Fuck that team. Fuck every 69er fan. Fuck Joe Montana. Fuck Steve Young. Fuck every 69er fan, including the women. Fuck Ken Whoreton Jr. Fuck Ratboy. Fuck John Lynch. Fuck every 69er fan, including the children and toddlers. Fuck the Giants. Fuck the Warriors. Fuck every 69er fan, including the babies. Fuck Draymond Green. Fuck Dre Greenlaw (I don't think we've ever seen Draymond Green and Dre Greenlaw in the same place, have we? Similar names and all?). Fuck every 69er fan, including the fucking fetuses, fucking zygotes, and fucking sperm and eggs. Fuck their stupid SOSAR bullshit. Fuck their ugly ass red and gold coloring scheme. Fuck every 69er fan, including the ones that aren't even a twinkle in their fucking elderberry-smelling father's and fucking hamster mother's eyes.
...Did I mention, fuck the 69er fans? Because fuck them all.