They've regressed over the last 3 years
7 wins/ 3rd nfc west -'12
7 wins/4th - '13
6 wins/4th - '14
Come on man. That is like taking a stat and saying that is the whole story. Do you honestly believe this team has regressed? If so, I suppose that is your opinion but I personally can't agree with it at all.
Supposedly Peacock has been on this thing for a minute now - but lets also remember Kroenke hasn't been answering the phone and a couple of months ago, Peacock said he saw him once in the last 18 months. So yea, I would just ask "why didn't you try communicate?"
Peacock may not have spoken with Stan for 18 months. So? Hasn't spoken to him since November? OK. That has some merit to the conversation. Why would Stan be calling Peacock before then? Because Peacock was quietly doing some research on the viability of a new stadium project? I get that people don't like that Stan has been incommunicado (as far as we all know) with the leaders of the St Louis stadium project. As I've said before, I don't either. But I still look around at the "communication" many owners have given in contentious stadium negotiations and I think I would take no statement over the bickering to the public and spewing their stories of woe any day.
I'm not sure if I would feel the same if I lived in St Louis but harkening back, I wanted to puke every time Georgia would make a statement saying essentially that she was going broke and couldn't afford to stay in the LA market.
He created the uncertainty on his own. Like I said, the 18 month remark. And I'm not believing the "uncertainty" of it anyway since he intentionally triggered the release with a proposal they knew wouldn't be accepted, given how long Peacock has been working on it, and his reluctance to answer the phone. You can't claim uncertainty when he never even peaked into the window.
I just don't get how the CVC continually gets a pass in all this. They were on the hook to maintain the top 25% clause. They negotiated to get an extension when they didn't do it the first time. With that extension, they essentially did nothing. Then, when it was time to go to arbitration, they put forth a really quite insulting proposal that would have left any owner with a bad taste in his mouth. They could have quite possibly at minimum saved some face with a decent proposal and possibly would have even won arbitration with it.
I don't see where it was up to Stan to then initiate proposals - especially when he no doubt knows the market inside and out and also sees an opportunity to do something on a much grander scale.
Then the November elections happen and the powers that be have a lame duck Governor (not meant to be an insult - just a real political term) giving authority to Peacock/Blitz to get something done.
If I'm a businessman with the means to do what I want and not have to rely on politicians, I think I'm doing exactly what Stan is doing. Sorry and it sucks.
I think back to what the Metro council in Oregon tried to pull with Boeing a while back. By the time they came back with less restrictive proposals for the new facility Boeing was going to build, they had already moved on with a project in Texas or some other state. There might not be fans involved, but there were a crap load of real wage jobs, that the people whose job it was to foster a relationship with a large employer, just threw in the shit can by playing politics.
From the sounds of it, the city and the CVC pretty much gambled on a political plan and may have lost. Not having been privy to any of the negotiations as I'm sure no one else was, I can only make assumptions. But from what I understood from reading articles in the past, the CVC nor the city were actively pursuing a solution.
Please cut the sarcastic drama. People in St. Louis are mad at Kroenke and rightfully so. I don't know about the placing blame for losing seasons on Kroenke, but most of us fans in Stl are simply defending the fanbase here. The bad thing about it is of all of the cities who can throw hate, it's the fans in LA who are doing it and everyone knows that city has had issues in that area.
I completely agree with the first part of this reply.
I would also urge anyone trying the sarcasm and smack talk to either tone it down or back away from the bar. I deleted several posts and blocked a couple members from this thread already today.
So if you feel the urge to be a smart ass toward any fan base or member of this site, go for a walk. I have an extremely short fuse right now and will issue no further warnings. I don't care if I'm here talking to myself.
Hell... I make the most sense anyway.