TE Lewis available

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A snazzy title
Jul 21, 2013
In all seriousness, interesting note... he's the same age as Lewis.
To show my age, I once coached against a great Long Beach Poly pop warner team....It had Marvin Simmons, Mercedes Lewis....and a guy named Foster that I can't remember his first name...maybe that's it....I remember cause we faced them a couple times over several years in Championship games and we told our defenders to call the Poly guys by their first names...in hopes to distract/irritate them....So Mercedes sticks in my mind....Not one of our very talented LA Sheriff Packers players on THAT team made it to the pros....not one....A couple years later, a db we had....Troy Nolan did play briefly... I also remember a wr that played for Stanford and made that catch to beat USC....Bradford...He was a NG on one of our teams....and was a year under-aged....Also had a wr named Derrick Jones....dude wouldn't listen to save his life...all the talent (speed, couldn't catch a cold) in the world...but wouldn't work hard. Hardly worked is more like it...LOL

Lewis was a ferocious blocker....tough....hard nosed player.

And NO.....wouldn't want him....not now.


Mar 13, 2018
Sorry, I'm definitely not angry or argumentive. I find it funny people insinuating I'm wrong when I'm speculating something because their speculation is right. Or even funnier is we here something from McCarthy, Ahead or a player and that gets ignored and the opposite they say is reality, just makes me laugh.

Edit: And I'll expand one that makes me laugh the most. We sent our TE coach to the combine that has to mean we're drafting a TE high because we don't like our group there. Guess what, we sent Coach Pleasant there so that mean we don't like our CB or maybe we're not planning on Joyner signing the franchise tag and our 1st rounder will be a DB. Hey I heard Coach Peete went there, maybe we'll take TG3's replacement in the 1st? How about Coach Taylor going there I guess we're moving on from Goff. All our coaches go there and go to pro days. Yet the only position we're supposed to read anything into is the TE cause Coaches Waldron and Yarber went to the combine.

What I find funny is that you take an afterthought in my post and use that as the basis of your argument all while failing to respond to any of the core issues I've cited such as the following:
  1. the Rams having among the worst production with its TE group compared to others in the NFL, especially for anyone who knows anything about McVay and his preference to utilize that particular position
  2. the fact that the Rams pursued Tyler Eifert with $4 million guaranteed in an offer (up to $8.5 million with incentives), which you tried to dismiss as an insignificant amount despite not even knowing about it before and it being more than what the Rams have paid so far this off-season in free agency to fill holes for ILB and OLB combined, which are both bigger areas of need; also you think that $4 million is no big right now in the Suh negotiations?
  3. you citing surperfluous coach speak as somehow being ironclad evidence when there are plenty of indications that show otherwise like McVay's only choice among our TEs being Everett, who is arguable to even be among the top 50 TEs in the NFL right now and was not even our coach's first choice in the 2017 NFL Draft, in a group that will be looked upon to significantly help replace the production lost from Sammy Watkins' departure
If you can't make a strong argument, you might as well acknowledge it instead of dodging pertinent questions posed to you and citing small snippets of the opposing argument and then using that as the basis of a weak counter that failed to answer any of the points that were being discussed. Like I said, you seem to narrowly focus on insignificant issues while missing the big picture.

Congratulations on winning the Ostrich Award since you seem to be more comfortable sticking your head in the sand than having a real discussion. If we select a tight end in the upcoming draft, will you then admit that you were wrong?

http:// http://
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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
What I find funny is that you take an afterthought in my post and use that as the basis of your argument all while failing to respond to any of the core issues I've cited such as the following:
  1. you citing surperfluous coach speak as somehow being ironclad evidence when there are plenty of indications that show otherwise like McVay's only choice among our TEs being Everett, who is arguable to even be among the top 50 TEs in the NFL right now and was not even our coach's first choice in the 2017 NFL Draft, in a group that will be looked upon to significantly help replace the production lost from Sammy Watkins' departure

Let's not write off Everett. TE is a position where players generally don't have a huge impact as rookies. Everett was coming from a small school, but he still made plays and showed flashes. I think the kid is going to be a good one. Personally, I don't think McVay is disappointed with Everett. I think he's disappointed with Higbee. My guess is that if he's interested in a TE, he's looking for a bigger TE who can block inline and make plays in the red-zone. Dallas Goedert and Hayden Hurst are two who fit the bill there. It's very possible we draft one of those two players. I think McVay wants to replace Sammy by running more 12 personnel. We shall see. But I think you're better off making your points without going after Everett. I still think he's a big part of our plans, and I won't be surprised if he's the guy they see replacing Sammy's production.


