That's what they are telling us happened. I believe women when they tell me what they felt internally. That's my default until proven otherwise. Maybe you don't. That's your choice.
And I don't need to assume that it happened at all. That has already been confirmed.
I believe MY women, when they tell me something. Who is this chick??? Anybody know, Jerry? I appreciate your sensitivity. But here's the point: There are scumbags with both sets of plumbing. Why do we believe an accuser, just because she is a woman? This is where the PC police thing comes into play. Not talking about THIS case.
And I know it is difficult to come forward. I know women are reluctant. They need to feel safe to come forward if something bad happens.
But if some woman accused my friend
@jrry32 of touching her inappropriately, should "I believe women"?
I would assume my friend's innocence, until proven guilty. As a matter of fact, getting to know your character a little bit, I would have
confidence that you didn't do it.
If my buddy
@bluecoconuts was accused of inappropriate relations with a student, (a bad grade can sometime cause vengeful actions?) should "I believe women"? Or maybe, consider the character of Blue, and that he is professional, and would not do such a thing? (I just use that example because he teaches, and is in this conversation.)
Dude, women DO NOT have the market on truth or integrity. Having said that, I want the maximum protection of women in our society. I want women to be held up on a pedestal of respect.
But each case is different, Jerry. Denigrating an innocent man is not more virtuous than defending a devious woman. And waiting on the facts does not make me a misogynist.