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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
And when you count Inglewood x2 you have to count Oakland or San Diego too, or potentially Oakland AND San Diego. That was my point you were comparing 2 teams in carson vs 1 team in Inglewood. Regardless of where they end up the calculation isn't 2 vs 1 it's 3 vs 3.

And the impact Inglewood would have Charger's being in a close market.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
No - but with the Carson plan you have two temporary venues while it is being built. Unless you know of a temporary venue with facilities for two home teams and a visiting team. Do you really think they want two teams playing in the Coliseum and Rosebowl while they wait for Carson? I just don't see it.

If that were the case then I don't think the NFL would even entertain the idea of Carson as they have been


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
If that were the case then I don't think the NFL would even entertain the idea of Carson as they have been
A proposal by two NFL owners? Of course they are going to give them every opportunity to make their case and not say a single negative about either Spanos or Davis in regards to what they are doing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
They don't. Listen to the interview. Caught in multiple lies and they pushed him on Inglewood too.

which is why I don't buy in to people who are notoriously talking out of both sides of their mouth


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jan 3, 2013
Top tier status again is a non starter for me.
I agree. All my opinion of course but as I recall things, the top tier language was written in regards to the Ed because the stadium was built as an operating convention center first and foremost, and as a potential landing site for a football team. Being there was no team when it was built, it didnt have the team input on many characteristics, therefore allowing the language of top tier status to be introduced.
I have always agreed with the idea of the "top tier" verbiage in theory but at the end of the day it was quite the over extending to entice the Rams.
going forward? Yeah, I agree with you. New stadiums cant boast such claims that would make a billion dollar investment obsolete if it wasnt in top 10% or whatever number


May 28, 2011
So when asked about what went wrong in Carson the other night, there were three different answers.

Carson Mayor said he thought Policy was going to speak, then said that last minute he missed his flight and couldn't make it, so he was going to speak instead. Said he wished they showed the video and that the thing went better. Said it was Carson's idea and worked with it it, and wished that someone had spoken and given the presentation.

Fabiani said that Policy was never going to speak and wasn't really involved, also said that he felt the meeting was very successful and that he talked to a bunch of people in the back.

Policy said that he didn't go because Fred Roggin was invited and thought he was a shill for Inglewood and would trash Carson... Even though Roggin said he wasn't going to bring up Inglewood because it was Carson's night and he was invited by the Mayor.

So three different stories coming out now, it's a huge soup sandwich.

The Ripper

Apr 25, 2015
So when asked about what went wrong in Carson the other night, there were three different answers.

Carson Mayor said he thought Policy was going to speak, then said that last minute he missed his flight and couldn't make it, so he was going to speak instead. Said he wished they showed the video and that the thing went better. Said it was Carson's idea and worked with it it, and wished that someone had spoken and given the presentation.

Fabiani said that Policy was never going to speak and wasn't really involved, also said that he felt the meeting was very successful and that he talked to a bunch of people in the back.

Policy said that he didn't go because Fred Roggin was invited and thought he was a shill for Inglewood and would trash Carson... Even though Roggin said he wasn't going to bring up Inglewood because it was Carson's night and he was invited by the Mayor.

So three different stories coming out now, it's a huge soup sandwich.

Here's the direct link for Fabiani's interview.


May 28, 2011
he also believes they don't want to work together and the NFL will have to lock them in a room and tell them to work it out

Roggin's opinion carries just as much as weight as Bernie's - zilch.

That's not shocking, you're asking two rich guys if they'd rather have the entire cheese wheel or split it (in the case of Kroenke) or be the majority guy or the minority guy (in the case of Spanos), it's not the preferred outcome for either party... That's typically how negotiations work, both sides want something and they try to meet somewhere in the middle.

I'd say that Bernie has some wight, just as JT and Shane Gray do, same with Roggin and others. You have to look to separate the legitimate stuff from the bullshit. You can't just go and dismiss everyone totally, gotta look at at the individual comments and try to weigh in how much it means.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2013
That's not shocking, you're asking two rich guys if they'd rather have all the entire cheese wheel or split it (in the case of Kroenke) or be the majority guy or the minority guy (in the case of Spanos), it's not the preferred outcome for either party... That's typically how negotiations work, both sides want something and they try to meet somewhere in the middle.

I'd say that Bernie has some wight, just as JT and Shane Gray do, same with Roggin and others. You have to look to separate the legitimate stuff from the bullcrap. You can't just go and dismiss everyone totally, gotta look at at the individual comments and try to weigh in how much it means.

except for one its obvious he's coming from a position of bias. I know you've said that Roggin has stated that he believes the Rams may not be told they can move - however he also has called and continues to say Kroenke "an unstoppable force" and believes "Inglewood is a done deal" - yet believes the NFL could stop the Chargers from moving if the mayor went to the NFL now at this juncture?