Mar 13, 2018
Let's not write off Everett. TE is a position where players generally don't have a huge impact as rookies. Everett was coming from a small school, but he still made plays and showed flashes. I think the kid is going to be a good one. Personally, I don't think McVay is disappointed with Everett. I think he's disappointed with Higbee. My guess is that if he's interested in a TE, he's looking for a bigger TE who can block inline and make plays in the red-zone. Dallas Goedert and Hayden Hurst are two who fit the bill there. It's very possible we draft one of those two players. I think McVay wants to replace Sammy by running more 12 personnel. We shall see. But I think you're better off making your points without going after Everett. I still think he's a big part of our plans, and I won't be surprised if he's the guy they see replacing Sammy's production.

The thing is that I'm not writing Everett off at all. My criticism has more to do with the Rams' TE group as a whole. Yes, you make a good point about him being a rookie who needs time to adjust. Despite my tone, I actually see him as part of a promising future with the team, especially if we can pair him with a quality partner, but the team needs more than one TE and, like you said, Higbee ain't cutting it and Hemingway can't be counted on right now either.

I singled out Everett only to make the point that he was, in fact, not McVay's first choice. That still doesn't make him a bad pick since we traded down for him but none of our TEs can be counted on right now for reliable production including him and he's the best that we've got.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
The thing is that I'm not writing Everett off at all. My criticism has more to do with the Rams' TE group as a whole. Yes, you make a good point about him being a rookie who needs time to adjust. Despite my tone, I actually see him as part of a promising future with the team, especially if we can pair him with a quality partner, but the team needs more than one TE and, like you said, Higbee ain't cutting it and Hemingway can't be counted on right now either.

I singled out Everett only to make the point that he was, in fact, not McVay's first choice. That still doesn't make him a bad pick since we traded down for him but none of our TEs can be counted on right now for reliable production including him and he's the best that we've got.

I'm sure nobody available in the 2nd round was McVay's first choice.


Jan 26, 2013
I wasnt aware the Everett wasnt our first choice! Interesting. I guess the only other one would be Engram? Suppose that makes sense.

Either way...I believe we are going to see more of Everett in his sophomore year and hope the plan is to use him as our TE play maker while supplementing him with blocking TE's. Higbee needs to be gifted a juggs.

To me, not a good time to reinvest in TE's. A decent argument has been made to the contrary but I saw a pretty stout offense last year even without elite TE performance. It makes me wonder why everyone is so convinced McVay values the TE so much if he did just fine without the extra production last year. Its plausible to me that McVay didnt create everyones TE opinions, and instead he just had great TE's in Washington. I mean, he didnt NEED them, they were just there so he used them well.

I'm not one drone on and on about lost or wasted draft picks, but I do know we traded into the Everett pick and as such we should focus on that investment. If we try to upgrade, then that kinda devalues the work in the draft last year. I dont think they are ready to do that yet.


Damn the torpedoes
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
There were a couple options out there who could have potentially upgraded us at TE but they didn't happen. So at this point bringing in JAGs through FA is not any sort of answer.

TE is a need but it isn't a huge need. It was that position on offense where they could have upgraded things in FA without spending a pick. But now? Well, it's gonna have to get in line behind some other positions, like OL and multiple defensive positions.

They might very well snap one up if a fit presents itself with value for where they're picking. But I just hope it's not a first two days type deal.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
I think discussing TE weakness is a valid conversation, however I don't know where Mercedes Lewis fits in. He's done


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
We have brought in at least one CB since signing Peters, Talib, Shields, and re-signing NRC. I would say that bringing in ANY positional player should not be a sign that we prioritize improving that position but that this staff will look to make improvements to any and all positions.

The other thing I would point to is how many times our coaches - no matter who they are - draft players they supposedly never met with and vice verse.

Regardless, knock off the head in the sand crap and the general chippy bullshit - all of yawlz. Discuss without making it about the poster. That’s pretty much rule numero uno around here.


