentagon report reveals

A leaked Pentagon report has revealed new details about the UFO encounter that shocked Navy fighter pilots above the Pacific.

The 2009 report does not bear any date or agency logo, but four officials confirmed that it was written as part of a Pentagon program with input from multiple agencies, KLAS reported.

The Las Vegas news station obtained the unclassified report while visiting Washington, DC for a debriefing arranged by former Senator Harry Reid.

The report reveals stunning new first-hand accounts of the November 14, 2004 encounter, which was documented in video that emerged in December of last year.

The incident unfolded as the Nimitz carrier group was conducting training exercises off the coast of southern California and Mexico ahead of a deployment to the Arabian Sea.

Beginning around November 10, the USS Princeton, a Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser, made multiple radar contacts with what the report calls an Anomalous Aerial Vehicle (AAV).

The senior chief fire controlman on the Princeton, which was equipped with ultra-advanced AN/SPY-1 multifunctional phased-array radar, reported that the AAV appeared from above 60,000 feet - the radar's scan ceiling - and descended 'very rapidly' to about 50 feet above the surface of the ocean.

They would hover for a short time and then depart at high velocities and turn rates demonstrating advanced capabilities, the senior chief said.

The senior chief, who had 17 years of experience in fire control on cruisers, said he never obtained an accurate track on the AAV, because they exhibited speed consistent with a ballistic missile, but the radar was set to air intercept mode rather than ballistic missile tracking mode.

Then on November 14, the Princeton again detected an AAV around 11am and called it in two F/A-18 Hornets that happened to be returning to the USS Nimitz from a training exercise.

An E-2C Hawkeye surveillance plane was also operating in the area and attempted a radar contact on the AAV, but made only intermittent contact as was unable to gain a track.

The skies were clear and blue with unlimited visibility that day, and the sea was calm, according to the report.

The first fighter jet to investigate, a USMC single-seat F/A-18C, flew within five to 10 nautical miles of the AAV's location, but could not see it. Instead, he reported seeing a circular disturbance in the water about 50 to 100 meters in diameter. It reminded the pilot of something rapidly submerging in the ocean, like a submarine.

The report hypothesizes that 'it is possible that the disturbance was being caused by an AAV but that the AAV was "cloaked" or invisible to the human eye.'

The Marine pilot was called off after the controller asked a plane carrying ordnance to respond, which he was not. When he returned to the USS Nimitz, his intelligence officer asked him if he'd seen the 'supersonic Tic Tac'.

The next jet to respond was a Navy F/A-18F piloted by Cmdr. David Fravor and Lt. Cmdr. Jim Slaight, who made visual contact with the AAV that they have since publicly discussed, corroborating the report.

Fravor also spotted a disturbance in the water, almost as if it were boiling. But this time, hovering above the disturbance was a strange object.

The object was shaped like an elongated egg or a "Tic Tac", according to Fravor, and was 'holding like a Harrier', the jump jet that can take off vertically.

Slaight, whose name is redacted from the report, described it as 'solid white, smooth, with no edges. It was uniformly colored with no nacelles, pylons or wings.'

He described the exterior of the object as 'like it had a white candy-coated shell, almost like a white board.'

When Fravor attempted to make a close pass of the object to attempt visual recognition, the object appeared to react, realigning its axis to point at the approaching plane. The AAV then ascended quickly and departed at supersonic speed.

When Fravor and Slaight returned to the Nimitz, the sailors in the intelligence center donned tin-foil hats to greet them, asking eagerly about their 'UFO flight'.

Later in the day, another plane made the video that has since been released, according to the report.

Around 3pm, another Navy F/A-18F tracked a remarkable object on FLIR, which Fravor's plane had not been equipped with.

The pilot said he couldn't confirm whether he had tracked the same object seen by Fravor and Slaight, because he never made visual contact, only tracked it through FLIR.

The report notes that the USS Louisville nuclear fast-attack submarine was operating in the area, and detected no unusual undersea activity over the duration of the incidents.

The incident was filed in a regular training mission report and it is unclear if it was reported up the chain of command, the report finds.

The aircrews involved made and kept a copy of the FLIR recording, but were subjected to a 'high level of ridicule' over the incident, the report found.