If its smells like crap...well, you know.....


May 28, 2011
except for one its obvious he's coming from a position of bias. I know you've said that Roggin has stated that he believes the Rams may not be told they can move - however he also has called and continues to say Kroenke "an unstoppable force" and believes "Inglewood is a done deal" - yet believes the NFL could stop the Chargers from moving if the mayor went to the NFL now at this juncture?

If its smells like crap...well, you know.....

He says he thinks the NFL could stop the Rams, he says he thinks the NFL could stop the Chargers. Seems like the same thing.

He says that Inglewood is a done deal because he's been told they are building it no matter what. Carson hasn't said that so he doesn't think that. He doesn't say that the Rams are coming to LA no matter what, he says that Inglewood is getting a stadium no matter what, and has joked that if the Rams don't come then their high school is going to have one hell of a football stadium. He says he'll continue to say that until he's told otherwise.

I wont say that he's not biased, obviously he likes to be right, and he's a bit of a douche so he's going to try to talk about how he's going to be right. But he's not saying that the Rams are coming no matter what and that the NFL can't stop them, but they can stop the Chargers.


Hall of Fame
Mar 28, 2015
Then again Inglewood started initially as open air then went to retractable and seems to have settled on a dome right now. Though that could change in Inglewood.
Well I can't wait to go to a game there no matter who will be playing. I would bet it will be very nice. I've seen the stadium in AZ and it is cool beyond words. Inglewood will most likely want to top it. I can't wait!


Jun 20, 2014
Stadium task force started work a year ago, quietly

By David Hunn

Three civic leaders began planning for a new football stadium months before Gov. Jay Nixon announced his two-man task force.
Retired Anheuser-Busch President Dave Peacock, outgoing mayoral Chief of Staff Jeff Rainford and downtown business association President Doug Woodruff were quietly, privately emailing and meeting by at least July of last year, according to records obtained by the Post-Dispatch.

“Think about how we create an entity that can ‘represent’ the region with the Rams, make proposals and avoid the Sunshine Laws until such a time that we’re far enough along to have a real idea to share publicly,” Peacock wrote to Rainford and Woodruff on July 24.

The governor needs to “be seen as initiating this or at least endorsing it,” Peacock continued. Moreover, he said, the governor and city’s mayor need a “scapegoat if we fail.”

“I’m fine being the guy either way,” Peacock wrote. “I have nothing to lose like others. I’d deflect everything from public entities and just take the blame.”

Three months later, on Nov. 5, Nixon announced that he was appointing Peacock and Edward Jones Dome attorney Bob Blitz to a task force meant to keep the National Football League in St. Louis.

The emails focus largely on administrative tasks — planning meetings, discussing organizational options, sharing contacts. But they reveal, for the first time publicly, when civic leaders began planning their fight to keep the St. Louis Rams, how they chose the north riverfront site, and who was driving the effort. At one point, it even included former Missouri Speaker of the House John Diehl.

Peacock, Rainford and Woodruff all acknowledged on Wednesday that they had been meeting and talking well before Nixon was involved.

“What sneaking behind people’s backs did we do?” Rainford said on Wednesday.

“We started thinking about it. We didn’t spend money. We didn’t commit to anything, Rainford said. “That’s what you do when you’re prudent. That’s what you do when you’re doing your job well. You think ahead.”

Rainford said he and Mayor Francis Slay began talking to Peacock in 2012, soon after he left Anheuser-Busch. They figured Peacock would be perfect to work on such a project, said Rainford, who has since left his city job and is now consulting for Woodruff’s agency, Downtown STL.

Peacock had run a major company, had NFL connections, and, suddenly, had time.

That year, the city was negotiating with the Rams on lease-required upgrades to the Jones Dome, where the Rams play. The St. Louis Convention & Visitors Commission had recommended $124 million in renovations; the Rams asked for upgrades the city estimated at about $700 million. The case was slated to go to arbitration in 2013.

“Just in case we lose,” Rainford recalled asking Peacock, “could you start thinking about a Plan B? If we didn’t get moving, the bus was going to leave without us,” he said.

By the middle of 2014, Woodruff had been hired by Downtown STL and the three were communicating regularly, Rainford said.

City records track some of that communication. The documents, nearly all emails, were requested through Missouri public records laws by John Ammann, a professor and attorney at the St. Louis University legal clinic, who is working with students and residents on various stadium issues. Ammann shared the records with the Post-Dispatch.