Mar 13, 2018
We have brought in at least one CB since signing Peters, Talib, Shields, and re-signing NRC. I would say that bringing in ANY positional player should not be a sign that we prioritize improving that position but that this staff will look to make improvements to any and all positions.

The other thing I would point to is how many times our coaches - no matter who they are - draft players they supposedly never met with and vice verse.

Regardless, knock off the head in the sand crap and the general chippy bullcrap - all of yawlz. Discuss without making it about the poster. That’s pretty much rule numero uno around here.

So I guess that means we'll keep an eye out for possibly a new quarterback and primary running back then, right? Works for me as I've been daydreaming about the possibility of Josh Rosen and Sean McVay joining forces.

By the way, we technically traded for Talib after signing Shields and he was hardly a sure thing to start given his concussion history. Is there another new cornerback we signed that I don't know about?
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Mar 13, 2018
I'm sure nobody available in the 2nd round was McVay's first choice.
I wasnt aware the Everett wasnt our first choice! Interesting. I guess the only other one would be Engram? Suppose that makes sense.

Either way...I believe we are going to see more of Everett in his sophomore year and hope the plan is to use him as our TE play maker while supplementing him with blocking TE's. Higbee needs to be gifted a juggs.

To me, not a good time to reinvest in TE's. A decent argument has been made to the contrary but I saw a pretty stout offense last year even without elite TE performance. It makes me wonder why everyone is so convinced McVay values the TE so much if he did just fine without the extra production last year. Its plausible to me that McVay didnt create everyones TE opinions, and instead he just had great TE's in Washington. I mean, he didnt NEED them, they were just there so he used them well.

I'm not one drone on and on about lost or wasted draft picks, but I do know we traded into the Everett pick and as such we should focus on that investment. If we try to upgrade, then that kinda devalues the work in the draft last year. I dont think they are ready to do that yet.

Evan Engram was indeed the Rams' primary target in McVay's first draft. With regards to drafting another tight end devaluing the Rams' 2017 NFL draft a bit, I can see the argument for that but I don't think that necessarily applies. Like I said, I still think Gerald Everett can have a bright future for us, plus, the Rams' original pick in the second round was packaged along with their fifth-rounder for the Bills' picks in the second and third rounds, which were used to select Everett and John Johnson, respectively. That's not a bad consolation prize.

Even if we had drafted Engram, the team still would need another TE, particularly one that can block effectively. I agree with jrry32 in that I can see Dallas Goedert from South Dakota State being a possible target in the upcoming draft and good fit for the team. I also share the same concerns about workout wonder Mike Gesicki from Penn State not having an inclination to block despite having the physical tools and athleticism to be an all-around talent. Another TE prospect I personally like for our team is Ian Thomas from Indiana for his rugged approach. However, all of these prospects are likely to be selected during the first 2 days of the draft. Tyler Conklin from Central Michigan would be an intriguing pick in the sixth round if he's available and his injury concerns taken care of.

The reason why people like myself believe McVay prioritizes tight ends in his offense is based on Jordan Reed's success when the two were together in Washington and the fact that he apparently asked Snead to prioritize Engram in their first draft together. Even missing out on Engram, they still drafted a TE after trading down. Offering an injury-prone Tyler Eifert a contract this off-season also lends further support to this line of thinking. Those four instances in such a short span of time seem to be more than mere coincidence to me.

View: https://twitter.com/SosaKre/status/857823990890582016

View: https://twitter.com/AllbrightNFL/status/857824146721525761

There were a couple options out there who could have potentially upgraded us at TE but they didn't happen. So at this point bringing in JAGs through FA is not any sort of answer.

TE is a need but it isn't a huge need. It was that position on offense where they could have upgraded things in FA without spending a pick. But now? Well, it's gonna have to get in line behind some other positions, like OL and multiple defensive positions.

They might very well snap one up if a fit presents itself with value for where they're picking. But I just hope it's not a first two days type deal.

I actually agree that we have more pressing needs than TE at the moment, which includes run defense as well as pass rushing along with our aging offensive line. Maybe the signing of Suh provides a big check mark on our checklist that will go a long way towards enabling the Rams to select best player available in the draft regardless of position, which would be more ideal.
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