Enough said...the man doesn't stop perfecting his craft.
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Aaron Donald’s footwork still looks elite in offseason workout
Cameron DaSilva
Thu, February 18, 2021, 8:34 AM
Aaron Donald didn’t become the best defensive player in the world by simply doing what was required of him in college and the NFL. He always puts in the extra work, whether it’s watching film, lifting in the weight room or improving his footwork on the practice field.
Donald doesn’t take many days off and though he admitted he took a week to rest and spend time with his family after the season ended, he was quickly back in the weight room lifting. On Wednesday, his trainer shared videos of Donald returning to the practice field where he started back up on his footwork drills.
Unsurprisingly, Donald still looks quick, showing off his ridiculous movement skills for a man that size.
Cameron DaSilva
Thu, February 18, 2021, 8:34 AM
Aaron Donald didn’t become the best defensive player in the world by simply doing what was required of him in college and the NFL. He always puts in the extra work, whether it’s watching film, lifting in the weight room or improving his footwork on the practice field.
Donald doesn’t take many days off and though he admitted he took a week to rest and spend time with his family after the season ended, he was quickly back in the weight room lifting. On Wednesday, his trainer shared videos of Donald returning to the practice field where he started back up on his footwork drills.
Unsurprisingly, Donald still looks quick, showing off his ridiculous movement skills for a man that size.
Donald won Defensive Player of the Year for the third time this past season, recording 13.5 sacks and 28 QB hits. He’s just the third player ever to win the award three times in his career, joining J.J. Watt and Lawrence Taylor.
Cameron DaSilva
Thu, February 18, 2021, 8:34 AM
Aaron Donald didn’t become the best defensive player in the world by simply doing what was required of him in college and the NFL. He always puts in the extra work, whether it’s watching film, lifting in the weight room or improving his footwork on the practice field.
Donald doesn’t take many days off and though he admitted he took a week to rest and spend time with his family after the season ended, he was quickly back in the weight room lifting. On Wednesday, his trainer shared videos of Donald returning to the practice field where he started back up on his footwork drills.
Unsurprisingly, Donald still looks quick, showing off his ridiculous movement skills for a man that size.
Donald won Defensive Player of the Year for the third time this past season, recording 13.5 sacks and 28 QB hits. He’s just the third player ever to win the award three times in his career, joining J.J. Watt and Lawrence Taylor.
He admitted after the season that he is getting older and he feels aches and pains more, but by training the way he does, he hopes to sustain his high level of play and continue dominating for years to come.