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Big tobacco advertised itself as a health benefit at one time, and continued lying for years, marijuana users didn't boast claims until very recently, and doctors have now documented cases where pot has helped patients. Nicotine is a known cancer causing agent, legal marijuana isn't 'laced' with anything. Pot is providing new medical uses and is prepared to provide more once the Feds get off their high horse. Read this on lung cancer & marijuana :
Known benefits :
So you want to incarcerate people and prevent them from supporting a family or going to school due to your calling BS without any factual basis to support your theory ?
Please quote where I said that?
I could give a flying fukk what anyone puts into their body, because it's theirs. As for benefits of marijuana, there may be some..especially for those struggling with disease and health problems...I could care less what WebMD says about the subject, because they could not know what the long term effects over a large sample field over the course of 20-30 years, is...It has just been relatively recently that legal marijuana is being used like now, where people that would never have tried it before because it was illegal, are now smoking it...You totally jumped over the idea that inhaling a burning substance might have negative side effects over the long term on a person's lungs...As for Big tobacco, yeah, they are scumbags, but we may find out that marijuana proponents and the it's "totally harmless" crowd, are just as guilty as doctors in white smocks were in the 50's, proclaiming the healthful benefits of cigarrettes...
I am saying, why not HGH then? Both marijuana and HGH are prescribed by doctors and help people overcome pain to do things they could not do before the drug usage?
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