One of the earliest emails is dated July 7, 2014. In it, Rainford asks Peacock and Woodruff about professional soccer. “I do know deep pockets,” Peacock replied, “and either custom or new stadium will be needed. Still think the Rams situation provides an opportunity to solve football and soccer …”

A few weeks later, Woodruff emails Diehl, the former House speaker, at his Armstrong Teasdale law firm. “Can you join Jeff, Dave and me at a meeting Tuesday at 10:00 to talk about the Stadium. There’s some urgency in light of a conversation Dave had with the NFL,” Woodruff wrote. “We’re meeting at the Four Seasons to be able to look over the site.”

That email identifies the riverfront site — just north of the Four Seasons Hotel St. Louis at Lumière Place — three months before Nixon announced the task force, and five months before Peacock and Blitz revealed stadium drawings at a Union Station press conference.

Woodruff said on Wednesday that the group was once considering four sites: the old Chrysler plant in Fenton, Paul McKee’s NorthPark, the south riverfront, and the spot north of Lumière.

“There was no big vote, there was no polling or anything else. It quickly became a matter of — it met more of the priorities we needed to get things going quickly,” Woodruff said. “And quite frankly everyone concurred that the best place was for it to be in or near downtown.

“The north riverfront of downtown needs to be redeveloped,” he continued. “North of Lumière is desolate. That’s terrible for a city that rests on one of the world’s great rivers.”

Near the end of July, last summer, Woodruff sent Peacock and Rainford a draft “predevelopment plan,” listing more than a dozen steps toward stadium development. He argued for the creation of a nonprofit to spearhead the work. And, he identifies a chief: “Dave Peacock should lead,” the predevelopment plan says.

Nixon was at first slow to engage, the emails say.

But Rainford and Mary Ellen Ponder, Slay’s current chief of staff, both said Wednesday that he has since played a key role.

“In order for us to be taken seriously, we had to have the state take the lead, and for the state to take the lead, we had to have the governor take the lead,” Ponder said. The city, alone, she said, “wouldn’t be a credible proposal.”

Rainford said the real action started when Nixon appointed the task force.

Peacock said the early work was essential; that the task force would be in trouble now without it. “Would we be too far behind to catch up?” he asked.

“I don’t know.”


May 28, 2011
Raiders, Carmen Policy miss Carson town hall meeting
Posted by Mike Florio on June 24, 2015, 9:01 AM EDT

At a time when San Diego is struggling to build a stadium that will keep the Chargers, Carson isn’t having the easiest time when it comes to building a stadium that will lure them.

On Monday night, a town hall meeting was held in Carson regarding the proposed stadium that would be used by the Chargers and Raiders. However, the Raiders didn’t show up for it.

Also not showing up for the meeting was Carmen Policy, the man hired by the two teams to spearhead the project. Carson mayor Albert Robles told XTRA 1360 in San Diego on Tuesday that Policy wanted to attend, but had travel issues.

“My understanding is that Carmen was supposed to be there, but he missed his flight and was not able to make it,” Robles said. “And it was supposed to be his presentation, and I tried to wing it as best as I could. But Mr. Policy did apologize, he did convey his regrets, he said that he would make up for it.”

The Raiders’ absence is more curious, and it’s possibly tied to the proposal that the team recently received regarding a plan for bridging the gap between the cost of a new Oakland stadium and the joint Raiders/NFL contribution to it.

Owner Mark Davis has repeatedly said he wants to stay in Oakland, and it definitely appears that the Chargers are currently more motivated to move to L.A. than the Raiders are.

Which ultimately could mean that the Chargers will share a stadium not with the Raiders in Carson, but with the Rams in Inglewood.

Policy said in an interview today that he didn't attend because Roggin was invited though, nothing about travel issues.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
Policy said in an interview today that he didn't attend because Roggin was invited though, nothing about travel issues.
So Policy can't handle a tool like Roggin yet he is supposed to be spearheading a two team $2 Billion stadium campaign? Way to show a spine Carmen.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
So Policy tells one guy he missed his flight then tells somebody else he didn't show because of Roggin. Policy is lying to the people? Say it aint so Joe!


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010
So Policy tells one guy he missed his flight then tells somebody else he didn't show because of Roggin. Policy is lying to the people? Say it aint so Joe!
I had heard before all that he said he was making changes to the presentation and didn't get them done in time. But according to Fabiani he wasn't supposed to be there anyway? I think the right foot ought to tell the left foot where they're going.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
I had heard before all that he said he was making changes to the presentation and didn't get them done in time. But according to Fabiani he wasn't supposed to be there anyway? I think the right foot ought to tell the left foot where they're going.

Yup we've seen 3 reasons for him not being there now. Flight, Roggin and the presentation needed to be modified.


May 28, 2011
I had heard before all that he said he was making changes to the presentation and didn't get them done in time. But according to Fabiani he wasn't supposed to be there anyway? I think the right foot ought to tell the left foot where they're going.

Seeing these guys step all over themselves must make Mayor Butts happy. Kroenke probably as well.
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