2 large St. Louis business councils wrote a letter to the NFL to let them know they were in the market for seats and suites.
The Regional Business Council, a group of 100 area chief executives
Civic Progress, made up of the region's largest employers.
*tried to copy the story here, but it wouldn't let me copy it...I guess Stltoday is going hard on the money grab looking for clicks.
Already posted but thanks. I wonder if they'll publish that list. It might be good to for the local citizens to see the companies supporting the project.
Maybe not. We still may all be discounting the idea that this is still more a leverage play and also helping the NFL get things moving on a couple of stagnant stadium issues. If the NFL can get a deal worked out to have new stadiums for the Raiduhs and Chargers AND the Rams, it sounds like a pretty sweet play for the NFL. In all this, the entity that probably can't really lose is the NFL and its owners. We're talking about billionaires working in cahoots to get the best deals they can get for billionaires - right?It looks like Kroenke and Demoff both belong to one of those list of businesses. Kinda ironic, don't ya think?
Already posted but thanks. I wonder if they'll publish that list. It might be good to for the local citizens to see the companies supporting the project.
Besides, I don't really know why large companies in the St Louis area that purchased suites and seats last year would not do it the following year or years after if they knew the Rams or at least another NFL team would be there in the new stadium. My guess is that there would be even more. Maybe if some were on the way out of business but that would likely be pretty few for large businesses unless they were internet start ups.I would imagine so. I wonder how many seats and suites they would get though? Also I wonder how much stock the NFL puts in "hinting" and suites vs saying they'd put money down. Either way, can't imagine it hurts St Louis with convincing the NFL of their viability.
Deduct points for the Magic Hour!!!!!!!Yeah Michael was the best shooting guard that ever played but Magic was the best all around basketball player that ever played. We saw that Phil could win without MJ. Too bad MJ never showed he could win without Phil. Meanwhile, Magic proved it wasn't about coaching and did whatever the TEAM needed. No wonder he didn't win so many popularity contests when some games he would have only a few points to go with his 20 assists and 10 boards. Add to that, beating AIDS and making millions of dollars by being a smart businessman ( not a degenerate gambler ) while putting together a group that bought the Dodgers and returned them to the top draw in the MLB. Michael was a top notch one trick pony.
Also... Magic was and is a Laker. Consider it topped.![]()
I do like Kenneth Faried. He was a joy to watch in college. I believe he holds the NCAA record for rebounds.Heck, maybe they can move the Nuggets to St Louis to help avoid the cross ownership issue
I still can't get how this is going to work where a multi-billionaire owner is being forced to pay and go against his will.
Can you tell me without a doubt what Stan's will is?
Also, they can't make him pay into a new stadium in STL, but the league can make him stay (with monetary penalties if he moves without yes votes) in the dome until he wants to put up some money for a new stadium in STL.
I still can't get how this is going to work where a multi-billionaire owner is being forced to pay and go against his will. His presumed will that is. I get the " billionaire club" aspect but this is the real world of big business too.
This is exactly what I find hard to grasp.
Then you'd be wrong @LesBaker !I think it's worth noting that the Bulls came within a whisker of going to the Finals without MJ while he was playing baseball and most likely would have won the title too.
If I could select any 5 guys to fill the 5 spots on a team as starters they'd both be on the team but I would consider Magic more important.
Too bad for MJ fans (Craig) that 1 on 1 is not a professional sport.Still, as a huge Magic fan, in a game of 1 on 1, my money is on MJ.
Am I reading you correctly? That your assumption is that if Kroenke doesn't agree to put in his 200+ mill, (therefore nullifying the 200 mill G4), and the project cant be built without that 400-450 mill owner supplied funding, that he'd be stuck playing in the dome?Ok. So you think that he'll be able to move just because of the stadium in LA? Or he'll be able to do whatever he wants?
I'm just trying to understand your angle.
Am I reading you correctly? That your assumption is that if Kroenke doesn't agree to put in his 200+ mill, (therefore nullifying the 200 mill G4), and the project cant be built without that 400-450 mill owner supplied funding, that he'd be stuck playing in the dome?
If so, I think that might be Kroenke's end game. If the stadium cant be built without his financial support, then he can argue that it's his right to go where he wants to invest?
I think it's check mate if Peacock plan doesn't need any funding from SK. Cant see how any owner would vote for a move to LA if St Louis is ready to build without a penny of his money.
Then he's beat, because without investing any $$, he certainly cant earn any residual.
That's not the way it works. Kroenke has shown that he's willing to shell out plenty of capital to build a stadium in LA. He can't just turn down a half funded stadium in St. Louis because he wants LA.
If the NFL sees STL's plan as viable, then Kroenke will have to stay put in the dome until he puts up the money to help the city. That is, of course, if he doesn't get the yes votes to move.