Two guys are standing outside the pearly gates, waiting to get into heaven.
The first guy says to the second "hey, how'd you die?"
The second guys says "well, I froze to death"
The first guys says "that must have been awful"
The second guy says "well, actually, it wasn't too bad. First, you shiver. Then, your extremities start to go numb. Then, you get sleepy and finally you just die".
The second guys asks the first guy how he died.
The first guys says "I died of a heart attack"
The second guys asks 'how'd it happen?"
The first guy says "well, I suspected my wife of having an affair. So, I snuck home early one day and raced upstairs to the bedroom to catch her in the act. All I saw was her... doing some knitting.
Unconvinced, I raced downstairs and checked every room... nothing!
I raced back upstairs and checked every room... nothing!
I went into the basement and checked everything... nothing!
I was headed up to the attic, when - all of a sudden - I had my heart attack."
The second guy turns to him and says "shit... you should have checked the freezer... we'd both still be alive!"