Online dating and stuff

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Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
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  • #41
You guys talking about the height thing, i see that alot too. First thing i do is look at their height and see if it makes sense.
When the girl is like 5'2" i just scratch my head.
I can understand why a girl who is 5'7" or taller might want a guy 6' or taller though. The heels thing makes sense. Some women are actually self conscious more about themselves being taller. I've spoken with a few that say they'd rather be average height so they don't feel like an Amazon woman in high heels regardless of the guy they're with.

Height has never been an issue for me thankfully, strangely.


May 19, 2014
Anyway, we get to talking. Turns out she's not divorced but separated, husband is at home...they still live together, and he gets irritated when she goes on dates.

Yesh. And were those suckers real or did it look like hubby paid for a bunch of silicon?

Housewives like that man.....Gotta ward that crazy nonsense off.

Literally the only way to get away with being under 6' for women with that rule is money. Funny how that happens. But men are the shallow ones.....:cautious:o_O

hah. I've yet to meet a girl, thankfully, with the height "hang-up." I guess I was lucky hanging out with really cool chics in college. Well, mostly cool......this former band girl. Man. She projected her crazy shit onto me. Or tried to.

I mean, I'm 6 flat. Or rather, I lie about being 6 flat.

Funny thing, much like dick size, girls don't really fucking know the difference between say, 5'11 and about 6 flat or just above. Seriously. Don't tell them your height at all sometimes and just ask them how tall they think you are. 8/10 times they probably get it wrong.

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
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  • #43
Literally the only way to get away with being under 6' for women with that rule is money. Funny how that happens. But men are the shallow ones.....:cautious:o_O
There are other ways. I'll get more into this later, but i've been online dating for about 6 years now and while generalizing here...i have some experience when i say that dating Latina women has made me realize just how shallow and high maintenance white women are.

I've always been attracted to latina/hispanic women, but never really dated any until several years ago. I've since had relationships and friendships with these women, and i will say that in general...they are more loyal, down to Earth and easy going then white women.


May 19, 2014
I've always been attracted to latina/hispanic women, but never really dated any until several years ago. I've since had relationships and friendships with these women, and i will say that in general...they are more loyal, down to Earth and easy going then white women.

I've that a bit actually. I've also heard that latina women, more than any other, will cut your balls off with a steak knife if they find you cheating on them. :ROFLMAO:

Zombie Slayer

You are entitled to nothing.
Aug 10, 2013
There are other ways. I'll get more into this later, but i've been online dating for about 6 years now and while generalizing here...i have some experience when i say that dating Latina women has made me realize just how shallow and high maintenance white women are.

I've always been attracted to latina/hispanic women, but never really dated any until several years ago. I've since had relationships and friendships with these women, and i will say that in general...they are more loyal, down to Earth and easy going then white women.

Funny you mention that. Have you ever listened to Tom Leykis? He says the exact same thing. I believe it. Men from other counties when they come here notice how American white women are these days. Not all white women are like that but an increasing number of them are. I've noticed it over the last 5-7 years.

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
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  • #46
I've that a bit actually. I've also heard that latina women, more than any other, will cut your balls off with a steak knife if they find you cheating on them. :ROFLMAO:
Lol, i don't know but thats definitely what i've heard too. Just don't do it.
I've only cheated once and i was 21 yrs old. Never since.

It's interesting to me too, that the number one complaint i hear from the mouths of Latina women(because the discussion of have you dated white men or have i dated a Latina before always comes up) is they say they've had enough of the overwhelming controlling issues they've experienced from Latino men. There's a long time ROOTED cultural thing going on there. They feel like they're not allowed alot of freedom in the bedroom either. Of course i'm more than willing to accommodate in that regard :ROFLMAO:


May 19, 2014
they say they've had enough of the overwhelming controlling issues they've experienced from Latino men. There's a long time ROOTED cultural thing going on there. They feel like they're not allowed alot of freedom in the bedroom either. Of course i'm more than willing to accommodate in that regard

I think I've been with the wrong women lol. Though I do have diversity under my belt. :ROFLMAO:

A dirty blonde. A brunette. A Chinese girl. And a Spanish (as in Spain) when I did a study abroad a few years ago.

