Official Rams - Bengals Gameday Thread

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Ram It, Do You Know How To Ram It, Ram It
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 27, 2010
Can't stay low. Josh, what the hell dude? :x


May 28, 2011
Looks like Donnie Jones got distracted by the ref jumping around by the line and he lost focus... So the snap wasn't clean and that threw off Josh Brown.


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #24


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #25
That was so NOT pass interference. I long for the day that robots take over the officiating in this league.


The super shrink
Jul 10, 2010
X said:
That was so NOT pass interference. I long for the day that robots take over the officiating in this league.
I know. If that was a Patriots player, Rod Hood would have been thrown off the field and received a 2 game suspension


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #28
Game day thread - chat room style.

[ljramsfan]: sup X
[X]: sup d00ds
[ljramsfan]: Its Clemens time
[HeiseNBerg]: Clemens had to pick #10?!? dude...that number is cursed!
[X]: and thus ends the Bulger era. (taps)
[HeiseNBerg]: MSW was wearing #10 while dropping balls
[X]: look at Clemens with his bad ass self.
[ljramsfan]: nice throw
[HeiseNBerg]: your referee -- BOOGER
[rickrawk]: nice throw on the run
[ljramsfan]: lol X
[superfan24]: what is that o-lione wow
[superfan24]: pettis!!!!!!!!!
[HeiseNBerg]: nice run -- that looked bottled up, at first
[HeiseNBerg]: SJ showed some great patience
[X]: you can only hope to contain him
[X]: love the pitch outs
[HeiseNBerg]: yup
[ljramsfan]: yep yep
[superfan24]: i'm feeling good about the game already
[X]: here comes the bomb to Lloyd
[Game Day]: interference has entered at 1:06 pm
[X]: Or the time-out
[ljramsfan]: whew thought it was us
[rickrawk]: no dumb penalties today
[HeiseNBerg]: I'm calling it now -- if the Rams win today, there will be a gaggle of poo-flinging monkeys at RamStalk bitching about the drop in draft position
[superfan24]: lol
[rickrawk]: for sure
[X]: and 200 fire Bradford/Sign Clemens threads
[superfan24]: idc about draft position at all at this point
[HeiseNBerg]: me neither, super
[HeiseNBerg]: 3rd & 7...butt-clench mode
[X]: what's with the powder blue shirts?
[HeiseNBerg]: it's supposed to look faded & retro
[X]: it looks jaded and jethro
[HeiseNBerg]: well...yeah
[HeiseNBerg]: bad play call
[Game Day]: interference has left at 1:10 pm
[Game Day]: interference has entered at 1:10 pm
[ljramsfan]: agreed
[Game Day]: interference has left at 1:10 pm
[X]: no likey that call
[Game Day]: interference has entered at 1:10 pm
[HeiseNBerg]: McD probably already has his bags packed for KC
[Game Day]: interference has left at 1:10 pm
[ljramsfan]: 86 punts wow
[Game Day]: interference has entered at 1:11 pm
[X]: interference seems to be meeting with a lot of interference
[HeiseNBerg]: that's like 7 per game
[HeiseNBerg]: great reason to buy a car -- so you can decipher Elton John lyrics
[X]: lol
[HeiseNBerg]: we owned a VW once....never again
[X]: beetle?
[HeiseNBerg]: Jetta
[X]: I had a beetle once. Never broke down once.
[Game Day]: interference has left at 1:13 pm
[Game Day]: interference has entered at 1:13 pm
[Game Day]: interference has left at 1:13 pm
[HeiseNBerg]: Quinn's in at RDE
[X]: yup
[X]: all game
[HeiseNBerg]: watch the draw
[HeiseNBerg]: is Hall out?
[X]: nice pressure
[HeiseNBerg]: nobody home
[X]: late hit?
