I guess you'd call it bias....I just call it....whatever scouts call it when they don't like a guy that's slower, smaller, skinnier, or anything that makes them take players off their lists.
And typically, guys that I have had biases against, don't pan out....
Joyner is overpaid....there's no denying...no matter how many YAHOOS say Champ's this or that....Joyner IS vastly overpaid....I said it before this post came out....it supports MY argument....that we shouldn't have paid a FS that has 3 interceptions in 4 years, all that damn money...it's not just because he's small...or slow....or was crying like a lil bitch on hardknocks telling on his teammates about what they do with their money. It because on game days, he does NOTHING to impact the game....nothing.
If Fisher knows/knew anything, he does know defense...especially DB's.
He was boo-hooing about playing time...about playing for free....working for Wallmart (which is a freaking lie, no way in HELL he's gonna work at Wallmart) Personally, I doubt ANY defender respects a guy like that.
Safeties aren't getting paid....except LaMarcus Joyner, is what the title of this thread should be.