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
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  • #48
Funny you mention that. Have you ever listened to Tom Leykis? He says the exact same thing. I believe it. Men from other counties when they come here notice how American white women are these days. Not all white women are like that but an increasing number of them are. I've noticed it over the last 5-7 years.
IDK who Tom Leykis. I'll look it up.

Mojo Ram

Feb 3, 2013
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  • #49
I think I've been with the wrong women lol. Though I do have diversity under my belt. :ROFLMAO:

A dirty blonde. A brunette. A Chinese girl. And a Spanish (as in Spain) when I did a study abroad a few years ago.
Nice. I couldn't attract an Asian woman if i was the last man on Earth. Lol.
I haven't dated outside of AZ so when i talk about Latina women and my experiences i'm talking strictly Mexican women...and Mexican men are notoriously jealous, possessive and controlling according to the women I've talked with.

The largest hurdle i've come across with Latina/Mexican relationships is family. I'm close to my family(pretty average i would think), but it's a BIG THING with the Mexican culture. I'm not very comfortable spending alot of time with someone else's family...unless we're talking about her children, which i'm cool with.


May 19, 2014
Nice. I couldn't attract an Asian woman if i was the last man on Earth. Lol.

It's an experience. And she pursued me. Hell, lol, I think she used ME for her booty call. :ROFLMAO:

The largest hurdle i've come across with Latina/Mexican relationships is family. I'm close to my family(pretty average i would think), but it's a BIG THING with the Mexican culture. I'm not very comfortable spending alot of time with someone else's family

Sounds a bit like the Japanese as well. I couldn't do it either. I need to have my space.


Who's your snackdaddy?
May 6, 2014
As to the OP - people lie because they're insecure. In the old days people lied just as much and went to bars but that's what beer was for. At the end of the night you didn't care that they lied.

Thats where I learned the difference between a dog and a fox. About 8 drinks is the difference. :love:


Pro Bowler
Jun 19, 2014
I don't know what the big deal is about women being all particular online.

I don't have particular about height, weight, ethnicity, or cup size. I only date orphans though. If they have a living mommy or daddy, it's a deal breaker.


Mar 17, 2014
I've that a bit actually. I've also heard that latina women, more than any other, will cut your balls off with a steak knife if they find you cheating on them. :ROFLMAO:
That's not far from the truth.
They can yell some pretty mean shit when they're mad at you as well.


May 28, 2011
Girls are weird these days. Especially the younger ones. I say that being only 25 too. :ROFLMAO: They act as though every day you step outside you may be mugged. Or, they talk about feminism and being your own woman, but expect you to be their guard dog when you do out at night. Da fuq? Pick one.

My girlfriend never cared about height, she thinks it's because her friend constantly tries to compete with her. In fact the guy she got she made sure was taller than me, and was someone who was joining the Army, because I was getting out. She didn't know what I did in the Army, so she found some guy who was 6'2 and planning on going "air assault".. When I asked why, it was because he "Wanted to be the first into the fight." I gave him the benefit of the doubt and asked him once again what his MOS was going to be and he repeated "air assault, haven't you heard of it, I thought you were in the army? It's hard to get into" I just laughed and walked away, that tool had no idea what he was talking about. She ended up dumping him about 3 days after my girlfriend told them why I laughed.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 11, 2014
So what dating sites do you guys use ?

I know a could guys who have used Zoosk , with some real bad luck ,

and I also know some guys who use FarmersOnly, the women on there seem to be a lot better , but then one site is free and the other is a pay site , the pay sites I'm guessing helps cut down on the trolls