[HeiseNBerg]: fuck -- Sims
[X]: ahhh horse shit
[HeiseNBerg]: this is the same ref when the Rams went to Seattle to fight for a playoff spot -- I just remember him flagging Bartell for a bullshit hold call
[HeiseNBerg]: fuck
[X]: jeez that dude is fast
[ljramsfan]: yeah he is
[Game Day]: interference has entered at 1:16 pm
[Game Day]: interference has left at 1:16 pm
[Game Day]: interference has entered at 1:17 pm
[ljramsfan]: nice tackle
[Game Day]: interference has left at 1:17 pm
[HeiseNBerg]: yup
[Game Day]: brokeu91 has entered at 1:17 pm
[brokeu91]: Whats up fellas
[X]: nice coverage by Gordy
[ljramsfan]: damn great effory by Green...jeeze
[X]: sup broke
[superfan24]: hey broke
[ljramsfan]: sup Broke
[superfan24]: yep
[HeiseNBerg]: sack
[ljramsfan]: nice
[HeiseNBerg]: ok...hold em to 3
[X]: nerp. nice goal line stand (again)
[brokeu91]: I wish we had Green
[ljramsfan]: yeah me too
[X]: Quinn almost got through on that one
[rickrawk]: only 3
[ljramsfan]: that is who I wanted to the Rams to draft,,but obviously he was drafted way early
[brokeu91]: Yeah, me too lj
[HeiseNBerg]: butterface
[brokeu91]: Except if we stayed with the WCO I would have preferred Julio Jones
[Game Day]: interference has entered at 1:21 pm
[Game Day]: interference has left at 1:21 pm
[X]: lmao @ interference. Drive by killah
[HeiseNBerg]: and there he goes again -- Interference might need to reboot
[superfan24]: lol
[ljramsfan]: interfence may still have fial up
[HeiseNBerg]: fucking James Butler took Norwood down
[ljramsfan]: dial*
[ljramsfan]: yeah, Heise..I am tried of this too just running into each other
[ljramsfan]: tired*
[X]: Fire McMahon
[brokeu91]: I have a feeling that quite a few people will be fired
[X]: that was a pretty ball
[HeiseNBerg]: Pettis is becoming a reliable target
[ljramsfan]: yes he is
[ljramsfan]: him and Salas are going to be good
[brokeu91]: Yep Heis
[brokeu91]: If Pettis were faster he could be really good
[HeiseNBerg]: yup
[X]: damn man. Clemens is looking pretty good
[ljramsfan]: sick with it
[HeiseNBerg]: Lloyd
[HeiseNBerg]: that could've been a PI
[X]: cleanup on aisle 40
[HeiseNBerg]: back to the bench, Norwood
[brokeu91]: Who is this Clemmens guy?
[X]: Backup to Favre
[ljramsfan]: used to play for the Jets
[HeiseNBerg]: yup -- Jets drafted him in 06
[ljramsfan]: yes roughin
[brokeu91]: I see
[HeiseNBerg]: cha-ching!!!
[X]: hey, look at that. Consistency by the refs. what the fuck?
[ljramsfan]: lol X I know right
[X]: cut Clemens
[ljramsfan]: dang tipped
[HeiseNBerg]: just a little too far out front
[brokeu91]: I know X, it only took 12 games
[Game Day]: interference has entered at 1:27 pm
[ljramsfan]: nice
[X]: big boy
[Game Day]: interference has left at 1:27 pm
[Game Day]: interference has entered at 1:27 pm
[HeiseNBerg]: keep feeding him the rock
[Game Day]: interference has left at 1:27 pm
[Game Day]: interference has entered at 1:27 pm
[Game Day]: interference has left at 1:27 pm
[X]: lmao
[HeiseNBerg]: poor interference -- switch browsers
[X]: it's the forbidden chat room
[brokeu91]: lol
[ljramsfan]: he did you know SJ was a professional football player?
[HeiseNBerg]: stretch plays are NOT the answer on third & short
[superfan24]: lol
[HeiseNBerg]: are you shitting me?!?
[ljramsfan]: come on Josh
[X]: I was not aware of that, Heise. Thanks for pointing that out. Did you know Josh Brown is a professional kicker?
[brokeu91]: lol
[superfan24]: no
[brokeu91]: I too am shocked by that
[rickrawk]: no he's not
[brokeu91]: damn
[ljramsfan]: lmao...thanks Dierdorf
[Game Day]: Ramhusker has entered at 1:29 pm
[superfan24]: get david ruffer
[HeiseNBerg]: Dan Dierdorf -- Captain Obvious!
[ljramsfan]: sup Ramhusker
[Ramhusker]: Futility Central
[Ramhusker]: What's wrong with my Husker Josh Brown?
[X]: Go drag Mike Lansford out of his house.
