I think that Stan K. being at the presentation yesterday seems like a big deal. I know we are all inferring at lot of things, but I will start with the premise, right or wrong, that Kroenke pitched or stood in front of the NFL committee yesterday and backed the Inglewood plan (this has been speculated by some but NOT confirmed). If true, it is tantamount to standing up in front of all of your friends in school and declaring your candidacy for Class President. If he didn't already know before yesterday, after yesterday Stan must have a feeling about the tea leaves and which way this will eventually be decided, right? He's actually a member of this small, select club that will make the decision, not Carson, not the task force and not Inglewood. I can't believe he would risk losing this "contest" in such a colossal, public fashion. To an immensely successful Billionaire like Kroenke, having the committee tell him in front of all the other owners, and the world, that he can't have his fancy playpen and he must go back to St. Louis with his tail between his legs would be like being pantsed in front of the school.
My point is that, in my opinion, Kroenke is probably not going to be leaving this to chance, and be willing to just be surprised like all the rest of us when the NFL makes the announcement in December. Yesterday could very likely have been the tipping point either way, and if so then Stan needs to start backing away slowly beginning now if there is a decent chance that the committee/owners will pick Carson over Inglewood. If he presses the matter further, and then crashes and burns, that would surprise me greatly. Of course, I don't know if there are any other of these types of meetings like the one held yesterday that is scheduled for the future. Maybe this was it, and we just won't hear anything further until the NFL declares something. But Stan needs to start back peddling and initiating face-saving measures now if there is a chance this is going to go south on him. If he continues this pursuit without any sort of public capitulation, it tells me that he is pretty confident that his mission will ultimately be a success.*
* I also recognize that getting a brand spankin' new, almost fully funded football stadium is a pretty sweet consolation prize, and he can always spin the outcome as if that was his ultimate goal the whole time, but after yesterday it doesn't seem like many people will buy it (although I believe all will eventually be forgiven in STL in that case). I should also say that as a SoCal native, while I would enjoy having the Rams once again play in my City, I do not believe that the Rams remotely meet the spirit of the relocation rules and bylaws, and that fairness dictates that they should not be allowed to relocate. Whether fairness actually does play a role in the decision, I am pretty skeptical.
Isiah 58