RG Knee...

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Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
You have to think that RG knows what kind of QB he is and how much better are the guys he plays against now. Given that, he has to also know that any game could be his last. If any of you thought this could possibly be your last shot at playing in a playoff game, wouldn't YOU do everything you could to stay in the game?

I agree that Shanny needs to try to protect him from himself but that rarely actually happens when you get to the playoffs.

It is unfortunate that RG got injured. He seems like a really good kid. But from the start, the very kind of player he is is EXACTLY why I salivated at the idea of trading the pick. I hate to say it but Kenny is right.

And as CGI said, I would WAAAAY rather have what we already have in return.


Has a Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2011
bluecoconuts said:
Username said:
He fucking told Shanahan he wasn't hurt. Shanahan paraphrasing "'Coach, there's a difference between being injured and being hurt,' " Shanahan relayed later. "He said, 'I can guarantee I'm hurt right now but give me the chance to win this football game because I guarantee I'm not injured.'

On if Shanahan would've took him out. "I would've been right back out there."

Take what you want from it. Obviously Shanahan had the power to do it, but that's him putting trust in Griffin. His quarterback. I expect to see him taken out every time he gets a scratch if he plays at all next year, or in the future.

In the military we had a guy get peppered with shrapnel in his face, arms, and legs during a firefight. He said he was fine and didn't need an evac, wanted to stay in the fight. We didn't call a bird in till the fight was over, and he was just fine in the end. He couldn't move very easily so we bandaged him up and put him against a firing position that he didn't need to move much. We had another guy in another firefight who got a quarter of his chest cavity blown off by an RPG, who also refused medevac and wanted to stay and fight. We told him to lay his ass down on the stretcher and he didn't have a choice but to get on the damn bird. The medics on the Blackhawk later told us he tried to sit up so he could call out enemy positions as they flew away, and they had to pin him to the floor.

Point is, if a guy wants to be there, he will push through injury and insist that he is okay. It's up to the leader to determine where the line is to allow someone to push through and when to get them out. When RG3 was limping back to the huddle in very obvious pain early in the game (second quarter I believe) I feel that was the line.

Shanahan's job as a coach is to be able to tell his Quarterback when he needs to sit, I felt he failed to do that. From the start of the year, Shanahan has done nothing to help RG3's development as a real NFL QB.

That's fine, and I personally wouldn't have even started him.

I still think there's negligence on Griffins half by not realizing the magnitude of what him getting seriously injured means to the team, and it's future. He said he knew him going back onto the field put himself at a greater risk for a serious injury. No offense seriously, I am immensely grateful of your service to our country, and those stories are very heroic, inspiring, and touch my heart as a proud American, but I don't think a group of very brave young men fighting for the lives of their fellow soldiers and their country compares to his situation. I played football for a better half of my life, and I realize how emotional the game is. I actually played with an injury for 5 games that could've gotten worse with a repercussion of surgery too. I also wasn't a player that a NFL franchise traded away their entire immediate future for in order for me to be the franchise savoir.

In the end, you're right. Shanahan was wrong and more at fault than Griffin I agree. RG3 will go down as a tough respected individual who tried to play through the injury. Unfortunately if he doesn't start using his BRAIN with his heart, that could be how his career finishes too.


May 28, 2011
Yeah, RG3 needs to be smart as well. In the end they're both to blame. And the Doctor for not putting up a bigger fight.

I hope RG3 has a good career (starting after we get our draft picks of course), but damn if Washington isn't trying to destroy that kid. Honestly I don't think he's starting in 5 years.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
bluecoconuts said:
Yeah, RG3 needs to be smart as well. In the end they're both to blame. And the Doctor for not putting up a bigger fight.

I hope RG3 has a good career (starting after we get our draft picks of course), but damn if Washington isn't trying to destroy that kid. Honestly I don't think he's starting in 5 years.

I don't know what to think of the Andrews comments. That was weird.

But I think I believe Andrews FIRST comments in that Shanahan didn't ask for his input and was worried. Why would he say that otherwise?

RG3 is young enough to bounce back next year. As far as longevity... Good question. Certainly not if he keeps playing like 2012.