[HeiseNBerg]: begin the thawing of Jim Thorpe
[Ramhusker]: And I wanted to draft Alex Henery
[X]: oh, so it was the ref's fault. Waving his hands like fans at a basketball game during a freethrow.
[Ramhusker]: Did somebody say the "Curse of Chris Massey"?
[X]: yes I did.
[Ramhusker]: I knew it
[Ramhusker]: I have to go to work in 45 minutes. I'm thinking a blessing in disquise.
[X]: yeah, we don't need playmakers. let's get another tackle.
[HeiseNBerg]: Dahl with the whiff
[ljramsfan]: lmao right
[HeiseNBerg]: Long jumped
[X]: cut Long
[X]: with his bust ass
[Ramhusker]: What does this team need? really?
[HeiseNBerg]: BUST!!!
[ljramsfan]: lmao
[brokeu91]: he sucks X, he needs to go
[HeiseNBerg]: a full overhaul
[brokeu91]: He hasn't done anything
[ljramsfan]: I know..12 sacks aint shit
[X]: Last time the Rams took a receiver in the 1st? Torry Holt.
[brokeu91]: I know lj, he's not "playing up to his draft position"...or whatever the fuck the Ramstalk posters bitch about
[ljramsfan]: interresting
[Ramhusker]: Clemons looks good huh?
[ljramsfan]: yes he does
[X]: yeah. looks sharp.
[X]: kick his ass JL
[Ramhusker]: QB controversy!!!! hahaha
[X]: I'm burning out this useless telephone.
[ljramsfan]: not this commerical again
[ljramsfan]: lmai
[ljramsfan]: lmao*
[HeiseNBerg]: I know...this shit wasn't funny the first time I saw it
[HeiseNBerg]: need a pick
[Ramhusker]: I have to say though that the Rams left on this roster do give effort. We are just a little short on talent at the moment.
[ljramsfan]: this girl reminds me of me tho, Heise. I dont know what the hell they be sayin half the time in songs
[X]: Napoleon is a little short. We're Wee-man short.
[Ramhusker]: Why did LA LAF mess up my bowl sheet last night?
[ljramsfan]: ramhusker....I really dont think we lack talent as much as ppl think we do including who is on IT
[X]: grounding
[ljramsfan]: IR*
[X]: or illegal use of hands
[HeiseNBerg]: I'd rather have the grounding
[X]: yeah
[X]: sit down Benson
[ljramsfan]: damn Long
[HeiseNBerg]: nice tackle by Long
[X]: 2nd & 21? Throw it to A.J.
[Ramhusker]: I know lj. That is what I meant by who's left on this roster.
[X]: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Ramhusker]: WOW
[rickrawk]: yeah
[superfan24]: woo hoo
[X]: tack 15 onto that one too
[HeiseNBerg]: PICKY PICK!!!
[ljramsfan]: Ramshusker.............for example
[X]: horse shit
[ljramsfan]: cool
[Ramhusker]: ????
[superfan24]: I really like gordy for next year
[brokeu91]: Gordy's a keeper
[ljramsfan]: Gordy should get a good look next year
[X]: Gordy's about to be injured again. Took one to the knees right there
[Ramhusker]: lj, I said what's left of this team, they give effort.
[Game Day]: GcBean has entered at 1:41 pm
[ljramsfan]: he makes mistake...but he will iron them out
[GcBean]: What up what up!
[HeiseNBerg]: now CASH IN on the turnover
[X]: wat da dillyo?
[ljramsfan]: I know Ramshusker...just sayin I agree with you
[Ramhusker]: I really thought that was going to be a PICK^
[Ramhusker]: 6
[GcBean]: me too
[ljramsfan]: me too
[X]: nope. just a pick-drive-stall-3
[GcBean]: It's time to get this ball in the endzone
[Ramhusker]: or just run it
[ljramsfan]: go Bears!
[Ramhusker]: OUCH
[GcBean]: i felt that one
[Ramhusker]: The Colts are going to win today
[X]: helmet to helmet much?
[GcBean]: yeah, helmet to helmet?
[Ramhusker]: I'm so sick of the helmet to helmet crap. The calls are so inconsistent
[X]: you could even hear it as it happened
[GcBean]: Inconsistent is correct.
[GcBean]: so annoying. Either let them play, or call everything.
