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Minors signed the contract. They obviously lacked the capacity to understand and fulfill the terms of the contract even when forewarned by Mr. Wonka to avoid life threatening temptations.Lets not forget that these kids were attempting to commit corporate espionage.
This was a once in a lifetime opportunity for these kids and their guardians to tour the factory - a factory that wasn't built for tours. To be careful - he gave specific rules for these little fuckwads to follow - he warned them of the consequences - and now he gets the blame?
Augustus is in a giant room where everything is edible - the kids are just stuffing themselves - the one rule is don't touch the river. One thing he asks them not to get into - and he gets into it.
Violet snatches the gum out of the machine. It wasn't handed to her. "I wouldn't do that, I really wouldn't." She does it.
Veruca Salt trashes the goose room and throws herself on the egg shoot. She was a bad egg.
Mike TV just takes it on himself to miniaturize himself. Granted, Wonka could have been more forceful in his warning on this one - it was a half hearted warning - but by this time, the man had had it with these kids.
Even Charlie and Grandpa could have been killed in the fizzy lifting incident and it would have been entirely on them.
Is it the Grand Canyon's fault when people fall in? At some point - there is accountability for actions - and that's really what the story is about. For the kids and for their parents - when you disregard safety protocols, you put yourself in danger. You aren't then the "victim" allowed to blame your host for failing to put all the pieces back together again. Its basically the burger falling thru the skylight and suing the homeowner for negligence.
And yes, the fact that grandpa all of a sudden finds his legs when there is a golden ticket is ridiculous. If there is someone who ought to be able to lodge a complaint, its Charlie's mom.
Minors signed the contract. They obviously lacked the capacity to understand and fulfill the terms of the contract even when forewarned by Mr. Wonka to avoid life threatening temptations.
Since a tour of the Wonka factory is not a necessity and the contacts were signed by minors, the contract is unenforceable and therefore null and void. Mr. Wonka would be liable for any harm caused to the children who were lured to sign a contract in return for a heap of candy.
Further, I request a recess to talk to the defendant's counsel. Recess granted.
In recess: I have a laundry list of OSHA and labor violations that will be ten-fold more expensive for your client to fix and pay compared to the injury settlement my clients are seeking. I suggest Mr. Wonka accepts the settlement or be liable for my clients' injury settlement and beholden to the outcomes of the claims I intend to file with OSHA and DFEH. If Mr. Wonka agrees, I will hand over the electronic and printed list of violations to your custody.
Mom and Dad are just talking, pal. We both love you and none of this is your fault.Excuse me.
What in the fuck is this Willie Wonka Wanker fest about.
Jesus guys - try a life.
Excuse me.
What in the fuck is this Willie Wonka Wanker fest about.
Jesus guys - try a life.
I wonder if they are the actual girls in that video. I haven't seen it in 15 years or more. My first crew got me with that one. Nasty.
Nah, neither of them look anything like your mom.I wonder if they are the actual girls in that video. I haven't seen it in 15 years or more. My first crew got me with that one. Nasty.
You're a crook. You're a cheat and a swindler. That's what you are! How can you do a thing like this?! Build up a little boy's hope and then smash all his dreams to pieces!I am not here for the Wonka bashing. Wonka warned each of those spoiled ass kids - actions have consequences. Violet didn’t become a blueberry because she chewed gum, she ate an expiremental piece of gum after Wonka said and I quote, “I wouldn’t do that - I really wouldn’t.”
Under section 37B of the contract signed by these kids, it states quite clearly that all offers shall become null and void if, and you can read it for yourself in this photostatic copy. I the undersigned shall forfeit all rights privileges and licenses herein and herein contained et cetera et cetera... huhh fax mentis incendium gloria culpum et cetera et cetera... huhh memo bis punitor delicatum! It's all there black and white clear as crystal!
they get nothing! They lose! Good day!!
I said good day!....You're a crook. You're a cheat and a swindler. That's what you are! How can you do a thing like this?! Build up a little boy's hope and then smash all his dreams to pieces!
You're an inhuman MONSTER!