McVay’s future as Rams HC

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Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Dec 29, 2010
If there is a head coach in the NFL who isn’t burnt out after a season, they aren’t working hard enough.

Even if they win the SB, there are weeks and months in between where they can vacation and decompress before hitting it hard again.

The hype in the media is nauseating, I’d prefer McVay to get in front of it and squash it but I think he might enjoy being in the headlines too much for that.

For all we know, he’s already told the players and organization he’ll be back. Next we’ll hear Donald is done, Snead is looking for an out, Stafford’s wife is pressing him to get out.

Too much bullshit that I don’t see coming out of other top level organizations.

So Ram

Camp Reporter
Jun 18, 2014
In my vocation, I have seen employees take off long term (1 yr or more) to recover from emotional and mental health stress & return to continue their careers. It was not unusual for me to witness this. Many of these people were very smart & outstanding at thier devotion to their vocation.

We have seen it (in shorter terms) in the NFL in the past due to medical health issues. Vocational burnout is real stuff.

I do not look at this as a weakness of the person in any way its life in general. Some people just burn brighter than others & McVay sure has burned ultra bright now for close to a decade.

I think Sean Mcvay is far from that. He already went through it already during the season.
I mean What SEAN MCVAY did in 2022 was SPECIAL,but to think that happened because he & Les Snead were quitters ? I mean it was Mcvay & Kevin O’Connell just took the luck charm with him.
I’ve heard his interviews & I think he speaks from the heart. He isn’t the BEST coach in NFL history at 40 EVER!!! Don’t think he wants to subtract HOF legend type of career away in less than a year of his GRANDFATHER dying.

— Emotions Bonify’d? There are always examples,but I’ll give you 100’s of thousands of examples of Men & Women who have HUGE BALLs or whatever that is that drives someone.

Sean Mcvay is no quitter


Still celebrating Superbowl LVI
Rams On Demand Sponsor
2023 ROD Pick'em Champion
Aug 11, 2010
Retiring at 37 does not get you in the HOF ever.

He will be just another Gruden if he does.

I actually like how he interviews but as a game analyst I think is too much a corn ball.

I hope he does not turn out to be a quitter taking his toys and going home because of a bad stretch.

If he does my opinion of him with change DRASTICALLY.
All of that ^^^. McVay would be exhausting to listen to on a broadcast IMO. His talent is coaching and leading men. If he is going to play this game every season, my respect for him will diminish for sure.... Not that he cares....but he SHOULD!!! :)


Mar 15, 2018
So Rams fans need to take solace in that any changes at Head Coach, GM, QB, and DT would be front page news not only in the NFL but in the sports world. That means despite this woeful 2022 season the Rams have premium talent and relevance. Much different than the Rams situation 2002 - 2018.


Hall of Fame
Aug 3, 2013
Honestly, who can fault the guy? Young and in his prime. Tons of money. Cabo, Hawaii, Tahiti, Bora-Bora......who wouldn't love to relax all over the world. Cocktails, good food. A happy wife, who happens to be gorgeous. A dream existence. Eventually his connection to NFL football would fade off into the sunset with him.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Nov 3, 2013
I still think he stays another year to live up to talking Stafford and AD to come back for two more. The only thing that changes that is if Stafford does retire due to medical concerns.


Hall of Fame
Jun 20, 2014
This was originally posted on another board, fwiw.

I have no certainty about how serious McVay may be about ‘considering his future’ and I certainly don’t know how all this is gonna sort itself out.

But I DO know that McVay has been ‘different’ this year and not in a good way. Something about McVay has been ‘off’ compared to the 2017-2021 version. There’s simply no doubt about it.

I posted a list of coaching decisions that were at least questionable if not downright erratic or irrational. This list was posted 2 months ago in early November and there have been more questionable decisions since that I’m not gonna bother to include.

At the time I posted this list I asked for any and all coherent explanations that might make sense so that my concerns could be lessened. Guess what? Not one single explanation has been submitted by anyone for 2 months. So, draw your own conclusions…

Here’s that list again and I’m posting it for a reason:

Honestly, I’m starting to lose confidence in these coaches and this FO.

Here we go…

Why pick Atwell over Humphrey? (Admittedly a ‘21 decision)

Why keep starting Evans with Brewer, Aboushi, and Skura in the wings? Now we’ve got Stafford in concussion protocol. Geez…

Why take forever to integrate AR in the O after a reportedly stellar camp?

How and why did they allow TE corps to be reduced to essentially one functional player (Higbee)? They virtually unilaterally neutered their own TE room.

WTH happened between McVay and Akers?

Why is it that we have a non-productive RB corps that is habitually injured? Is it a scouting problem or a usage problem?

Why have they tolerated a weak overall run blocking OL, even when healthy, for years? Are they scouting/drafting the ‘wrong’ types?

Once the Atwell pick was already made, why have they not at least given him targets to see what they’ve got? Especially after a reportedly stellar camp?