[Ramhusker]: I think if you lead with your head, it should be a penalty but this, "tackle a guy and your helmet ends up contacting a helmet is just football
[GcBean]: should be a penalty. hit him with the crown of his head
[GcBean]: well, at least clemens didn't fumble.
[X]: nice stop
[Ramhusker]: Nice
[GcBean]: D showed up. Just need to keep some drives going with the O now.
[X]: nick miller time
[GcBean]: Field position
[X]: I've already taken several shots
[superfan24]: lol
[rickrawk]: likewise
[GcBean]: haha
[X]: thrown earlier, and that's a TD. Isn't that face guarding though?
[rickrawk]: yes
[GcBean]: we need a 1st down here. D needs more rest.
[Ramhusker]: Well, at least they took the shot
[X]: lol wtf
[Ramhusker]: ?
[Ramhusker]: DOH
[HeiseNBerg]: bummer
[GcBean]: man
[GcBean]: so close
[superfan24]: nice
[X]: razzle dazzle ftw.
[brokeu91]: I thought we had it
[rickrawk]: I like the playcalling tho
[brokeu91]: If the Rams lose today it's Bradford and Jason Smiths fault
[HeiseNBerg]:'s Billy Devaney's fault
[superfan24]: i say spags
[GcBean]: O Line is playing well. Giving the QB plenty of time and the run blocking is solid too. Just gotta convert these 3rd downs.
[rickrawk]: Todd Hewitt's fault
[brokeu91]: lol rick
[HeiseNBerg]: back them up
[ljramsfan]: lol
[GcBean]: Must have been the crowd noise
[HeiseNBerg]: nice to see Gordy's still out there
[HeiseNBerg]: hold em here D
[GcBean]: wow cam newton
[HeiseNBerg]: NICE
[X]: Imagine if this team had an offense to match this defense?
[ljramsfan]: wow paper bags are out
[GcBean]: Hell yeah... Jail break from the D!
[superfan24]: that was awesomke
[GcBean]: BOOM
[HeiseNBerg]: QUINN with another block
[Ramhusker]: WOW D
[ljramsfan]: yes!
[GcBean]: WOW
[superfan24]: HELL YA QUINN
[X]: Now let's put it in the damn endzone
[GcBean]: What he said
[brokeu91]: How many blocks is that for Quinn?
[superfan24]: 3 i believe
[Ramhusker]: 3?
[superfan24]: 1 fg too
[rickrawk]: take another deep shot
[GcBean]: i think so
[brokeu91]: WOw
[X]: triple reverse half-back option TE screen
[brokeu91]: lol x
[Ramhusker]: yeah
[GcBean]: followed by the hook and latter
[superfan24]: lol
[superfan24]: giants down 17 WOW
[X]: yeah the FG block was in preseason, but that's still 3
[HeiseNBerg]: that sucks, too -- I've got Eli going in my fantasy league
[superfan24]: too bad preseason doesn't count
[Ramhusker]: The Caddy gets North and South impressively
[HeiseNBerg]: throw it
[ljramsfan]: nice
[X]: there's the key. run backwards
[HeiseNBerg]: NICE legwork, Caddy
[Ramhusker]: North/South baby
[GcBean]: it's all about the leg drive
[HeiseNBerg]: up the middle this time
[X]: retarded
[GcBean]: GEEZ
[ljramsfan]: yes!
[X]: need one yard, so pitch it back 5
[Ramhusker]: yes, we have some stupid play calling
[HeiseNBerg]: stop the cutesy shit
[ljramsfan]: flag on the play!
[GcBean]: to a WR at that
[superfan24]: how the hell would he get a hc job????????????
[GcBean]: Rams got lucky
[X]: Steven Jackson: A yard? Yeah, I never get those.
[HeiseNBerg]: PacMan -- making it rain YELLOW laundry
[ljramsfan]: lol
[GcBean]: lol
[HeiseNBerg]: fuck it...we'll take it
[Ramhusker]: It's crazy time of the season in the NFL. Upsets abound could happen today
[superfan24]: yes i will
[HeiseNBerg]: get some points
[X]: into triple coverage. uhhh?
[GcBean]: oh boy... bring in SJ39 please
[HeiseNBerg]: really...somebody else must've been wide open
[HeiseNBerg]: get Kendricks involved
[X]: Steven Jackson: Was that a yard?
[brokeu91]: triple covered
[GcBean]: I like the Kendericks call
[Ramhusker]: GO FOR IT
[ljramsfan]: go for it!