Whatever the AAV was, the report stresses that it was 'no known aircraft or air vehicle currently in the inventory of the United States or any foreign nation.'

Former Senator Reid, now recovering following cancer surgery, and others have urged Congress to create a new Pentagon program to study similar incidents as a matter of national security.

Another highly classified version of the leaked report was also written, but it is unlikely to ever be released.


Jan 15, 2013
Leaked now.
Almost like it's planned right?
Big picture and the reason why.
All manipulation.


Camp Reporter
Aug 7, 2013
DARPA, (defense depart. research and development agency) for years has been working on anti-gravity flight.
They have been developing what they call "magneto-hydrothermal" propulsion. They have full size working models that when seen are confused with UFO's

The one they're working on now goes back to a Nazi research program they called "The Bell". In a nutshell it works like this. Inside a bell shaped cone, that resembles a Gemini capsule, the bottom half is filled with mercury. set above that are two counter rotating dics with electric generators mounted evenly along the edge. when cornter rotating at high speed it creates an anti gravity magnetic force through the mercury.

To counter effects of high speed heat to the exterior (a problem that nagged the SR-71 and the SST). A plasma field is generated around the skin. (Like the crystal ball with the blue and red lightning inside). It keeps the air from directly touching the skin, thus keeping it from overheating from friction.

The manned portion above is filled with super oxygenated water that the pilots breathe (yes this is already been done) negating the G-force effects and enabling the pilot to make sudden turns. The liquid act as a cushion.

To top it off, the pilot is connected to the onboard computer via his helmet and all commands are by "thought".

How far DARPA gotten with a working model is anyone's guess. My belief is they have had anti-gravity for a while now and because I could delve into the internet and find this, its old news.
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Prime Time

Feb 9, 2014
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  • #91

Alien abduction: 45 years after alleged UFO encounter, Mississippi man breaks his silence
Brian Broom, Mississippi Clarion Ledger


Photo: Special to Clarion Ledger

It was an event he has been reluctant to speak about, yet it shaped much of his life. Calvin Parker, now of Moss Point, along with friend Charles Hickson, claimed they were abducted by aliens while fishing on the Pascagoula River and now Parker has written a book he hopes will set the record straight.

"Pascagoula — The Closest Encounter, My Story" was recently published. It contains the first full account of the event given by Parker along with how it affected his life. It includes photos, documents and newspaper articles written through the years. It also marks the first time a transcription of a hypnosis session with Parker has been published.

Parker hopes it will clear the air.

"It was Oct. 11, 1973," Parker said. "We'd gotten off work that day and a friend of mine, he and I went fishing.

"The old abandoned shipyard; they had a little pier out front and we were on that pier. I'm going to guess it was about six o'clock in the evening. It had just started getting dark, but it was kind of a bright moon."

Parker said he noticed blue light reflecting off the water and his initial thought was law enforcement officers had arrived to tell the two fishermen they needed to leave the property. However, when Parker looked up, he realized the light was coming from a craft like nothing he'd ever seen.

"A big light came out of the clouds," Parker said. "It was a blinding light.

"It was hard to tell with the lights so bright, but it looked like it was shaped like a football. I would say, just estimating, (it was) about 80-foot. (It made) very little sound. It was just a hissing noise."

Then the situation became more surreal. Parker said three legless creatures floated from the craft. One had no neck with gray wrinkled skin. Another had a neck and appeared more feminine. Parker described their hands as being shaped like mittens or crab claws.

When one of the creatures put one of its claws around his arm, Parker said he was terrified, but then another feeling came over his body.

"I think they injected us with something to calm us down," Parker said. "I was kind of numb and went along with the program."

Parker said the creatures floated he and Hickson into the craft and performed physical examinations on the two. Then they were taken back to the bank of the river.

Parker said he didn't want to tell anyone what happened, but Hickson convinced him otherwise. The two contacted Keesler Air Force Base, but were told they should call local authorities. So, they contacted the Jackson County Sheriff's Office.

According to Parker, the two passed sobriety tests as well as polygraph tests. Parker said he also passed a voice stress test.

