She had an issue working with Gene Autry with who she was sharing Angels stadium. She wanted to expand the Angels stadium grounds and build Rams Park in the parking lot. In essence crowding the Angels out of their own place. Autry refused.
Georgia had found an escape clause in her lease and exercised it. That clause was a stipulation on growth restrictions to her team which she felt the Autry refusal had created. Then to drive attendance down, she went about dismantling the team during the 5 year lease termination notice period. Bad attendance = yes votes or so she thought.
Towards the end of those 5 years, she went before the league owners asking to relocate. They voted NO to a move almost unanimously. After threatening lawsuits (one rumored to be about gender discrimination) the owners re-voted and capitulated to her desires.
(fun fact. GF's mother was
Lucia Pamela, Miss St. Louis of 1926)
This all came on the heels of the death of Carrol Rosenbloom who had issues with the antiquated Coliseum. He had rumored to having a few deals going to get him a new stadium built so the Anaheim deal was supposed to just be a pit stop. Those deals died with him. Ironically or otherwise, this occurred the same year the IRS changed laws pertaining to widow inheritance and CR changed his will making her the heiress instead of his son Steve.
So stadium issues, getting out of leases, relocation and votes, fans supportive but left in the dust. Sounds familiar don't it?