[X]: Oooh, bubble screens. I miss those.
[GcBean]: Hmmmm
[HeiseNBerg]: you gotta take the points
[GcBean]: I wish they would have thrown upfield
[GcBean]: HE MADE IT!
[Ramhusker]: He made it
[Ramhusker]: lol
[GcBean]: lol
[ljramsfan]: lol
[HeiseNBerg]: c'mon people...don't be dissin Santa
[brokeu91]: Santa's going to be skipping Best Buy's house
[HeiseNBerg]: man, that was scary for a second
[X]: Brian Gum ball: "He's got a screece!" stfu.
[brokeu91]: What the hell is Screeched?
[X]: beats me. But he had one.
[HeiseNBerg]: it's that geeky guy from "saved by the bell"
[X]: LONG!
[X]: Booyah
[ljramsfan]: 13!
[GcBean]: CL91!
[HeiseNBerg]: beat his way out of TWO HOLDS
[X]: come onnnnnnnnnnnnn
[brokeu91]: He's a bust
[GcBean]: I'm digging the yellow tape on CL's cleats
[HeiseNBerg]: show it again
[X]: hey, look at that. Spags yells at players
[superfan24]: cl sucks
[X]: how is that PI? Anyone?
[ljramsfan]: yeah thats a first Z
[ljramsfan]: X*
[GcBean]: BS call
[brokeu91]: how is that a penalty?
[Ramhusker]: BULL SHIT
[HeiseNBerg]: man, that's BULLSHIT!
[GcBean]: Refs blowing this game
[HeiseNBerg]: damn, Bannan -- you gotta close the deal on that one
[ljramsfan]: Bannan is gettin pressure up the middle
[brokeu91]: Fuckin refs
[X]: horse shit call
[superfan24]: WOW refs
[GcBean]: Gotta make a big stop here
[HeiseNBerg]: big time horseshit call
[X]: players don't fall down on their own. It's always PI
[brokeu91]: I wish Spags could have called replay review on that BS call
[GcBean]: AJ is in significant pain.
[X]: karma's a bitch
[HeiseNBerg]: gee, that's too bad
[GcBean]: lol
[rickrawk]: why can't that play be challenged?
[superfan24]: can't challenge a penalty
[brokeu91]: You can't challenge penalties...except for 12 men on the field
[GcBean]: It's so F'ing annoying watching refs week in and week out F up games.
[rickrawk]: thanks
[brokeu91]: That one was atrociously bad
[superfan24]: agreed you'd think they could figure this out during the week since it is a full-time job
[HeiseNBerg]: NFL officiating isn't a full-time job, though
[HeiseNBerg]: it's the only sport where the refs also have day jobs
[GcBean]: Yeah, these guys have other full time obs
[X]: they should keep those
[X]: day jobs
[HeiseNBerg]: but it should be
[HeiseNBerg]: STUFFED!!!
[GcBean]: YEAH BOY
[X]: they'll go for it
[superfan24]: thought i heard it was heisen
[ljramsfan]: right Hocali (sp?) is alwyer
[ljramsfan]: lawyer*
[superfan24]: o ok
[superfan24]: nice
[HeiseNBerg]: D-NIED!!!
[X]: Poppinga
[GcBean]: mutha fuckin yeah!
[Ramhusker]: PINGED
[ljramsfan]: Brady!
[rickrawk]: DEFENSE!!!
[brokeu91]: How you like that shit
[Ramhusker]: It's got to be the throwbacks!
[HeiseNBerg]: me likey
[superfan24]: hell ya baby
[HeiseNBerg]: got the first, though
[X]: how many TO's?
[superfan24]: what is poppinga saying right now lol
[HeiseNBerg]: 2 left
[GcBean]: I'm sporting my SJ39 Throwback.. Best Unis ever in the league
[X]: nice. way to get OB
[HeiseNBerg]: NICE
[HeiseNBerg]: I've got my SJ throwback on, too
[brokeu91]: nice call on the screen
[X]: time out
[GcBean]: Geez, you could hear SJ huffing as he was on the run. Sounded like a wild bull on the run
[rickrawk]: Clemens is really looking good
[X]: just a hair high
[HeiseNBerg]: and full of helium
[ljramsfan]: yesh
[HeiseNBerg]: put some mustard on that shit
[X]: Danario? Oh yeah. Danario. Forgot we had him.
