How safe is it to sit in that chair?
Looks bad ass!
That was a REAL concern last night. LOL
My 1st attempt at securing the damn thing on the hook that I put in the wall didn't go well. It appeared as though it was hooked... but it must've been just barely hooked. I was all the way up on the ladder with my shoulder underneath it's neck when it came right off the hook and came right down onto my shoulder. Cammy was watching this go down. Holy Mooooooose batman. LOL
The next time I got it up on the hook I put a lot of my weight around the neck of the mount too and made sure it was fully hooked. I was still uneasy after what had happened before but it's clearly fully hooked now. The antlers come off individually. They attach with a steel square piece that was put in when it was in taxidermy. Each one is heavy af. It was a balancing act/terrifying experience trying to get each one to slide into it's spot. I had to do that once I finally had the head mounted properly on the hook. It was seriously unnerving when I wasn't 100% confident in the hook yet. LOL
It's still hanging tough this morning. There really was a tornado warning happening during my hanging of this last night. The thunder claps were literally making the house shake. If that behemoth was gonna fall... it would've come down already.
My midsection core muscles are sore this morning after the workout that gave me.
I can't wait for my grandpups to come over and see it. I'm guessing they are gonna lose their shit. It is an imposing sight for sure. I bet they will think it's alive.