The CVC does not and SHOULD NOT get a pass. They knew the ramifications of the lease going in, but they decided that they could do without the Rams just so they could fill the Dome with conventions.
Now, I don't mind the convention business, and neither do I mind the possibility of the Final Four, swimming events, etc., but somewhere in all of that they forgot that the Dome was supposed to be the Rams' home.
I think it would have been easier to update the Dome to the first tier standards and also figure out a way so as NOT to lose all those other events that they have been salivating over. Would have been easier, in my mind, to upgrade the Dome so that it would have been able to host those events -- many of which don't even take place during football season -- and then also somehow expand the convention center area, which right now is sort of pathetic unless the Dome is included in the convention space. I mean, have you ever gone to a convention that spilled out into the Dome? So much wasted space, and the utility bills have to be horrendous. There has to have been a better plan if only the CVC wasn't comprised of people who have absolutely no vision and, to my mind anyway, no civic pride.