[HeiseNBerg]: go for it
[ljramsfan]: damnit Spags
[GcBean]: Hmm, i say kick it. Only because of the clock
[GcBean]: We're WINNING!
[HeiseNBerg]: holy crap!
[X]: yeah, you use 10 seconds running for the 1st. And then what? throw it twice?
[ljramsfan]: yay into the half too
[ljramsfan]: right X!
[Ramhusker]: And now I have to go to work! Later Ram Nation. Bring it home from here!
[brokeu91]: We're winning...we're winning
[HeiseNBerg]: now boot the touchback!
[superfan24]: see ya
[rickrawk]: defense is on it today
[HeiseNBerg]: later husker
[GcBean]: Have a good one husker
[brokeu91]: later husker
[ljramsfan]: see ya Ramhusker
[X]: later husker
[Ramhusker]: LATER!
[ljramsfan]: dont work too hard
[Game Day]: Ramhusker has left at 2:21 pm
[X]: oh boy
[HeiseNBerg]: yikes
[GcBean]: Geez
[HeiseNBerg]: good thing, though -- that ate 14 seconds off the clock
[X]: get in there CL
[brokeu91]: good think he ran into his own guy
[HeiseNBerg]: yup
[X]: Love me some Darian Stewart
[GcBean]: Stewart
[HeiseNBerg]: STEWART!
[ljramsfan]: love me some #20!
[GcBean]: We are in it men
[rickrawk]: fo shizzle!!
[HeiseNBerg]: belly up to the bar -- I'm pouring up the suds
[brokeu91]: Stewart!
[X]: Molson Ice
[rickrawk]: i'll take two please
[superfan24]: let's beat these motherfuckers. LET'S GO RAMS
[X]: No wait. Kilians Red
[superfan24]: send one here
[HeiseNBerg]: one for each hand, rick -- good call
[HeiseNBerg]: Killians Red? you know that's just Coors with red dye
[X]: Yeah but it's red.
[rickrawk]: having to type w/ my toes
[X]: IT'S RED!
[HeiseNBerg]: here you go, then
[X]: Ever puke up a bunch of Killians Red? Like a horror movie.
[rickrawk]: thanks, man
[HeiseNBerg]: closest I've ever come to that, X, was puking up a couple of prairie fires (Tequila w/ Tabasco)
[X]: shoulda done that over an open fire
[X]: THAT would be cool
[HeiseNBerg]: would've looked like a dragon
[X]: lol. epic.
[ljramsfan]: just saw Johnny Know in the highlights..ouch
[X]: yeah that was brutal
[ljramsfan]: yeah hope he is ok
[HeiseNBerg]: what happened to Johnny Knox?
[ljramsfan]: he hurt his back and was takin to the hospital
[ljramsfan]: but the way his back was bend was just so bad
[X]: wow. Green Bay getting blanked by KC
[ljramsfan]: I haven;t been a Spags supporter this season...but he has his men playin hard
[ljramsfan]: Nicks..u have to cathc that
[ljramsfan]: catch*
[X]: now if only McDaniels could live up to the hype. Give him blackmon and re-sign Lloyd. Game over.
[GcBean]: liking the weather up in Buffalo
[ljramsfan]: me too gc
[ljramsfan]: punk ass Brady
[ljramsfan]: Jesus in the house
[X]: Hope Tebow beats his ass today
[ljramsfan]: yall heard about the Tebow drinkin game?
[X]: no?
[HeiseNBerg]: no
[ljramsfan]: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... king-game/</a>
[X]: that's an oxymoron, ain't it?
[ljramsfan]: lol right
[HeiseNBerg]:'d be shitfaced with 10 minutes left in the first quarter
[ljramsfan]: yall watch Unforgettable? me and my gf watch it every Tuesday...I like it
[X]: well that's a good way to get lit by the end of the quarter
[HeiseNBerg]: never seen it, lj
[ljramsfan]: I also like Person of Interest
[X]: See that SNL skit about Tebow I posted? That was pretty funny.