The ordeal seemed like it was over, but for Parker, it was just beginning. The news spread worldwide and according to news reports, Hickson didn't shy away from the attention. Parker, on the other hand, didn't want it. In the years that followed, he said he changed jobs and relocated to other towns when people realized who he was. It was just something he didn't want to discuss.

"I've been going through this 45 years this October," Parker said. "I never talked about it or wanted to talk about it.

"I have very few friends, but they're true friends. They never asked about it and I never talked about it. My family never talks about it."

After decades of largely not discussing the event, Parker began to change his mind after attending a funeral where he came into contact with people he'd not seen in many years and he felt they focused more attention on him than the deceased.

"I signed the registry at the funeral and people recognized the name," Parker said. "Out of respect for the family, I just left. My wife told me on the way home, 'You need to write about it.'"

Parker considered what happened at the funeral, the years of speculation about what happened that night on the river, and his health. He eventually agreed.

"I felt like everyone deserved an explanation," Parker said. "Everyone has an expiration date and I wanted to get this out there before I die.

"I've had some near-death experiences and I'm in bad health. I just wanted to do it."

For Parker, the book is likely a weight lifted off his shoulders. For friends, family and others interested in his side of the story, it should be enlightening. However, Parker said there are some questions that may never be answered.

"I catch myself going fishing at night and look up and wonder where they came from and how far did they travel and why they had to get me."

Parker's book can be found at Amazon.com.


Hall of Fame
Jun 23, 2010
Another one, a few years old and the video was released last year. Interesting story though.

  • It's a verified UFO! Chile releases footage of a mystery object flying towards a navy helicopter after two-year investigation fails to explain it
By Simon Holmes For Mailonline11:55 EDT 06 Jan 2017, updated 19:05 EDT 06 Jan 2017

  • A video from Chile shows a UFO flying in the atmosphere and releasing a liquid
  • The navy footage was handed over to Chilean government experts for analysis
  • However after two years of investigations scientists have no clue what it was
  • Helicopter pilots tracked it with their cameras but it wouldn't show on radar
A mind boggling video from the Chilean navy showing a UFO making unusual movements and omitting plumes of an unknown substance has been released causing swathes of speculation.

CEFAA, the Chilean government agency which investigates UFOs, have been studying the footage for two years but have failed to identify the object seen in the country's airspace.

A naval helicopter gathered the footage on a routine daylight coastal patrol in November 2014 when the camera operator noticed a flying object ahead.

The technician aimed the camera at it immediately and zoomed in with the infra red (IR) for better clarity.

The pilots tracked the UAP (Unidentified aerial phenomena) from around 35 to 40 miles away and tried several times to communicate with it but received no response.

They then reported the unknown traffic to two radar stations either side of the UFO but neither could detect it on radar despite the object being well in range of both.

However the stations were able to detect by the navy helicopters.

Air traffic controllers confirmed that no traffic, either civilian or military, had been reported in the area, and that no aircraft had been authorized to fly in the controlled air space where the object was located, the Huffington Post reported on Friday.


The flying object starts to omit a gas or liquid substance. The pilots tried to engage with it but received no response

Despite being able to see it the helicopter's on-board radar was unable to detect the object
The helicopter's on-board radar was also unable to detect the object.

The UFO, which was said to be the same size as a helicopter, omitted a long plume of gas or liquid before disappearing into the clouds.

General Ricardo Bermúdez, Director of CEFAA during the investigation, said: 'We do not know what it was, but we do not know what it was not.'

General Bermúdez, accompanied by nuclear chemist Mario Avila, a CEFAA scientific committee member, conducted interviews with the two officers at their Navy base.

'I was very impressed by these witnesses,' he said.

'They were highly trained professionals with many years experience, and they were absolutely certain that they could not explain what they saw.'

The footage was captured on a sophisticated Surveillance & Reconnaissance (SAR) camera in broad daylight.

And despite two years of investigations the CEFAA with its committees of military experts, technicians and academics from many disciplines couldn't explain the flying object.

Selassie I

H. I. M.
Jun 23, 2010
Apparently this new group has actual materials from the famous Rendlesham Forest UFO incident. Here's their preview clip that just came out...