IDK but disrespecting the flag of the country you reside can’t be a good thing.
I’m sorry. I don’t want to start anything, but this just isn’t factually correct.
I’m a Vet and know the rules for displaying the flag and the ceremony.
Taking a knee to protest IS NOT DISRESPECTFUL to the flag. Now, people have opinions about the protest which is about nothing more than police brutality and the wanton killing of people of color. Not talking about that.
You know what IS disrespectful? Holding the flag horizontally. The ONLY time that is allowed is when an honor guard is placing or removing the flag from a coffin.
So, if anyone REALLY cares about “disrespecting the flag” as opposed to the protests, then the issue is how the NFL is celebrated for disrespecting the flag EVERY DAMN GAMEDAY.
Again, not talking about how anyone feels about the protests which, let's be honest, is pretty much a Rohrschach test for people’s political views and are generally mischaracterized to the extent that the mischaracterizaton serves their dogma/worldview.
The flag rules are simple and written down. Almost no one complained when the NFL since 9/11 has been desecrating the flag by holding it horizontally and often letting it hit the ground.
I support anyone having views on the protests. Not my contention. But I really can’t take conflating the flag stuff with the protest stuff anymore.