[ljramsfan]: lol yeah I saw that last night
[ljramsfan]: ISNL wityh Fallon on it was hilarious yesterday
[ljramsfan]: with*
[X]: ima get some grub. brb
[ljramsfan]: there is something about Kristin Wiig that gets me goin..I love funny females
[HeiseNBerg]: oh, yeah -- I dig Kristin Wiig
[GcBean]: I don't know who she is
[ljramsfan]: if I did her, I would want her to be funny lol
[HeiseNBerg]: did you see Bridesmaids, bean?
[GcBean]: Oh yeah
[HeiseNBerg]: funny flick
[ljramsfan]: yeah I liked it too
[GcBean]: I know who now
[GcBean]: she'd get it
[HeiseNBerg]: 3rd quarter about to start, guys
[ljramsfan]: yep yep
[HeiseNBerg]: ah yes, the much-maligned Rams' run defense
[Game Day]: GcBean has left at 2:36 pm
[ljramsfan]: Green is back..maybe
[Game Day]: GcBean has entered at 2:37 pm
[GcBean]: Wow, he's back
[ljramsfan]: damn Chambo dont hurt em
[HeiseNBerg]: jam him at the LOS...and jam him HARD
[ljramsfan]: Gc, you know the Rams dont put anyone out
[GcBean]: they shot him up... he's numbl
[GcBean]: numb
[ljramsfan]: I wish we can put someone on IR
[HeiseNBerg]: you mean someone on the other team, lj?
[ljramsfan]: lol yeah Heise
[GcBean]: sigh
[HeiseNBerg]: crap
[GcBean]: damn
[X]: Figures. Bounces right back into his hands
[ljramsfan]: yeah
[GcBean]: he almost fumbled that one too
[HeiseNBerg]: yup
[X]: Woohoo Quintin - the provider of my game tickets
[GcBean]: oh yeah?
[HeiseNBerg]: that's very cool, X
[X]: Yeah, I didn't expect to win. Couldn't use them.
[GcBean]: via twitter?
[HeiseNBerg]: damn, Freddie -- could've stuffed it at the LOS
[X]: yeah
[GcBean]: cool... ive seen his posts
[X]: Hood fell down
[GcBean]: yep
[X]: Google pwns. Took me 1 minute to find out that Vobora and Mikell went to school in the same town.
[HeiseNBerg]: hate missed tackles
[ljramsfan]: wow
[X]: Did you see how the Bucs have 100 more missed tackles than the 49ers?
[ljramsfan]: no I didnt
[ljramsfan]: that is crazy
[X]: now you did.
[X]: Follow pro football focus on twitter. They have crazy facts.
[Game Day]: ramsince62 has entered at 2:44 pm
[ljramsfan]: hell yeah
[ljramsfan]: hey 62!
[HeiseNBerg]: BOOM!!!
[superfan24]: yes
[ramsince62]: hey
[ljramsfan]: is that Scott makin plays?
[HeiseNBerg]: block it
[GcBean]: I like how the cheerleaders are sporting throwbacks too
[HeiseNBerg]: poop
[ljramsfan]: me too
[HeiseNBerg]: yeah, the cheerleaders look good
[X]: This D (and their coaches) get very little recognition. It's all about the run defense ranking
[HeiseNBerg]: other than those heavy duty pantyhose that look like sausage casings
[GcBean]: Seriously, these unis alone brighten up the dome. JMO
[X]: and when your offense can't score, teams will invariably run on you all day
[ljramsfan]: I have no problem with the D coaches at all..they have done a great job
[ljramsfan]: some bumps in the road, but they have adjusted well
[HeiseNBerg]: especially when you consider all the injuries to the secondary
[ljramsfan]: and Heise, they havent been the downfall
[X]: yup. 3 of our corners today weren't on the roster September 1st.
[GcBean]: I agree. they have played somewhat good all year but they can't stay fresh when the O is always 3 and out. They can only stay on the field so long before they get tired
[HeiseNBerg]: amen to that, Bean
[brokeu91]: totally agree Bean
[X]: pick your spots, Jerious
[ljramsfan]: word Nean
[HeiseNBerg]: should've taken the knee, Norwood
[ljramsfan]: Bean*
[X]: I like Nean better
[GcBean]: Come on
[GcBean]: lol
[ramsince62]: At this point, take em all out, LOL
[brokeu91]: lol


Medium-sized Lebowski
Jun 20, 2010
The Dude
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #30
Angry Ram said:

That's not fuckin holdin!!!

Gotta be the first time an offensive lineman got flagged 15 yards for speaking the truth.