So what if Kroenke informs the NFL that included in his stadium and the development is a west coach home for NFL Network, if they waive or reduce the transfer fee? Offices, studios, etc... Just a thought?
I don't think they would reduce the fee, I can't imagine they would waive it either.
also, some food for thought if push comes to shove..
I don't believe that means they can adjust based on each team in the current scenario. It gives them the ability to adjust as needed, but he's talking about what the bylaws state. They can adjust saying that "LA will cost X dollars" but if they were to say "Rams it will cost you 700 million, but the Chargers or Raiders only 200 million." I'm going to assume that opens them up to one hell of a lawsuit. I don't know for sure, but I can't imagine that they be able to pull that off.
yea i understand that
the perspective i'm looking at it is that Teams might have different relocation fees, which wouldn't surprise me when you consider just some of the things about the other teams
-since SD And Oakland have been working forever to get theirs done
-a quarter of SD's fan base is already from the LA Market, etc.
-Raiders money and worth
-they have actually been exhausting in good faith for years to get a stadium done in their cities
Have to keep in mind, the NFL has repeatedly stated that Kroenke has been exhausting efforts (just as much as Davis or Spanos really) and have stated that it's not a new situation in St Louis and they have known for a long time this was coming. The Rams already waived the requirement once, and the NFL seems to think they have been just fine in their efforts. They're working with St Louis, sending guys, giving feedback, and they're not making some smear campaign about the group or their efforts with outrageous demands. Kroenke has given himself plenty of argument if he wants, and the NFL has, at least publicly, said they're pleased with his actions with St Louis.
The NFL has already offered the G4 loans to both chargers and raiders - thats what, $400-$500 million off the top already for a joint stadium?
I believe you are mistaken, I've never seen anything that states the NFL has agreed to let the G4 loans be used by the Raiders/Chargers in Carson, let alone that they have offered it to them. The G4 loans specifically state it's for use in ones own market, so they would need to tweak those rules. Even with the loans, there have been tons of questions about if the Raiders and Chargers can afford the stadium (1.7 billion dollars, even down to 1.3 both teams are so cash strapped, it's questionable) and that's before relocation fees come into play. Added to the fact that it's not nearly as attractive as a venue, including in terms of likely revenue, well behind, it seems unlikely to be built, let alone selected and over Inglewood.
While it's probably more "ethical" to have the Carson project built, with the Rams staying in St Louis, that means the NFL is giving up more potential revenue, and having to pony up 600 million, and if they openly discourage and try to sink Kroenke, while assisting the others, possible litigation. Not a good business move.
*edit* I think they probably do have a relocation fee about 500 million, but that probably prices out everyone but Kroenke. I can see a relocation fee of 500 million, Kroenke pays that, then the Chargers go a year or more later and it's lower (because a team is already there) and they play in Inglewood, and then the Raiders move somewhere at an even lower rate, but I can't see them pricing Kroenke high, Spanos and Davis low for the same move.