Jan 15, 2013
Yeah the dating world is pretty rough these days. Guys that are short, ugly, overweight or balding will have huge issues. Only way around all of that is money. Which goes to show you what the dating world is really becoming these days. I've seen countless profiles that say something along the lines of "if you're not at least 6' tall don't bother messaging me." Even from women that are really short. But I can guarantee you that if a guy put on his profile that a woman had to have certain size breasts he would be called a pig.
I don't know....the most consistently successful dude I have known with the ladies is ugly and doesn't have money. I mean like Alice Cooper strange looking. Grew up with this guy and he had a knack.
Anyway, I agree that there are plenty of women online looking for validation or to get their ego stroked.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 14, 2013
One thing I have become very tired of is how one sided things are in the dating world. You always see women saying how "independent" they are. It is on literally every other dating profile. But do they ever want to pay for themselves? No. I understand that the men usually pay and how that has become ingrained into society but that came from times when women didn't work and men made the money. So it makes sense that the man would take the woman out and pay for her. Now these days, women expect to be paid for, no questions. And the thing is you'll rarely even get a thank you or even a reach for the check. "A reach would be nice." - Jerry Seinfeld. In my opinion, a lot of women have become very entitled and lazy in regards to dating. They literally want the man to initiate the conversation, think of where to go, pay for it, etc. A lot of women do not seem interested in having mutual effort towards a date or relationship. I know I am not the only man feeling this way. A lot of men have become frustrated with these things. If a woman makes her own money, there is no reason why two people can't meet somewhere, pay for themselves, then go on their separate ways. That way if there's no mutual interest, no hard feelings. Men are just getting tired of putting all of the effort in to not even get a "thank your for dinner." Plus these days when women are not interested anymore they usually either just start to ignore you or will keep telling you how "busy" they are until you stop trying. I've literally gone on countless dozens of dates over the years with women I've met online or in person and I know less than 10 women have just come out and told me that they were no longer interested. Dating sucks these days. It really does lol. These things don't really bother me anymore because I've come to accept that is how things are now, but I just wanted to share things with some of the guys on here who may not know how crappy it is these days. Oh and I never argue with women anymore either. I've never had a woman apologize to me or admit she was wrong in any way. Even when I knew 100% I was correct. They always want to try and turn things around so they can get mad at you, even when they are wrong o_O

Gotta agree. Men are expected to put all the effort in. Personally, that's why I can't stand any girl that shoots a guy down in a bitchy manner. Don't care if I don't know the's difficult as hell putting yourself out there and risking rejection. You can politely say no. I'm typically a "no BS, don't sugarcoat it" type of person but that's one of the few times where you should sugarcoat it.

Only exceptions are if the guy was rude or creepy or something like that.

Just wanted to show some of the guys on here what kind of ladies are online dating. This is how the dating world is becoming. I remember four or five years ago I never saw anything about height ever. Now I have to ask every woman I talk to if my height is ok because I'm under 6' tall. And I've come across women under 5' tall who had a 6' height requirement. Just sad. Can't figure out why these women are single :LOL::ROFLMAO:;)

Honestly, I meet every single criteria that she laid out (except the good looking but doesn't know it...that's idiotic, if you're a good looking know it) and I'd never consider messaging her after reading all that crap.

She's cray cray. You know that girl is a clinger by the effort and time she put into her "guy checklist".

Yeah the dating world is pretty rough these days. Guys that are short, ugly, overweight or balding will have huge issues. Only way around all of that is money. Which goes to show you what the dating world is really becoming these days. I've seen countless profiles that say something along the lines of "if you're not at least 6' tall don't bother messaging me." Even from women that are really short. But I can guarantee you that if a guy put on his profile that a woman had to have certain size breasts he would be called a pig.

Eh, I say go for it. I'm certainly going to not bother with women that I'm not attracted too. If women want to be upfront about it...go for it. You'll save me time.

Although, I'm 6'1"/6'2" so I meet that criteria haha. ;)

Any of you guys ever use online dating?

Usually it goes something like this:
Big and beautiful

A Curvy body type is a woman who has an hourglass figure, isn't skinny nor fat and is proportionate. That's all it means ladies. Simple. Get it right please.

Yea, I did try it. Nothing wrong with it. Just didn't workout for me. Went on a date and there was just no chemistry.

But I totally agree. Curvy is sexy. Love REAL curves. That means big butt and/or big tits but not fat or obese. Obviously, I'm not expecting a supermodel. Won't ever beat a girl up over having some stomach weight (I mean I'm in reasonably good shape but it's not like I am ripped with a six pack so I can't beat a girl up for not being in insanely good shape either)...but there is a line for me.

If you're fat or obese or past the acceptable chubby yourself a BBW so I know to move on.


Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
WOMAN SEEKING MAN: “What Am I Doing Wrong?”
Okay, I’m tired of beating around the bush. I’m a beautiful (spectacularly beautiful) 25 year old girl. I’m articulate and classy.

I’m not from New York. I’m looking to get married to a guy who makes at least half a million a year. I know how that sounds, but keep in mind that a million a year is middle class in New York City, so I don’t think I’m overreaching at all.

Are there any guys who make 500K or more on this board? Any wives? Could you send me some tips? I dated a business man who makes average around 200 – 250k. But, that’s where I seem to hit a roadblock. $250,000 won’t get me to Central Park West. I know a woman in my yoga class who was married to an investment banker and lives in Tribeca, and she’s not as pretty as I am, nor is she a great genius. So what is she doing right? How do I get to her level?

Here are my questions specifically:

  • Where do you single rich men hang out? Give me specifics- bars, restaurants, gyms
  • What are you looking for in a mate? Be honest guys, you won?t hurt my feelings
  • Is there an age range I should be targeting (I’m 25)?
  • Why are some of the women living lavish lifestyles on the upper east side so plain? I’ve seen really plain jane? boring types who have nothing to offer married to incredibly wealthy guys. I’ve seen drop dead gorgeous girls in singles bars in the east village. What?s the story there?
  • Jobs I should look out for? Everyone knows – lawyer, investment banker, doctor. How much do those guys really make? And where do they hang out? Where do the hedge fund guys hang out?
  • How you decide marriage vs. just a girlfriend? I am looking for MARRIAGE ONLY
Please hold your insults – I’m putting myself out there in an honest way. Most beautiful women are superficial; at least I’m being up front about it. I wouldn’t be searching for these kind of guys if I wasn’t able to match them – in looks, culture, sophistication, and keeping a nice home and hearth.

PostingID: 432279810

I read your posting with great interest and have thought meaningfully about your dilemma. I offer the following analysis of your predicament. Firstly, I’m not wasting your time, I qualify as a guy who fits your bill; that is I make more than $500K per year. That said here’s how I see it.

Your offer, from the prospective of a guy like me, is plain and simple a crappy business deal. Here’s why. Cutting through all the B.S., what you suggest is a simple trade: you bring your looks to the party and I bring my money. Fine, simple. But here’s the rub, your looks will fade and my money will likely continue into perpetuity…in fact, it is very likely that my income increases but it is an absolute certainty that you won’t be getting any more beautiful!

So, in economic terms you are a depreciating asset and I am an earning asset. Not only are you a depreciating asset, your depreciation accelerates! Let me explain, you’re 25 now and will likely stay pretty hot for the next 5 years, but less so each year. Then the fade begins in earnest. By 35 stick a fork in you!

So in Wall Street terms, we would call you a trading position, not a buy and hold…hence the rub…marriage. It doesn’t make good business sense to “buy you” (which is what you’re asking) so I’d rather lease. In case you think I’m being cruel, I would say the following. If my money were to go away, so would you, so when your beauty fades I need an out. It’s as simple as that. So a deal that makes sense is dating, not marriage.

Separately, I was taught early in my career about efficient markets. So, I wonder why a girl as “articulate, classy and spectacularly beautiful” as you has been unable to find your sugar daddy. I find it hard to believe that if you are as gorgeous as you say you are that the $500K wasn’t found you, if not only for a tryout.

By the way, you could always find a way to make your own money and then we wouldn’t need to have this difficult conversation.

With all that said, I must say you’re going about it the right way. Classic “pump and dump.” I hope this is helpful, and if you want to enter into some sort of lease, let me know.


May 19, 2014
I was going to post a response to that, but that was just utterly perfect. And that really would be the rub for rich guys.

Why buy when you can rent OVER AND OVER AND OVER again an "item" shall we say, with very limited wear and tear before trading in for the newer model every couple years?

I mean, that ain't shallow right? :D

Zombie Slayer

You are entitled to nothing.
Aug 10, 2013
Unfortunately, there will be some guy that marries her without a prenup. Even guys that are rich and good in business can be fooled by a woman saying all the right things. Especially if they are not thag attractive and are desperate for female attention. I doubt she will ever have to really work in her life.