How in the world did the ‘genius O savant’ McVay oversee the utter disintegration of his O so quickly this season while defending a SB victory?

The Liam Coen hire is looking like yet another misfire. O’Connell’s career path is looking infinitely better right now.

So, who exactly was it that thought Hollins/Lewis would be fine at edge, pressure wise? An asst coach, Morris, McVay? SOMEBODY screwed up, that’s for sure.

Why did Morris start Kendrick vs Brady after the 49er game performance? The kid had a target on his back from the jump. I predicted this in a Sunday morning post. WTH couldn’t Morris see this coming? It’s not as if Morris didn’t have 4 other healthy choices available.

Why didn’t Ram D deny the sidelines to Brady’s WR’s in that final drive? That’s prevent D 101.

Whose brilliant idea was it to have Dixon start out-kicking his coverage in this game? Was it because the Bucs’ kicker was kicking so deeply and so well?

Anybody that can logically explain any of the above? If so, I’m all ears.

The above is a list of things that I doubt the Sean McVay of 2017-2021 would have done or tolerated by others.

Okay, here’s my reasoning. McVay’s troubles go far beyond merely dealing with an avalanche of injuries, particularly to the OL. Something else has been going on with him internally and it’s apparently reached the point that he now ‘needs to consider his future’. He’s 36 freaking years old!

I’m worried about him. Hope he can figure this out and get his mind right. I would be beyond disappointed to lose such a promising HC. We’ve all successfully dealt with far bigger challenges over our collective years and losing Sean McVay as HC wouldn’t even be a blip on the radar compared to those challenges. But still…

I think we’ve all come to love and respect our young HC and want to continue the relationship for years and years. We just want that happy, confident, and successful 2017-2021 version of Sean McVay back. This ‘2022 version was an imposter.

Sorry if this long post disturbs or offends anyone. But I’m just calling ‘em as I see ‘em.


Rams On Demand Sponsor
Oct 29, 2012
Until I hear McVay say He's in for the long run its year to year. not a good look. It Makes sense now that coach Morris will be our next head coach. He has patiently waited in the wings; question is who we bring in as DC. Interesting times ahead in tinsel town. go rams


Busch Light slammin, hog farmin, Iowa boy.
Jun 27, 2010
Josh Otto
I think he's mentally ill in some way right now. And I think it's a mix of stress and depression from the poor season, loss of his grandfather and all the things happening to his wife's home country.

I want whatever is absolutely best for Coach McVay. Whether it hurts us on the field or not.


Wanted everywhere but welcome nowhere
Jun 18, 2014
Plenty of misfires.

I'll add the signing of Allen Robinson and keeping Carberry after the embarrassing performance of the run game in last year's playoffs.


"AKA" Hugo Bezdek
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Jul 1, 2013
I am far less concerned about McVays Football decisions in respect to his coaching and decision-making. I believe he has earned our patience when it comes to his growth as a coach, no doubt he can become wiser and more mature.

I am far more concerned about his potential mental state, Is he burning himself out, are the off-field offers taking up space and becoming a distraction? It is a full-time job learning to coach and adapt as an Nfl coach in terms of adjusting to the demands of the NFL.

It is also and maybe more importantly a test of one's ability to balance their health when the day calls for more work than it offers hours to complete it, this is where wisdom and experience need to come into play and this balance is tough while you are still actively engaged. Some like Vermeil and many others need a reset to find a way to be more efficient, healthy, and happy. Without these 3 elements, you will eventually become a victim of your own doing.

I don't know where Sean is but we will now move into our second off-season of rumors.


Grill and Brew Master
Jun 24, 2010


Damn the torpedoes
Rams On Demand Sponsor
ROD Credit | 2023 TOP Member
May 8, 2014
I don't blame him for taking the time to consider all avenues. But I will say that it chaps my fucking hide that we always have to deal with a negative swing right after winning a title. In '99 it was all about Martz and the Rams scrambling to lock him up even though IMO it meant they ended up losing Vermiel. Same shit with us in '21, before we even won it was all these asswipes picking at us as they hoped McVay would leave.

It's horseshit. But hopefully he stays and we can at least put a cap on this shit for this year.


Please Delete
Rams On Demand Sponsor
Aug 15, 2012
I’m a believer where there’s smoke there’s fire in most situations. I don’t think he’s going to leave right away but the fact that these stories keep happening there’s likely some degree of truth to them. I don’t think McVay will be the 30 year coach I originally thought he would be unfortunately


Mar 25, 2021
I think that longevity is so important, look at coach Tomlin. he is an example of what I expected from McVay. Didn't know he had quit in him. it's a tough league and if McVay can't handle the stress then better he gets out now so we can try and recover in the next 3 yrs.
well said. I remember after McVay’s first season thinking we had our guy at HC for the next 20-30 years. Boy, was I wrong. Sucks as Rams fans we’re doomed to stay on the coaching carousel while other successful young head coaches have no plans of leaving coaching whatsoeve…
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