I actually don't mind Fred all that much, I think he's a douche, but he is certainly well connected around LA sports.
Anyway, I'll sum it up for
The interview isn't bad either. He starts out asking what the word is about Oakland is it good or bad, are they building or not... Floyd says it's in the middle, not terrible news and not great news.
Says they're going through questions and concerns, and have 15 days to reply to them, which they intend to do.
Some random banter, saying that what they're asking for clarification on stuff they want them to ask for clarification on. Says about 30% of their questions are "hogwash" but they'll respond anyway.
Floyd then says there's good framework to go forward, but he questions if there is a political will on behalf of the city and county to come to the table and actually negotiate a deal that is acceptable as far as the Raiders and A's are concerned that makes everyone, including the city/county happy.
Floyd says he hasn't had contact with Marc Davis for the past 2 months, says he doesn't know where they stand on the project. Says the same thing for the A's, but he'd be happy to talk to them. He says the biggest issue is that the land is still owned by the city, but so far he's not seeing much that suggests they're willing to sell the land.
Says if everything comes together in a perfect world, it would take about 14-16 months to start building after getting the go ahead, with a 32 month build process.
Says he has access to market reports among all cities, Oakland, LA, San Diego, and St Louis.
Says St Louis city support is a little bit better than the overall market support, but it is truly a St Louis Cardinal town, and baseball in that market is much more heavier supported than football is.
Says that San Diego the market studies say there are issues everywhere, it's similar to Oakland in that there is a core group that are very strong Chargers fans, but not at the economic level where the PSL sales would set anyone on fire. Says that's (the PSL) the same situation in St Louis as well as Oakland.
Says that the LA market study said the most anticipated team to return to the city would be the Rams, the second (in his judgement) would be the Raiders, and then the Chargers.
Says that from what he understands about Carson and Inglewood, that Carson has many problems and would take a very long time for them to start building. Says remediation is down in the R's (I have no idea what that means, but Roggin replied with "Oh. Wow! Yikes") and reiterates that there are a lot of problems with Carson and while a lot of them are pushed under the rug at the current time, they are much more significant that they even have in Oakland.
Says he wont expand on them though, because some of the information was given to him in confidence by certain people in the know and he doesn't want to violate that.
Roggin says he believes that some of them will come to light soon, and Floyd says he understands there may be legal documents coming to light soon.
Floyd says he believes at this time he believes the Rams will go to LA, says that he is hopeful that the city of Oakland will come forth with a deal to negotiate with the Raiders to keep them there, since the Raiders seem sincere about staying in Oakland.
Says he really doesn't have any idea what'll happen with the Chargers because of how messy it is, including politically, doubts a bond will get passed.
Says that there is some confusion about his roll in Oakland, says people think he's going to build a stadium in Oakland and then give it to the Raiders, but he says that's not his roll. His roll is to help figure things out and getting all parties to work together and help with financing and public support and stuff like that (sounds pretty similar to what Peacock is doing).. Says he's more than an advisory person, says it's business.
Says that he'll get back to the city 15 business days from today.
Roggin says Floyd is pretty well plugged in to everything, says he thought some of the Carson stuff was interesting and that he hadn't heard about it, even though he feels he is pretty plugged in as well (although he has admitted before he's less plugged into Carson and more Inglewood).
That's about it.
Overall the interview wasn't bad, some interesting stuff really, but nothing ground breaking.