Suh leaves town favoring the Rams and cancels visits to other teams. McVay is money.
Just consider how many things just fell in place since McVay was hired.
Wade is available and wants to move to LA.
McVay brings in a great support staff.
Whitworth is a feee agent and agrees to come to a loser instead of going for a ring.
Woods signs cheap ends up being a stud.
They have a great draft.
Sammy becomes available.
Very successful season follows. This winter there’s huge needs at Corner, two of the best in the league become available.
Now Suh is thinking about coming on board.
The good fortune is insane. Like getting Faulk, Aeneas, Proehl, Timmerman and Kurt. It feels like the stars are aligning, all because of the influential, persuasive, intelligent, likable, head coach. People say you make your own luck. It certainly seems to be true.