Should I get a dog?

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Jan 15, 2013
One of my Brit relatives came over to visit and he commented how EVERYONE in America has a pet dog or two. He was surprised, said it isent that way in Limey-land.


Mr. Savant
Aug 23, 2012
One of my Brit relatives came over to visit and he commented how EVERYONE in America has a pet dog or two. He was surprised, said it isent that way in Limey-land.

You should come visit SWFL. It seems like every retired couple or divorced hag has a little tiny dog.


All the old fucks think it's OK to take their dog EVERYWHERE. They walk into stores with them as if it's normal. Even restaurants. I'm not kidding.

I took this pic a few years back. I was seriously considering slapping this lady and her husband in the side of the head. Her little shit dog is sitting on her lap on the outdoor dining area of a great diner near me. She is letting the dog eat off of her plate. Not leftover food she didn't eat. She is SHARING her food with the dog.

Fucking disgusting.

Gross dog owners.jpg


Jan 15, 2013
You should come visit SWFL. It seems like every retired couple or divorced hag has a little tiny dog.


All the old fucks think it's OK to take their dog EVERYWHERE. They walk into stores with them as if it's normal. Even restaurants. I'm not kidding.

I took this pic a few years back. I was seriously considering slapping this lady and her husband in the side of the head. Her little crap dog is sitting on her lap on the outdoor dining area of a great diner near me. She is letting the dog eat off of her plate. Not leftover food she didn't eat. She is SHARING her food with the dog.

freaking disgusting.

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It's like that when I go visit central California as well. It's a form of narcissism to me.


Pro Bowler
Sep 28, 2015
Well if he's so great how come you don't let him ride in the boat? Prolly no room cuz of all the cats on board.
Well, there's no boat to ride in.

Now if I had a boat, the dog would be riding in it, in style. A cat? A cat would be bait... If I wanted to live with an aloof and acrimonious being, I'd still be married. ;)


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Yes, period!
Exclamation Point (oops, said that).
That said, we've had 5 dogs - loved em all over a 25 year span.

A dachshund - pound for pound the toughest dog on the planet. 17 years

A retriever mix - lovable, runner, not dumb but... well...17 years also

A Queensland ( we think) coyote mix we got in Pahrump - had him 8 years, and he disappeared - really sucked.
Smarter than hell, just a bit wild.

Roxy- a black lab mix whose death started this thread. Smart, lovable, and and and.
Pretty much my wife's dog. 13 years.

Obviously there was a lot of overlap.
And I we were early forties, working Ana and and.

Now I got Coop (avatar) and he's coming up on 2.

Pardon the ramble , but can't recommend it enough. They are a serious commitment, but way way worth it.

Love the shit out of my golden - there's a reason they're so popular. But if I could have 2 ( and I may) second one, it will be a German Shepherd.
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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 9, 2016
A Queensland ( we think) coyote mix we got in Pahrump - had him 8 years, and he disappeared - really sucked.
Smarter than hell, just a bit wild.
I own one as well, kobe is 13. They're great dogs to protect the family, low upkeep (aside from their energy), but you get them out of their element and instinct kicks in.

We took him to Joshua Tree and he found a path, and took off just apeshit. This is a dog that is normally my shadow, but for whatever reason, just lost his mind and wouldn't return when called. Took 30 minutes to track him down.

Great dog, he's still healthy at 13, but not looking forward to him getting old and the thought of replacing him. Rescue dog too, amazing someone didn't want him.


Jan 14, 2013
We've got two Shih Tzus and I love them. I've got severe allergies when it comes to animals so we had to get something hypoallergenic. They are as good a companion dogs as i've ever seen. I've always wanted bigger dogs but it's just the wife and I so we don't have a huge house so didn't want to shove a big dog into a house with little room or yard to move around in. So they were perfect. They were very quick with potty pad training but a little slower on the complete house training. But they are pretty smart beyond that and got a ton of personality. Because they are hypoallergenic they have to be groomed every couple months though. They've got me wrapped around their little paws though.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Apr 25, 2013
I have a Chow (Black) who is as laid back as they come. We got him from someone who was abusing him. Luckily, it didn't taint his laid back personality. He "protects" his yard. But once someone comes in it w/ us......he gives them the punishment of having to pet and love on him (the lean....). Outside the fence. Completely chill. But Chows have a one person (owner) mentality. He loves everyone in the family. But I'm his human. My wife still gives me shit as she originally wanted him for her. I walked up to him, grabbed his jowls and shook them....he was mine. We've had him for about 6 or 7 years.


Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
I own one as well, kobe is 13. They're great dogs to protect the family, low upkeep (aside from their energy), but you get them out of their element and instinct kicks in.

We took him to Joshua Tree and he found a path, and took off just apeshit. This is a dog that is normally my shadow, but for whatever reason, just lost his mind and wouldn't return when called. Took 30 minutes to track him down.

Great dog, he's still healthy at 13, but not looking forward to him getting old and the thought of replacing him. Rescue dog too, amazing someone didn't want him.
View attachment 21775

Exactly what "Rookie" looked like, 'cept he was pretty much all white.

Rookie's lower left
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Give your dog a hug.
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Sep 7, 2011
Aaaactuly they are the 3rd smartest dog in the world behind #2 the poodle and #1 the border collie just sayin:whistle:

I don't have a dog in this fight....oh wait.:cautious:
Goldens come in 4th, but given their laid-back-edness, I win! :boxing::yess::yay::football::grouphug:

(Bit of an emoticon orgy - sorry).


Tokyo Ram
Sep 25, 2017
Dogs are the most amazing animals.
You need to consider time, effort, and patience of looking after one.
If getting a pup, he/she could be in the family 15 years or more... If lucky.

Owning a dog is a massive commitment, but hugely rewarding.
My parents always had poodles andy uncle always had border collies and collie mix.

I would also recommend getting a rescue dog but it can be heart breaking to see them in the kennels.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
had a foster sharpei a while back..he got out of the yard and came back with a whole spiral cut ham still all wrapped up Easter morning.
My brothers dog "Dog" was quite the beast. He was a Queensland. One Christmas at my grandmother's we had about 35 family members for dinner. My sister had bought a huge Honey Baked ham - biggest one I have ever seen. We lined up the two turkeys and all the fixings and had to put the ham on this small glass table in the breakfast nook. When we all started dishing up, no one could find the ham. The plate was there but there was no trace of the ham. And when I say no trace, I mean NO TRACE. There was not so much as a grease smudge on the table, floor, or anywhere around. We questioned if someone simply moved it. Well after looking everywhere for this ham, I ventured out to the garage. There in the middle of the garage floor laid Dog - stomach bloated - with about four inches of the hock to the ham bone between his paws - everything else gone. Mind you - this dog was about 35 - 40 pounds and the ham had to be over 20. All we could figure was he somehow lifted the whole ham up, jumped down from the table, backed out the dog door and carried it to its final resting spot where he consumed every last bit of meat from the bone - all in about 20 minutes. After over 30 years, I don't think a Christmas goes by where that story doesn't come up.

Moral of the story. Be careful not to choose a dog smart enough to serve himself at Christmas.