May 28, 2011


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
bluecoconuts said:
I thought they could use cadaver parts in reconstruction surgery now. At least I thought I read that somewhere. That aside, it's too bad for him. His only crime is that he was involved in this whole "Rams Fans who don't like Bradford" controversy. Otherwise, he hasn't done anything to really warrant any negativity. At least not on my part. And his condition is going to be a career-shortner, unfortunately. Similar to DX's woes, Griffin is going to (likely) always have a problem with his sticks. And the way he's used is going to make it much, much worse.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
X said:
bluecoconuts said:
I thought they could use cadaver parts in reconstruction surgery now. At least I thought I read that somewhere. That aside, it's too bad for him. His only crime is that he was involved in this whole "Rams Fans who don't like Bradford" controversy. Otherwise, he hasn't done anything to really warrant any negativity. At least not on my part. And his condition is going to be a career-shortner, unfortunately. Similar to DX's woes, Griffin is going to (likely) always have a problem with his sticks. And the way he's used is going to make it much, much worse.
But the way he was used is why he was so coveted, that he may have been overused is inarguable, but the injuries he DID have could have been incured had he ONLY run the number of times Sam did.
On the other hand as far as not having ANY problems with him ,I 4 1 think he was a little bit of a bitch about being smacked by US ,as if he was supposed to be able to beat you as a runner but not get hit like one, screw that, if you run, you get hit.
It's regretable to see the inevitable be something we end up rooting for because it can only profit US, it's sad to see A KID , disabled,but he had his moment and may have more .The road to professional sports if littered with stories as sad, at least he has that first contract.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
Thordaddy said:
X said:
bluecoconuts said:
I thought they could use cadaver parts in reconstruction surgery now. At least I thought I read that somewhere. That aside, it's too bad for him. His only crime is that he was involved in this whole "Rams Fans who don't like Bradford" controversy. Otherwise, he hasn't done anything to really warrant any negativity. At least not on my part. And his condition is going to be a career-shortner, unfortunately. Similar to DX's woes, Griffin is going to (likely) always have a problem with his sticks. And the way he's used is going to make it much, much worse.
But the way he was used is why he was so coveted, that he may have been overused is inarguable, but the injuries he DID have could have been incured had he ONLY run the number of times Sam did.
On the other hand as far as not having ANY problems with him ,I 4 1 think he was a little bit of a bitch about being smacked by US ,as if he was supposed to be able to beat you as a runner but not get hit like one, screw that, if you run, you get hit.
It's regretable to see the inevitable be something we end up rooting for because it can only profit US, it's sad to see A KID , disabled,but he had his moment and may have more .The road to professional sports if littered with stories as sad, at least he has that first contract.
Coulda shoulda woulda, and all that -- I know. But the fact remains, he's pretty careless with his own body when he runs. Even if he ran half as much, he still runs twice as dangerously. We don't see Bradford launching himself like that. Bradford protects his body for the most part. He runs out of bounds and he slides. And yeah, he was a whiny mofo after he faced us. But I think that was just his induction into the game of big boys. Glad we were the ones who rolled out the welcome mat too.

Truth be known, I'm already bored with his story. I never envied him as a player, and I never wanted him on the Rams. Whatever he does over there in DC is fine and dandy with me. Succeed, fail, I don't care. We beat them when we faced them already, and we'll continue to do so for years to come.


Hamburger Connoisseur
Jun 28, 2010
Burger man
bluecoconuts said:

Wow. That's incredible.

I still think he's young enough to bounce back fine. I guess the question is how long does he hold up.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
X said:
Coulda shoulda woulda, and all that -- I know. But the fact remains, he's pretty careless with his own body when he runs. Even if he ran half as much, he still runs twice as dangerously. We don't see Bradford launching himself like that. Bradford protects his body for the most part. He runs out of bounds and he slides. And yeah, he was a whiny mofo after he faced us. But I think that was just his induction into the game of big boys. Glad we were the ones who rolled out the welcome mat too.

Truth be known, I'm already bored with his story. I never envied him as a player, and I never wanted him on the Rams. Whatever he does over there in DC is fine and dandy with me. Succeed, fail, I don't care. We beat them when we faced them already, and we'll continue to do so for years to come.


Can he be a game changer? Certainly. Will he end up on the scrap heap of the NFL? Most likely. And that is why I was near giddy that we traded the pick and got good value even if he were to become the next great. Did anyone really see this as anything but a distinct possibility anytime he pulled the ball down or ran the option? Obviously the skins saw it coming. Do you really think they take Cousins as anything but an insurance policy?

Yeah, I'm tired of this one too. Mainly because of all the finger pointing. The Skins got their man. They knew how precarious was the situation. They rolled the dice. It either works out or it doesn't.


Binding you with ancient logic
Apr 5, 2012
RamFan503 said:
X said:
Coulda shoulda woulda, and all that -- I know. But the fact remains, he's pretty careless with his own body when he runs. Even if he ran half as much, he still runs twice as dangerously. We don't see Bradford launching himself like that. Bradford protects his body for the most part. He runs out of bounds and he slides. And yeah, he was a whiny mofo after he faced us. But I think that was just his induction into the game of big boys. Glad we were the ones who rolled out the welcome mat too.

Truth be known, I'm already bored with his story. I never envied him as a player, and I never wanted him on the Rams. Whatever he does over there in DC is fine and dandy with me. Succeed, fail, I don't care. We beat them when we faced them already, and we'll continue to do so for years to come.


Can he be a game changer? Certainly. Will he end up on the scrap heap of the NFL? Most likely. And that is why I was near giddy that we traded the pick and got good value even if he were to become the next great. Did anyone really see this as anything but a distinct possibility anytime he pulled the ball down or ran the option? Obviously the skins saw it coming. Do you really think they take Cousins as anything but an insurance policy?

Yeah, I'm tired of this one too. Mainly because of all the finger pointing. The Skins got their man. They knew how precarious was the situation. They rolled the dice. It either works out or it doesn't.

Back in the Vick hay day ,I used to say , "note to self, bribe schedule maker to schedule Falcons AFTER game 9" cuz he'll be hurt by then.
I brought this thread back because it can be morphed into a discussion of Kaepernick, who is basically in the NFC championship game ( not having played a full season and as yet unbroken) playing ostensibly the same game as RG,so is the success of Kaepernick affirming the soundness or stupidity of exposing your QB?
IOW are the 49r's setting themselves up for failure with Kaepernick because he is bound to get broken in the same manner as RG ?
Can anyone beside Tim Tebow holdup playing that way?