He, Higbee and the WR's have all been bad. Some better throws by him though and this is at least a better game. A couple catches by Higbee and it's a better game too.Stafford has 5 near interceptions for those that likes to count.
If Fangio gets fired by Denver, and he probably will, McVay needs to call him immediately.
McVay cannot beat Shanahan. Its that simple. McVay's team gets intimidated by physical play. To the point where they get so flustered they're totally taken out of their game. Receivers are uncharacteristically dropping passes. Its because they got knocked off their game. If it happens once I can see it. But now thats two bad losses. And we have them in the final game of the season. If we don't have a playoff spot locked up by then, we may be staying home after January 9.