it's an embarressment to all involved and the team deserves better.
I'm going to disagree here, first of all there a few fans of teams that travel well and the Packers are one of them and I don't begrudge anyone selling their tickets for profit because all of us would do it. Now some of us would ask us for more, but it's like the old joke when a man approaches a woman and asks if she would sleep with him for a million dollars, she says yes and when he keeps offering lower amonuts and when it gets too low, the woman responds "What type of woman do you think I am?" And the man responds, "We've already established that, now we're just negotiating the price."
Anyway that's one of the few games it happens and because Los Angeles is a great destination fans are going to make the trip. It's just the way it is and it just doesn't happen in LA., it happens in Tampa, Miami and other places where the weather is far superior to where fans are coming from.
Giant fans invade Tampa or South Beach when given the opportunity and Steeler fans do it too. There were plenty of Ram fans in attendance, but again I would not give up my tickets, but if somebody offered me $3000 for both, would I? Absolutely and does not make me any less of a fan IMHO.
Sorry but John Shaw tried this crap when moving the Rams and that's why his choice was Baltimore, but again, I believe in Los Angeles just like I did when they were in St. Louis and I will defend the area that supports my beloved Rams.